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Nationli.com Boris role call

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Originally posted by bringda40z

Place has such potential... to bad, after the assteria party im givin up on that place :(

Why don't you like it?

I will be the first on to admit we were not exactly mobbed last week, but we have a core and unlike other clubs in the Area a VIBE!

The Asseteria Party was great! In my opinion one of the best nights we had.

With out a doubt we play the best music and have the best sound system on Long Island, I dare anyone to tell me differtent.

EVERY DJ and their brother wants to play this party... We have a desk full of demos from International Superstars to Joe Schmos..

Jason Ojeda, Boris, Johnny Vicious, Razor, Kazpa, Theo, KC Anderson have all come down JUST to hang out.

Not mention on several occasions we have had un announced guest DJ's!

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the music usually is great.. I like the vibe most of the time, and i like whats trying to be done there. As for the assteria party to be honest merrit was so terrible,Lamont would not shut his mouth and the place just lacked something imo. Im sure ill stop in every once and again to support because you are really taking care of people with admissions and drink prices and it really is all about the music. I cant handle how I drive by on a sat and the place is mobbed and the music is wack beacuse they dont allow underground or let there dj spin to potential like SCOTT CAMELLO who is prob one of the most underated dj in the area, but imo is prob one of the best just play becuse of the crowd that attends just does not seem fair ,and i new it would happen because eastern LI has no clue what is going on with the rest of the world. Its hard to rely on people from nyc area to travel out, i went 4 times and everytime brought people but when it comes down to it i cant dance by myself on a fri night and hit on women that arent there lol..... No doubt the staff and promoters are doing nothing wrong its the area plain and simple.......

Originally posted by mattm2o

Why don't you like it?

I will be the first on to admit we were not exactly mobbed last week, but we have a core and unlike other clubs in the Area a VIBE!

The Asseteria Party was great! In my opinion one of the best nights we had.

With out a doubt we play the best music and have the best sound system on Long Island, I dare anyone to tell me differtent.

EVERY DJ and their brother wants to play this party... We have a desk full of demos from International Superstars to Joe Schmos..

Jason Ojeda, Boris, Johnny Vicious, Razor, Kazpa, Theo, KC Anderson have all come down JUST to hang out.

Not mention on several occasions we have had un announced guest DJ's!

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Originally posted by mattm2o

Also keep in mind that the DJ's, Promoters, and majority of the staff involved in the saturday party in this space are in no means affiliated with the NATION party.

this i know, just trying to show how beat long island is... You can bring a horse to water but cant force em to drink i guess.

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You know ,,,guys like this piss me the fuck off.Spoiled L.I. brats who dont believe in or work for anything in their lives.Rather then help support a good party by telling people about it,these guys choose to head to the city and spend 30 bucks at the door and 10 bucks for a drink because they think people on L.I. dont get it,,,surprise,most people in the city clubs are from around here!This is a hot party in your own backyard and YOU dont get it!. Bottom line,if you love house music,you love this party.Just because the place isnt packed to the walls you give it up so easy?.Come spring when the place is packed,dont come looking for a comp,those are saved for the people who came when it wasnt the "IN" place to go.Also,there IS alot of hot women, thats the one compliment we get all the time besides the great vibe and music!If you cant get your little carrot wet,thats not the clubs fault,you there for the music remember.I also cant believe you would give up after 1 night that wasnt to your likeing.We strive to keep Nation differant every week.if you didnt like it during the Assateria party,maybe the next one will be more your speed,but i guess you wont be there to find out.If this party doesnt get packed,its people like you that are to blame!:mad:

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Personally, I think it's funny to even suggest that this party has ever seemed like something that wasn't about the music. The Asseteria party was insane, and brought some flavor to Long Island that isn't brought here too often. Alot of L.I. heads aren't used to the Anthony Lamont / drama-queen vibe, but it can be alot of fun, especially since Nation doesn't consistently host parties like that. I think Anthony and his crew brought a nice, chill, "anything goes" vibe to Nation for that party, and the crowd (which included the die-hard Nation crew as well as other newcomers) was really feeling that shit! I wasn't extremely crazy about a couple of tracks that Merritt dropped here and there, but overall he did a great job, and he definitely didn't suck. Plus, Nation has Rob James on hand at all times to ensure that the music or vibe never strays too far from what it was meant to be. I don't think anyone will ever have to worry about the music being weak at Nation when you have a dj like Rob James there every Friday. He's been keeping shit underground for years, and will continue to do so until he's underground.

