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I'm so sick of bi-polar people


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truly bi-polar people are no fun to deal with... especially when you've known that person all your life and they turn into someone else you don't recognize. it's really sad.

as for mood swings, everybody is moody at one time or another, yeah it sucks, but what can ya do?

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Originally posted by mssabina

truly bi-polar people are no fun to deal with... especially when you've known that person all your life and they turn into someone else you don't recognize. it's really sad.

as for mood swings, everybody is moody at one time or another, yeah it sucks, but what can ya do?

...exactly...don't mistake moodiness for bi-polarity...having known and witnessed someone bi-polar and someone that was clinically depressed, it's almost insulting when someone throws out terms like that haphazzardly...eh...whatever...doesnt matter...

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

you know....the type that turn at any time for no given reason

I just feel they should go to therapy to cure their manic depressive disorder

ps....key simptoms: crazy mood swings and brash, abrasive behavior

fuck you niggah... but yeah are we still hanging out later???

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Originally posted by phatman

...exactly...don't mistake moodiness for bi-polarity...having known and witnessed someone bi-polar and someone that was clinically depressed, it's almost insulting when someone throws out terms like that haphazzardly...eh...whatever...doesnt matter...

this thread reminds me.... I want to pm you later today...

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Originally posted by phatman

...exactly...don't mistake moodiness for bi-polarity...

Yup yup.. and don't mistake bi-polar people with borderline personality people as well.. they both have the emotional mood swings.. but borderlines tend to switch a lot more rapidly and frequently than do bi-polars..

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

you know....the type that turn at any time for no given reason

I just feel they should go to therapy to cure their manic depressive disorder

ps....key simptoms: crazy mood swings and brash, abrasive behavior

I have to go along with the other responses to this thread. I think you're attaching the term bi-polar to people who are just generally moody in nature. Bi-polar disorder is something so much more complex, and it doesn't deserve such an oversimplified definition. Its just like calling someone a schizo when they are not acting according to the norms of society. Bi-polar disorder, like schizophrenia, is a serious mental illness and I'm sure it inconveniences the people afflicted with it, more than it inconveniences you.

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Originally posted by gmccookny


Maybe at a distance, but not if you've been DATING a bi-polar person for 2 years :nono:

true....My 2 Ex-Boyfriends were bi-polar....NOT FUNNY AT ALL!

at the time I didnt know what it was they had....I thought it was some sort of schizophrenia that was linked with paranoia & hysteria....But....now I know for a FACT that they both suffered from bi-polar disorder....One of them actually went to psychiatrists to help him out....But, unfortunately it was too late & our relationship was already over due to his INSANE UNEXCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR....the sickest part is 3 years later he died in the World Trade Center,he had become a firefighter....


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Originally posted by origskeemr

My brother is bi-polar and he's not crazy he's sick. I find it ignorant to fuck around with shit like this. It destroyed my family at one point. You guys have no fuckin clue what your talking about so STFU.

its definetely something very serious....as I said before, I was with an ex-boyfriend for 4 years that had it, and another Ex for 3 years....my second ex had a very severe case of it...

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Originally posted by origskeemr

My brother is bi-polar and he's not crazy he's sick. I find it ignorant to fuck around with shit like this. It destroyed my family at one point. You guys have no fuckin clue what your talking about so STFU.

:clap2: i'm actually very impressed by the number of people in this thread who seem to have a bit of an understanding of mental illness. this board seems to be more educated than the general populace on this topic.
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