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'Morning After' Pill Gets Nod From FDA


Non-Prescription Use Safe, Panel Told

By Marc Kaufman

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, December 17, 2003; Page A01

The emergency contraception or "morning after" pill marketed as Plan B should be available to women in pharmacies and supermarkets without a doctor's prescription, a panel of experts recommended yesterday to the Food and Drug Administration.

The panel voted 23 to 4 in favor of dropping the prescription requirement, but the one-sided vote did not reflect the heated disagreements among panel members about whether the pill's action amounts to abortion and whether wider availability would encourage couples to engage in casual unprotected sex.

If the FDA accepts the recommendation, women who fear an unwanted pregnancy could take immediate protective measures on their own without consulting a medical professional, a process that many women described in testimony yesterday as cumbersome, expensive and time-consuming. For maximum effectiveness, Plan B should be taken within 24 hours after intercourse.

Since it was approved on a prescription-only basis in 1999, the manufacturer said, the regimen has been used by 2.4 million American women, a number that would be expected to grow sharply if it becomes as easily available as aspirin.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

So that's what happened when your mom had you, hm? :(

I feel robbed...you look great considering your mother squatted you at inside of a McD's bathroom 4 months premature....mmmm french friesss. I tried convincing her to leave you there, but she had to get back to putting the pickles on the burgers.......

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Originally posted by iamme

doesnt that shit make you real ill and puke alot?

Yeah, I knew this chick in Germany that took it a couple years ago and she got deathly ill for like two or three days. She couldn't go to work or really do anything for those days afterwards. I see many STD's on the rise because of this. You can still live a full life with a kid, but not so with AIDS. Be safe people, use a condom. I don't like going to weddings or funerals.

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I have yet to hear anything bad about that pill. so it has it's side effects, as every other pill / medicine, etc does. nothing but good things, that it's a life saver. clearly no pill suits everyone.

you can't blame that pill for the rise in std's. people have minds and can make decisions.

Originally posted by therunner

Yeah, I knew this chick in Germany that took it a couple years ago and she got deathly ill for like two or three days. She couldn't go to work or really do anything for those days afterwards. I see many STD's on the rise because of this. You can still live a full life with a kid, but not so with AIDS. Be safe people, use a condom. I don't like going to weddings or funerals.

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Originally posted by theblueangel

I have yet to hear anything bad about that pill. so it has it's side effects, as every other pill / medicine, etc does. nothing but good things, that it's a life saver. clearly no pill suits everyone.

you can't blame that pill for the rise in std's. people have minds and can make decisions.

whoa, did you just say it's a life saver?? I certainly hope not considering it is the direct opposite........it sure as hell isn't helping std's either. The same ho's that will be using it are the same ones that probably have std's. I can see it now, girls taking it a few days late or even a month later thinking it will work and they will be squatting out a head next time they go to restroom......

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Originally posted by pgiddy

whoa, did you just say it's a life saver?? I certainly hope not considering it is the direct opposite........

not at all, i should have clarified. I meant "life saver" as in "oops that was close" emergency situations not as in save a life pump out more babies in this overcrowded world, pro life nonsense.

it sure as hell isn't helping std's either. The same ho's that will be using it are the same ones that probably have std's.

generalizations abound.....

there will be std's and unwanted pregnancies always unfortunately. pill or not that's like blaming milk for spilling, instead of blaming yourself for spilling it.

I can see it now, girls taking it a few days late or even a month later thinking it will work and they will be squatting out a head next time they go to restroom......

i agree with you on that, but like i said, people have minds and can make decisions. why are you blaming the girls only? blame the fools that aren't wearing condoms too who may be passing std's to the girls, as well as the girls foolish enough to accept reject guys like that. if they fuck up their lives, that's their problem (yes i know tax dollars, etc). if they're stupid enough to not read the instructions or listen to a gynecologist, ....

my point is that having the pill is better than not having it at least from my female point of view. there are too many unwanted pregnancies if this pill can potentially decrease it, it's worth a try. if studies show that people like you are right, well then you'll be right! how many women drink and use birth control pills thinking nothing will happen since they assume it will prevent unwanted pregnancy and lo and behold they're pregnant?

as usual...many of the worlds problems are blamed on women...men can never take responsibility for their own actions. :D a girl has to mess up her reproductive tract just so a guy doesn't have to wear a condom but a guy won't get a vasectomy. makes me sick what weak girls will do to satisfy a man. i think i went on a tangent but you probably get the idea.

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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by tabytha

RU486 (the morning after pill) is an abortion pill. If you take it you will be killing a baby (your baby).

women have died from taking the pill it is not safe. :(

Let this be a lesson to all women!!! If you take RU486, not only are you murdurer but you will rot in hell!!!!!

That is all.


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