The dj's that have been spinning for us since opening night have all been fuckin nasty: Anthony Nero, Eddie Baez, Low End Specialists, Mike Macaluso & Peter Bailey, K.C. Anderson.......and the list continues to get better. Bringing in different djs (like Merritt) from time to time doesn't kill or change the vibe. Djs like that bring something different to the pot - something for those who may prefer hopping around to something a little different for a little while. They also serve as a very good tool of temporary retreat for those of us who need a 10 or 20 minute breather to check our pulses, lol.

I mean, take last Friday night for instance (DDM's birthday). Deniz jumped on the tables and dropped some funky shit. Now, those who prefer nothing but hard, evil-sounding beats may not have been crazy about some of the tunes that he dropped, and that's understandable. However, none of the tunes he dropped diminished or detracted from the vibe in any way. Rather, some of those tunes brought yet another level of fun to a night that wound up being fuckin crazy! Then later that night you had Razor destroy shit for you! I mean, take a look around you for Christ's sake! There is nothing but underground talent hanging around that place every Friday night, itching to get on the tables. Where else will you hear Razor or Boris hop on for an hour or so to rip shit simply becuase they're enjoying the fuckin vibe??!?!?

Also, many Long Island heads aren't too familiar with (or have never heard of) some of the underground talents that have come to Nation, so bringing in something different from time to time definitely isn't a bad thing. I think Nation is probably the only spot on Long Island that has maintained a real underground vibe while trying to draw in newer crowds - that isn't an easy task for any nightclub to accomplish in New York, let alone Long Island. The Nation crew could have very easily brought in some other weak-ass party (or dj) simply to bring in numbers, without regard for the vibe or the music. They didn't do that however; instead, they invited the Cheetah crew into the establishment to rock the shit out of the crowd. They brought in a reckless party that fit perfectly in the only reckless spot on the Island. It's moves like that which show you the tendencies of the people behind the party. The team at Nation brought a party to us that wasn't bullshit, and was still something that we hadn't seen yet - I think that's something that deserves respect. They brought something that was raw - something that true Nation heads wouldn't be estranged by - and they went out on a limb by doing that, epsecially in a place like Commack, L.I. And look at the success it had!!! That's dedicated team work right there, and more importantly, it's intelligence - intelligence that runs deeper than a mere knowledge of how to get people into the doors. It's an intelligence that stems from well thought-out plans not only of how to get people in the doors, but also how to keep both the vibe and the music underground and nasty.

You have Dj Boris coming in this Friday, L.E.S. once again next Friday.........what more can you ask for?!?!?! Do you think that line-up suggests that this party is changing into something that isn't purely about underground house music? Just wait to see what the team at Nation has in store. Shit hasn't even started to get really hectic yet.

Remember, when you come to Nation, you're usually not going to hear shit you hear anywhere else on the Island (or in some places throughout New York City), so come with open ears. Don't come with an ignorant, close-minded mentality, otherwise you won't have fun. You want to hit the city, go ahead. Personally, I've had enough of the city over the past few years, and there is nothing I can enjoy there that I can't enjoy ten times better right here in my backyard. Only idiots will dismiss Nation as some feeble attempt to bring house music to Long Island. Take pride in that shit - support that shit and eat every beautiful minute of it right the fuck up!! Do you remember Freedom afterhours, and how long it took before that party really gained a loyal following? We may be partying out here on the Island, but we're doing in the right way, and we're doing it in a way that really can't be done in the City anymore. You have the craziest talent and the most dedicated promoters who are all focussed on bringing your ass nothing but the best. If that doesn't help to make a great party, I don't know what the fuck does. Next time you're in Nation, hopping around in the middle of the floor to the most disgusting fuckin beats, stop for a minute and take a deep breath. Let the love get right into your fuckin lungs, becuase it's probably the last time you're ever going to be at a party on Long Island with such an intimate, underground, perfect vibe. It's everything we've always wanted out here, so don't waste time complaining about who's there and who's not there. Fuck all that bullshit. Keep an open mind, because Nation will continue to push the envelope for the few locals who like it raw. ;)

And no, I'm not a fuckin promoter for Nation, nor am I officially affiliated with the club in any way (outside of my role as a patron).

