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NYC rocked!!!! review inside!


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OMG NYC has got to be one of the best fuckin cities on the planet!!!!!!!

luckily i have a cousin living the life high in manhattan...this guy has absolutely made it thats all i can say!!!

checked out tons of places...times square (finally, always wanted to go there), NYU campus, ground zero, greenwich village, east village, and i also got into a 21+ bar!! heh it was funny cos the waiters were staring at me like "wait a minute, how the hell did you get in here???" hahah but i was like whatever and just ignored them then we left soon...

didn't go to any clubs tho...but im gonna go back sumtime this summer when i turn 21 and its gonna get crazy im sure...cos my cousin knows the city inside out :D

we also got free tix for the david letterman show to be in the audience!! we were on the show that had jessica lynch on, it aired yesterday...

i loved the fact that even at 12:00 am there were tons of ppl. all around walking...it was an awesum experience...

i had a blast as u can say!! :D

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glad you had a good time :aright: . as a nyc native, i loved growing up there, and feel very lucky for lots of reasons for that (freedom, culture, diversity, and did i mention freedom - at an early age?). but, after going back as an adult, i always say, "great place to visit, but i wouldn't wanna live there."

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Originally posted by weyes

"great place to visit, but i wouldn't wanna live there."


i would only live there again if it was under perfect conditions. commuting an hour each way to work everyday and being broke all the time 'cuz everything is so expensive pretty much sucks. . . and i'm not willing to give up having a car.

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Having lived in NYC my whole life, I take for granted a lot of things that visitors marvel at. It makes me feel good to hear people talk about the good times they've had while visiting, because it reminds me of why this city is so great. That being said, I'm on my way out of this place. Maybe I'll appreciate it more when I come back for a visit.

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Originally posted by mala

Having lived in NYC my whole life, I take for granted a lot of things that visitors marvel at...

when i first came out to cali for college many years ago, people would ask things like, "aren't people rude in new york?" and "doesn't it smell bad?" and i used to respond that those were just myths. i said that, no, people really are pretty nice, and the city doesn't smell bad, except places where it should (alleys, etc.). then, when i came back to nyc on visits and when i moved back after graduating, i realized how rude new yorkers are and how smelly nyc is. i had just never known there was a difference.

when i moved back to nyc after graduating, often, people would ask me where i'm from. "i'm from here," i'd say.

"but you're smiling," they'd respond. "i would've guessed you're from ________," and fill in the blank. that, i thought, was one sign of many that i had to leave.

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Ah....typical. The smiling thing is so true. A couple of weeks ago I took a friend who hadn't been out of the city in years to Florida. She asked me what was wrong with the people in FL. I didn't understand what she meant. Then she said, "they're smiling." :laugh: Ah, and this is the reason I want to leave New York. The grim faces on the subway are what get to me most. I wrote a song about them.

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dont know if u addressed that to me, diabolique, but in any case i couldnt get in cos im not yet 21...i managed to sneak into one bar (as i mentioned already) but when i turn 21 in july of next yr. im gonna go back to NYC to really check out the nightlife :D

weyes and the others prolly know the differences best

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Originally posted by diabolique007

:D I live in FL..yes, I am smiling! so how would you say the clubbing experiences compare to each other with LA and NYC?

i've written about these differences so much on this forum, but they're so dramatic, they really are noteworthy. keep in mind that these are all my experiences, not black-and-white facts (there really are no such thing :) ).

the age "thing" plays a big part in the differences in nyc's and l.a.'s nightlife. i was a raver when i lived in nyc. raves there are held in clubs and are 18+, making them organized, and properly run and staffed, to start off with. the djs are also of a certain calibre. in l.a., however, the raves are all ages, and the promoters take advantage of the attendees, who are almost all under 18. the venues are sub-par (if not entirely disgusting), they are poorly staffed, and the djs are not all that hot; i've been to some out here where djs had problems matching beats - no joke. the worst part, though, is that the kids don't seem to notice or care. they're all too fucked up. for the most part, the l.a. rave scene has become a bunch of teenage zombies not there for the music, and barely able to move, much less dance. *note - it was not always this way, and there are still exceptions to the rule from time to time.

