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Is it bad to use Xanax to "come down"?

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I'm highly against this come down method (if I did drugs)..

Doing an upper and then a dower to come down from the upper is so dangerous for your heart.. I stopped using Tylenol PMs, b/c of a friend who was rushed to the hospital b/c he used xanax to come down.....

Its like driving down the highway as fast as you can, then throwing it in reverse, your engine would be blown apart.. You don't want your engine blown apart, do you Tommy?


Uzi and Ari Tannenbaum

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Originally posted by xlr8ted


I'm highly against this come down method (if I did drugs)..

Doing an upper and then a dower to come down from the upper is so dangerous for your heart.. I stopped using Tylenol PMs, b/c of a friend who was rushed to the hospital b/c he used xanax to come down.....

Its like driving down the highway as fast as you can, then throwing it in reverse, your engine would be blown apart.. You don't want your engine blown apart, do you Tommy?


Uzi and Ari Tannenbaum

I asked a question about drug use & you are talking about cars & engines. I am not having transmission problems, so what are you talking about.

If i needed advice on cars, i would have went to the car forum. I posted this in the subtsance abuse forum for a reason.

This is one of the problems with clubplanet, i try to get advice & people have to be a wiseass.


Totally joking around.

But anyway, if your against it, what do you recommend when you are jittery & need to fall alseep. Alchohol? cough syrup?

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

I asked a question about drug use & you are talking about cars & engines. I am not having transmission problems, so what are you talking about.

If i needed advice on cars, i would have went to the car forum. I posted this in the subtsance abuse forum for a reason.

This is one of the problems with clubplanet, i try to get advice & people have to be a wiseass.


Totally joking around.

But anyway, if your against it, what do you recommend when you are jittery & need to fall alseep. Alchohol? cough syrup?

I rec. some 24's, switches for the bitches and fuzzy dice for the mirror..

Seriously if I did drugs, I'd always use the alcohol method, a few beers usual takes the edge off.. or some Captain and Diet's... but not too much, b/c then your all buzzed up again and your looking for more stuff, what a vicious cycle...

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Ive Tried K, Xanax, Vic's, Diflusinal, Muscle Relaxers, Phenobarbitol, shit...

I hate laying in bed staring at the clock...waiting for that 3 hr to pass so you can go to sleep

(oh yea...btw..ive researched. On average...it takes me 3 hours to sleep after my last bump. The first hour after the last bump is the Fiend hour as i like to call. The second hour which actually last more than an hour is the my fucking nose is stuffy and running so ill just keep the tissues on the side of my bed hour...and last hour is the ok...time for bed so im just gonna close my eyes and sleep, while your brain is still thinking and talking to you, your trying to concentrate on at least one thing to put you to sleep.

So now I try to at least budget myself so to speak. I know how much I like to do on an average night out so i only bring that amount and try not to do any for at least an hour b4 I will be leaving. It rarely works...but it makes me feel better thinking I have a system lol


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..I was an avid Xanax user in Florida, I used to bump footballs and bars like they were going out of style, not good for the soul..The last time I ever did it I slipped into a near suicidal depression the next day because of it..I shit you not, if I had a gun I wouldn't be here on this earth right now... It can be really handy to come down with but ONLY if you contain it to once in every so often (which you should be doing with pills as well..)..If it gets out of hand, the mental and emotional fallout is catastrophic...

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

please tell me why & offer alternatives?

my girl swears by this, but i dont want her to end up hurt or dead then i would have to break up with her :eek:

didnt your mommy ever tell you not to mix uppers + downers?

well, i know of at least 2 people who have died from doing coke and xanax or other painkillers...maybe you should tell your girl that

especially do not take 2+ mg of xanax..dont eat a whole stick or anything, maybe a quarter of it will help you go to sleep... .5 or .25 mg or something

just be careful meng

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Originally posted by xlr8ted

I'd like to know about this theory on drinking and coke... Podes881, we need proof of this...

Cocaethylene is a psychoactive ethyl homologue of cocaine, and is formed exclusively during the coadministration of cocaine and alcohol.With regard to lethality, cocaethylene has been shown to be more potent than cocaine in humans and mice. The combination of cocaine and alcohol appears to exert more cardiovascular toxicity than either drug alone in humans. Alcohol appears to potentiate cocaine hepatotoxicity in both humans and mice. (Psychoactive Drugs 1992).

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Originally posted by podes881

Cocaethylene is a psychoactive ethyl homologue of cocaine, and is formed exclusively during the coadministration of cocaine and alcohol.With regard to lethality, cocaethylene has been shown to be more potent than cocaine in humans and mice. The combination of cocaine and alcohol appears to exert more cardiovascular toxicity than either drug alone in humans. Alcohol appears to potentiate cocaine hepatotoxicity in both humans and mice. (Psychoactive Drugs 1992).

Coke and alcohol is well-known as a dangerous combo... hell, mixing any kind of drugs, is dangerous, period... yet as we all know, it's done all the time.

Not that I am a chemist or anything... but I don't think that taking a small about of Xanax to help you come down every so often is that bad for you. Now, xanax, coke and alcohol... that is probably a very, very bad idea.

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I try waiting at least an hour before I take the sleeping pill this way the ticker has slowed down on its own a bit. Xanax for me has always been to difficult to figure out because of the dosage they come in. My personal favorite is Halcion its kind of old school circa 1970s come down aid but works best. Followed by Valium if you can get it or Ambien. however the Ambien generally gives me distorted dreams but recently its all I have been able to get. Hope that helps.

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Originally posted by podes881

Cocaethylene is a psychoactive ethyl homologue of cocaine, and is formed exclusively during the coadministration of cocaine and alcohol.With regard to lethality, cocaethylene has been shown to be more potent than cocaine in humans and mice. The combination of cocaine and alcohol appears to exert more cardiovascular toxicity than either drug alone in humans. Alcohol appears to potentiate cocaine hepatotoxicity in both humans and mice. (Psychoactive Drugs 1992).

Thank you... Good lookin out..

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