See you this Friday. :)

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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth

Personally, I think it's funny to even suggest that this party has ever seemed like something that wasn't about the music. The Asseteria party was insane, and brought some flavor to Long Island that isn't brought here too often. Alot of L.I. heads aren't used to the Anthony Lamont / drama-queen vibe, but it can be alot of fun, especially since Nation doesn't consistently host parties like that. I think Anthony and his crew brought a nice, chill, "anything goes" vibe to Nation for that party, and the crowd (which included the die-hard Nation crew as well as other newcomers) was really feeling that shit! I wasn't extremely crazy about a couple of tracks that Merritt dropped here and there, but overall he did a great job, and he definitely didn't suck. Plus, Nation has Rob James on hand at all times to ensure that the music or vibe never strays too far from what it was meant to be. I don't think anyone will ever have to worry about the music being weak at Nation when you have a dj like Rob James there every Friday. He's been keeping shit underground for years, and will continue to do so until he's underground.

The dj's that have been spinning for us since opening night have all been fuckin nasty: Anthony Nero, Eddie Baez, Low End Specialists, Mike Macaluso & Peter Bailey, K.C. Anderson.......and the list continues to get better. Bringing in different djs (like Merritt) from time to time doesn't kill or change the vibe. Djs like that bring something different to the pot - something for those who may prefer hopping around to something a little different for a little while. They also serve as a very good tool of temporary retreat for those of us who need a 10 or 20 minute breather to check our pulses, lol.

I mean, take last Friday night for instance (DDM's birthday). Deniz jumped on the tables and dropped some funky shit. Now, those who prefer nothing but hard, evil-sounding beats may not have been crazy about some of the tunes that he dropped, and that's understandable. However, none of the tunes he dropped diminished or detracted from the vibe in any way. Rather, some of those tunes brought yet another level of fun to a night that wound up being fuckin crazy! Then later that night you had Razor destroy shit for you! I mean, take a look around you for Christ's sake! There is nothing but underground talent hanging around that place every Friday night, itching to get on the tables. Where else will you hear Razor or Boris hop on for an hour or so to rip shit simply becuase they're enjoying the fuckin vibe??!?!?

Also, many Long Island heads aren't too familiar with (or have never heard of) some of the underground talents that have come to Nation, so bringing in something different from time to time definitely isn't a bad thing. I think Nation is probably the only spot on Long Island that has maintained a real underground vibe while trying to draw in newer crowds - that isn't an easy task for any nightclub to accomplish in New York, let alone Long Island. The Nation crew could have very easily brought in some other weak-ass party (or dj) simply to bring in numbers, without regard for the vibe or the music. They didn't do that however; instead, they invited the Cheetah crew into the establishment to rock the shit out of the crowd. They brought in a reckless party that fit perfectly in the only reckless spot on the Island. It's moves like that which show you the tendencies of the people behind the party. The team at Nation brought a party to us that wasn't bullshit, and was still something that we hadn't seen yet - I think that's something that deserves respect. They brought something that was raw - something that true Nation heads wouldn't be estranged by - and they went out on a limb by doing that, epsecially in a place like Commack, L.I. And look at the success it had!!! That's dedicated team work right there, and more importantly, it's intelligence - intelligence that runs deeper than a mere knowledge of how to get people into the doors. It's an intelligence that stems from well thought-out plans not only of how to get people in the doors, but also how to keep both the vibe and the music underground and nasty.

You have Dj Boris coming in this Friday, L.E.S. once again next Friday.........what more can you ask for?!?!?! Do you think that line-up suggests that this party is changing into something that isn't purely about underground house music? Just wait to see what the team at Nation has in store. Shit hasn't even started to get really hectic yet.

