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what does he want?


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Has there been any intimacy at all? Kissing, rubbing, etc?

I can understand taking your time but even when I have, there has always been something - never just from nothing to everything. If it's been a month and no one has made a move, I would tend to think he really is not going to do anything - either that or he's waiting for his genital warts to heal...:tongue:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

my intentions lately have been to stop fucking around and get serious with someone, i'm really tired of being lonely and just gettin off, you know?

i just always highly doubt that a guy, any guy, would feel the same way. from my experience, they're all after one thing, one way or the other.

of course we've spoken about having sex, and we both want to fuck each other, we just won't.

anyone gay here???- you or HIM ???

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

this is bothering me a little bit 'cause i just can't figure this guy out. i can't help but overanalyze everything so i need some advice...

i've been talking to this guy for like a month and surprisingly we haven't had sex, he doesn't want sex and i don't want to have sex with him either..i would assume that means he wants to get serious...

but he SWEARS he doesnt want a girlfriend either. i kinda think he's in denial..i mean, what else could he possibly be looking for? i find it hard to believe that he just "wants to get to know me" and is avoiding the sex thing because he doesn't want me to get "attached".

any thoughts?


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i love how replies went from him being "serious" about me to him having std's.

and to whoever asked, we have been kissing and what not, but that's basically as far as it goes.

i saw him last night and he was high as a motherfucker and he STILL didn't want to take me home when i asked him to... i was mostly testing him to see what he would say rather than actually wanting to go there... and he fucking said no. i don't get it. i mean, si shouldn't be complaining..but i'm so confuuuuuseed. there's no such thing as a good guy in my book. :confused::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

i saw him last night and he was high as a motherfucker and he STILL didn't want to take me home when i asked him to... i was mostly testing him to see what he would say rather than actually wanting to go there... and he fucking said no. i don't get it.

What if he said yes? Would you have had sex with him. If not, maybe he senses that your just testing him. Why don't you just ask him what's up?

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1


i love how replies went from him being "serious" about me to him having std's.

and to whoever asked, we have been kissing and what not, but that's basically as far as it goes.

i saw him last night and he was high as a motherfucker and he STILL didn't want to take me home when i asked him to... i was mostly testing him to see what he would say rather than actually wanting to go there... and he fucking said no. i don't get it. i mean, si shouldn't be complaining..but i'm so confuuuuuseed. there's no such thing as a good guy in my book. :confused::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

wyrd. stop playing games

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:aaah: Another Woman Who has NO clue of what to DO with a GOOD MAN!


We DO Exist !!!!

But has ANYONE seen a GOOD woman....


EKB: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth....

& You still have not answered what U want really with Him...


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Originally posted by b-side

:aaah: Another Woman Who has NO clue of what to DO with a GOOD MAN!


We DO Exist !!!!

But has ANYONE seen a GOOD woman....


EKB: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth....

& You still have not answered what U want really with Him...


well.. i still don't know him well enough to know if he's the one i want to commit to, plus he's not showing me that he's even worth it. he only comes to see me at my bar while i'm working, he never takes me out and when he does drive me home or come to see me it's for shuch a short period of time. his excuse is that "hes sooo busy he has no time for a girl" how busy could you POSSIBLY be? if he really wanted to see me he would make time.

i honeslty think he may just have someone else, that's why he hasnt taken me to his apartment. it's possible he's in a bad relationship and i'm like his side thing.

and bside i'm not so sure he's a good man...he's a little shady. i feel him NOT being honest with me, ya know?

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i think a "wait and see" approach is the best idea; don't force anything. but i think the main problem here is a lack of trust. i really can't say what he's thinking or doing, 'cause we have no idea what's going on in his head, for sure. but it seems to me like you have some idea of where a relationship should be after a certain amount of time, when, really, every relationship has its own timeline.

and i would also point out that a month is really a very short period of time. first of all, you haven't known him that long, and, second, why hurry to define and/or label the relationship?

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Originally posted by weyes

i think a "wait and see" approach is the best idea; don't force anything. but i think the main problem here is a lack of trust. i really can't say what he's thinking or doing, 'cause we have no idea what's going on in his head, for sure. but it seems to me like you have some idea of where a relationship should be after a certain amount of time, when, really, every relationship has its own timeline.

and i would also point out that a month is really a very short period of time. first of all, you haven't known him that long, and, second, why hurry to define and/or label the relationship?

why label and define? i'd feel more secure with myself, i guess. i don't want my feelings for him to get deeper or stronger, just to later find out it's not worth it, or meant nothing or was going nowhere.

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Originally posted by weyes

i totally know about the security that can come with titles, but i think that it's just too early for them, still.

i think my heart is telling me to give up on this a little bit. after reading everyone's advice, it seems like i'd be better off not getting into him as much as i was.

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