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....it depends...if i'm having eggs benedict then they're poached...if it's eggs and hash i usually like them over light so i can mix everything together....if it's eggs and bacon at the diner after a bar/club it's scrambled...i pretty much like eggs in every form...:)

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I use to just eat egg whites but I got sick of eating that every morning while dieting. Other then that I eat any type of eggs really.

off diet: sunny side up so I can dunk my toast in the yolk or omlettes.

on diet: hard boiled eggs (take out the yolk of course) then put tobasco sauce on it.

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Originally posted by mssabina

this may be a dumb question, but what makes the yolk so bad diet wise? i don't really follow any sort of diet, other than eating healthy and in moderation, but i'm curious.

...i always thought that's where all the cholestoral was...but so are the vitamins and nutrients...lol...i take a similar approach as you though - just proper eating and moderation....unless it's an emergency (upcoming wedding, extra weight gain, etc)...lol

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Originally posted by mssabina

this may be a dumb question, but what makes the yolk so bad diet wise? i don't really follow any sort of diet, other than eating healthy and in moderation, but i'm curious.

the yolk is the actual chicken, so it is high in cholesterol, and carbs i believe. but the levels are so low, 3 or 5 eggs a day aint gonna kill ya. but i do prefer egg whites, no difference in taste, just color.

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thanks guys, i figured it had something to do with cholesterol but i wasn't sure...

phatty, that's the best way to eat! you never miss out on anything & as long as you don't over eat, you're weight should be fine... i never gain weight (except for the 2-5lb fluctuation from water and whatnot) and i'd say i'm pretty healthy... i'm slacking at the gym though, i gotta tone up... ehh as long as i'm not gaining, i'm happy :D

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