Remember, when you come to Nation, you're usually not going to hear shit you hear anywhere else on the Island (or in some places throughout New York City), so come with open ears. Don't come with an ignorant, close-minded mentality, otherwise you won't have fun. You want to hit the city, go ahead. Personally, I've had enough of the city over the past few years, and there is nothing I can enjoy there that I can't enjoy ten times better right here in my backyard. Only idiots will dismiss Nation as some feeble attempt to bring house music to Long Island. Take pride in that shit - support that shit and eat every beautiful minute of it right the fuck up!! Do you remember Freedom afterhours, and how long it took before that party really gained a loyal following? We may be partying out here on the Island, but we're doing in the right way, and we're doing it in a way that really can't be done in the City anymore. You have the craziest talent and the most dedicated promoters who are all focussed on bringing your ass nothing but the best. If that doesn't help to make a great party, I don't know what the fuck does. Next time you're in Nation, hopping around in the middle of the floor to the most disgusting fuckin beats, stop for a minute and take a deep breath. Let the love get right into your fuckin lungs, becuase it's probably the last time you're ever going to be at a party on Long Island with such an intimate, underground, perfect vibe. It's everything we've always wanted out here, so don't waste time complaining about who's there and who's not there. Fuck all that bullshit. Keep an open mind, because Nation will continue to push the envelope for the few locals who like it raw. ;)

And no, I'm not a fuckin promoter for Nation, nor am I officially affiliated with the club in any way (outside of my role as a patron).

See you this Friday. :)

well thanks for the pointless essay yet another promoted reply lol, did you read what i wrote or just decide to start replying with pointless banter that had nothing to do with what i said? what i said was that i admire what the place is doing, im not dismissing the talent. first of all Im far from being closed mind about music. Second im not complaining about the place other then the lack of people inside.. If anything your making it sound like an industry party when you defend the place. Its pretty damn close to being the way i want it to be just not there yet. If anything i want the place to blow up, im always trying to promote the place, but when i go there and everyone wants to leave because its slow its dissapointing. Think i like driving out to manhatten every weekend blowin hundreds? I wasent even going to say it has been slow because it might hurt the place but matt asked so i answered. When it comes down to it, This "Intelligance" of house music is extremly rare on LI especially in suffoulk. Im n ot even trying to be an asshole about it, but i havent been feelin the place when there is 20-40 people in there.

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As I stated previously, my writing is not meant as a promotional element for Nation. Do I like hitting Nation up on Friday nights? Yes. Aside from feeling severe dissapointment, will I be seriously affected if the club was to cease existing tomorrow? No. Do I have a financial stake in Nation? No. Do I receive any type of compensation or reward for writing shit about Nation? No. So don't write pointless shit about my post being "yet another promotional piece."

Secondly, I think you're a little confused in thinking that you're doing Nation a favor by "hiding" the fact that the place isn't jam-packed every Friday night. I doubt Nation is trying to hide that fact, since many of the new-comers who show up soon realize that the place isn't mobbed on Friday night. Many of the heads who show up every Friday night already realize this shit, and it really doesn't seem to bother them at all. If the intimate crowd doesn't meet the liking of some, they're free to go elsewhere, regardless of what you write about the size of the crowd. They can't say the staff didn't try to show them a great time. Let'em go elsewhere on the Island and get dicked with the price, music, and a jam-packed crowd full of dumb-ass guys & girls.

Lastly, I guess I should have stated that much of what I wrote wasn't a direct response to what you wrote. I was addressing your thoughts about Asseteria, the dj & vibe on that particular night, the overall reason why you didn't enjoy yourself, and your statements about how that particular night didn't seem like it was about the music. In addressing those issues, I wound up going into some other stuff, some of which didn't have to deal specifically with what you wrote. Sorry about the excessive length.

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shit ya fooled me, you should get a job writing movie reviews or something. Every post about nation you write is like a nightlife colum.

Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


As I stated previously, my writing is not meant as a promotional element for Nation. Do I like hitting Nation up on Friday nights? Yes. Aside from feeling severe dissapointment, will I be seriously affected if the club was to cease existing tomorrow? No. Do I have a financial stake in Nation? No. Do I receive any type of compensation or reward from writing shit about Nation? No. So don't write pointless shit about my post being "yet another promotional piece."

Secondly, I think you're a little confused in thinking that you're doing Nation a favor by "hiding" the fact that the place isn't jam-packed every Friday night. I doubt Nation is trying to hide that fact, since many of the new-comers who show up soon realize that the place isn't mobbed on Friday night. Many of the heads who show up every Friday night already realize this shit, and it really doesn't seem to bother them at all. If the intimate crowd doesn't meet the liking of some, they're free to go elsewhere, regardless of what you write about the size of the crowd. They can't say the staff didn't try to show them a great time. Let'em go elsewhere on the Island and get dicked with the price, music, and a jam-packed crowd full of dumb-ass guys & girls.

