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Aren't we in a modern day and age where all of us should shave, wax or at least trim . . .

Case in pt: I was with this guy a few weeks ago and decided to go down (which is a rarity for me) and noticed a fucken amazon jungle . . . Does he think I would even continue :rolleyes: Does he think this is normal? Come on no girl as well as no guy wants to go down on someone with a hairy area . . .

So I confronted him about it today and the convo goes like this

FD(Me) "can I say one thing though can u trim a lil"


FD "there Im upfront abt that"




FD "gets some scissors"

Like can I get anymore upfront. I will say something if ur fucken hair is over compassing ur cock area. So I was thinking of keeping party bags by my bedside. With scissors, a lil freshener and a few condoms. :rolleyes: Maybe that will do the trick . . .

Say NO to Hairy Privates!!! Just like you say NO to nubs!!!:tongue::laugh:

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why settle for less? Boot his ass, you shouldn't have to keep party bags near your bedside...

It's bad enough that guys like him ruin the moment for you so that guys like me (who are well manicured, trimmed, and kept) will never get a shot at you...but then he's dumb about it with his "I know" comments...ooh I hate that!

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tell him you won't be intimate with him unless he tries a trim. either way, you'll never have to deal with that again ;)

then after he trims, let him see you shave, mention how much you love it (not too over the top), and how great it feels...if he's not stoopid, he'll come around w/ out you ever having to be demanding about it

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Originally posted by koky

im fresly waxed !!!! :D;) but i must say THAT SHIT HURTS !!!!!!


i did it once and it was the worst pain ever... and i got shot in knee once!!! my gf found it unbelievably funny though as she was the one ripping the stripes off :laugh:

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Originally posted by koky

im fresly waxed !!!! :D;) but i must say THAT SHIT HURTS !!!!!!

...Screw that ish, just save up the fucking money and have laser hair removal..Waxing is perfect for chicks because they conveniently have their bits on the inside..:laugh:...And plus, there's something infinitely satisfying about tending to the jungle with a pair of scissors anda razor...:aright:..

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Originally posted by tastey


i did it once and it was the worst pain ever... and i got shot in knee once!!! my gf found it unbelievably funny though as she was the one ripping the stripes off :laugh:

I'd rather get waxed than shot in the knee. Although I haven't experienced either, so who knows.

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Originally posted by trueqwest

why settle for less? Boot his ass, you shouldn't have to keep party bags near your bedside...

It's bad enough that guys like him ruin the moment for you so that guys like me (who are well manicured, trimmed, and kept) will never get a shot at you...but then he's dumb about it with his "I know" comments...ooh I hate that!

Jesus Christ some of you need to get a grip... yeah, just tell him to fuck off b/c he wasn't trimmed... yeah, even if he takes the hint and neatens up for you, just consider him worthless... give me a break. Shorn pubes or no, I'm sure you're a real catch with an attitude like that. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by tastyt

Jesus Christ some of you need to get a grip... yeah, just tell him to fuck off b/c he wasn't trimmed... yeah, even if he takes the hint and neatens up for you, just consider him worthless... give me a break. Shorn pubes or no, I'm sure you're a real catch with an attitude like that. :rolleyes:

Bravo..well said...you forgot to add desparate..too

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Originally posted by kaydup

So did you suck him off or not?????

nah man that shit turned me off completely It reminded me of a mangina :laugh::rolleyes: we just porked instead :hump: at least I didn't have to look at his hairy shit . . .:tongue:

Oh and furthermore he said why should I bother, not like you will go down again. What a fucken moron, I would go down if your shit was trimmed. I'm not sucking a hairy grundle area with the possibility of getting hair in my teeth :vomit3: fawk that . . .

And he wanted some tonite :rolleyes: Haha, sure only if your nice and proper . . .If I shave, at least trim, do me that favor . . . A guy I was with before him knew the deal and sometimes I would remind him before I came over. Like hey can you trim before I get there thanx ;) Blunt and to the pt is the way to go!!! :aright:

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Originally posted by fierydesire

nah man that shit turned me off completely It reminded me of a mangina :laugh::rolleyes: we just porked instead :hump: at least I didn't have to look at his hairy shit . . .:tongue:

Oh and furthermore he said why should I bother, not like you will go down again. What a fucken moron, I would go down if your shit was trimmed. I'm not sucking a hairy grundle area with the possibility of getting hair in my teeth :vomit3: fawk that . . .

And he wanted some tonite :rolleyes: Haha, sure only if your nice and proper . . .If I shave, at least trim, do me that favor . . . A guy I was with before him knew the deal and sometimes I would remind him before I came over. Like hey can you trim before I get there thanx ;) Blunt and to the pt is the way to go!!! :aright:

Awww, poor Z... what's a girl gotta do for a piece of tail these days? :laugh:

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