in contrast, the l.a. club scene is incredibly well-run. i don't think i've ever had to wait longer than half an hour on line in l.a. the people here are incredibly friendly, and are unpretentious, no-bullshit people. people don't push in lines for the bar or the bathroom... i can start up a conversation with just about anyone. the djs come on when they're supposed to almost all the time, and the vibe is incredible. the door guy at spundae hugs everyone before s/he enters. what better way is there to start off your night? keep in mind, though, that i go to the same few places (spundae, red, and liquified and giant's events), for the most part.

but the clubbing experiences i've had in new york have been terrible. i've stood on line for hours, numerous times, in nyc, and i even had tickets. the security guards have gotten ALL up in my business while frisking :eek:(if you know what i mean), and i've been basically disrespected by all staff. fellow clubbers either give mean or indifferent looks - no smiles in the bunch. i once told a girl in the bathroom that i liked her top and she looked at me like i had the plague, said nothing, then turned away. people seem more invloved in appearances and gossiping than in dancing or enjoying the music. the only contact with new people i've gotten is the guys groping me on the dancefloor. getting my coat back at the end of the night was always a free-for-all, complete with sharp pushes and shoves.

i think the clubbers in l.a. are so nice because they're former ravers in the once-well-operated-and-experienced rave scene. and i think that the ravers in nyc are so nice because they're in a rave scene somewhat like the one l.a. once had. but the nyc clubbers, for the most part, aren't former ravers, and are often not new yorkers, but include many people trying to fit what they think "being new york means" - namely snobbery and apathy.

i guess this is what it comes down to, for me: when there is mutual respect and people feel like they can be themselves, people will have fun. and fun is contagious :D .

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yeah, by august next yr. i will have my own opinions on the matter :D

thanks for that weyes...lalate chip in also :D...just got back from taking a looong walk along sunset strip...i've cruised by there so many times but i figured to really get a feel for the place and the crowds i shud walk and thats what i did...my whole body's friggin hurting now heheh...but it was worth it...saturday night on the strip is definitely fun...finally checked out (up close but only from the outside) skybar, barfly, standard, spundae, viper room and tons of other places...damn i wish i was 21...i also walked into that big Hustler store and it was pretty amazing heheh...there's a section there where they sell dildoes and other sex toys and u're supposed to show the guy there sum ID but i didn't know so i just walked right in hahah...there was this really cute blonde working there too...anyway the whole time i was there the guy there was looking at me like "hey buddy you better not fuck around im watching you" haha...

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The NEW YORK club scene ROCKS!...:spin2: I have only been in LA for three months, and it is kinda hard gettin used to the lights comin on at 2:00!!! Well, thats in the bars on Hollywood Blvd anyway!!!

So who can recommend some hotspots to the Newbie? I like it dark and hard!!! Soundfactory was my home away from home a few years back and Ill forever be addicted to the drums!!:getdown:

Any cool after hours places around Hollywood Blvd????? I just wanna DANCE TO GOOD MUSIC!!!!!!!! I go to the Highlands a lot cause my boy works there,,,,,,but I need some good hard house, any suggestions?;)

I am going back to NYC for the HOLIDAYS>>>>and I CAN"T WAIT!!! ..Its not so bad being a girl there with all those bouncers and waiting in line n stuff....but it def. gets like that some times...but its so worth if if your in the right places..anyway....NEone have any suggestions??:rofl:


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this sounds pretty weird but i really dont know too many people in LA that started out in the rave scene in the early 90's and them moved to the club scene when it all pretty much died in 1998-1999. i used to throw raves, even massives, too and now only throw club events and i rarely come across any people from LA i can share the old *good ole days* stories with. i think for many clubs here in LA is that they have much of a rave type of atmosphere for adults 21+over, so this is still a much young scene in terms of experience, hence the lack of the jadedness that you will find in older, chin stroking folks such as myself. hehe.


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