Lastly, I guess I should have stated that much of what I wrote wasn't a direct response to what you wrote. I was addressing your thoughts about Asseteria, the dj & vibe on that particular night, the overall reason why you didn't enjoy yourself, and your statements about how that particular night didn't seem like it was about the music. In addressing those issues, I wound up going into some other stuff, some of which didn't have to deal specifically with what you wrote. Sorry about the excessive length.


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Why is everyone hating for? And P.S. there might not be 1,000 people @ Nation on Fridays, but its certainly not only 40 people. The Asseteria party was great, maybe it wasnt for your taste but whatever I dont think they want the same vibe in there every Friday, they are striving to be different. If you want that continuity go to Saharra instead or another club where you are pretty much guaranteed the night you are going to get. The only thing that Nation can guarantee you is good music. And I saw under Matt2Mo's post that fucking ROBBIE RIVERA is going to be there with PALASH?! Are you kidding...

Maybe they arent your vibe, maybe your into different DJ's, but dont knock the night or the people that go there because they voiced your opinion. Maybe your better off there on saturdays, because I know when I go there on a Friday Im not looking for the drama and if that is what your going to bring to a party then why even bother? There are girls going to this party every week... and if you dont feel like there is enough, why dont you bring some? :confused: Think about it, this party has only been going on for a month and a half.... its still building, but they can only build a good party if people are willing to go and give it a shot and not leave because of the people. Its supposed to be about an appreciation of music, so appreciate what their trying to do.:idea:

Im also not working for this party, not a promoter. I just want to make sure that this party is still there so I can have a good time w/ good music on a Friday w/o treking into the city.

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Originally posted by random7d

Why is everyone hating for? And P.S. there might not be 1,000 people @ Nation on Fridays, but its certainly not only 40 people. The Asseteria party was great, maybe it wasnt for your taste but whatever I dont think they want the same vibe in there every Friday, they are striving to be different. If you want that continuity go to Saharra instead or another club where you are pretty much guaranteed the night you are going to get. The only thing that Nation can guarantee you is good music. And I saw under Matt2Mo's post that fucking ROBBIE RIVERA is going to be there with PALASH?! Are you kidding...

Maybe they arent your vibe, maybe your into different DJ's, but dont knock the night or the people that go there because they voiced your opinion. Maybe your better off there on saturdays, because I know when I go there on a Friday Im not looking for the drama and if that is what your going to bring to a party then why even bother? There are girls going to this party every week... and if you dont feel like there is enough, why dont you bring some? :confused: Think about it, this party has only been going on for a month and a half.... its still building, but they can only build a good party if people are willing to go and give it a shot and not leave because of the people. Its supposed to be about an appreciation of music, so appreciate what their trying to do.:idea:

Im also not working for this party, not a promoter. I just want to make sure that this party is still there so I can have a good time w/ good music on a Friday w/o treking into the city.

I really hope that wasent directed toward me :blown:

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If theres 40 people there and im having more fun than i did anywhere else on LI so far when packed..ill stick with nation.

I got 17 people goin everyweek and we love it.

I know some people cant have fun without a place being packed. You have to take the party for what it is.

I dunno..i hate lecturing and personally all that matters is that the people that do go everyweek continue to have a good time.

I dont get paid and I promote the SHIT outta this party only becuase I love it and I want it to stick around.


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bottom line this is my party so if any body would defend it would be me. Thank you for everybody who has defemded there nation. I did not put this post up for you guys to start a a argument. Just wanted people to know. Yea 40oz is fuckin right. No matter what we do ITS LONG ISLAND. Dont think I am giving in but It is a very very hard thing what I am trying to do. Everybody attacked the guy. HOW EVER you basically said it sucked so you are never going to come again in your first post. So thats o.k. you are intitlled to your opinion. But dont say the party is good and we are doing everything right or you whould have not posted. And Anthony will not be back for a while. We have some great plans coming up. every party I go to sme good some bad. But never give up on your NATIONLI.COM:hat: oNE MORE THING tecknojunkie thanks TRY AND FIND ME I WILL BUY YOU A DRINK ALWAYS YOU HAVE BEEN A TROOPER SINCE THE FIRST NATION POST I APPRCIATE THAT MAN

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