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Undercover Pigs At Avalon This Past Saturday

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Originally posted by jaysea

speaking of shit at venues,. on a public message board is really fucken stupid....

keep posts like this up, and im sure avalon will be back in boston faster than u can say "Duh"

lol esp cause its housed in one of the citysmost infamous venues, lol

thank you,

cant this thread die already?

coming on CP makes me feel older everyday

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Just worry about yourself if you need to take pills then take them before you enter the club...Then who cares if cops are in the club....I think clubs should give you a stamp when you want to leave and enter a club,,,that way if you want to get fucked up you can go back to your car or something, that way there is less drugs in the club...Make it so you can only leave and enter 2 times in one night....there may be more people fucked up in the club but at least there will be less drugs inside...:laugh:

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Most cops aren't really into persecuting club goers... believe it or not... of course ther ARE assholes in all walks of life... What forces cops to have to go into clubs?? Community pressure (politicians rely on these people for votes) or an "anonymous tip" (9 out of 10 times a competing club) or my all time favorite .. Media Hype... People watch alot more than you think they do .... so when you're walking out and light a blunt on your way to yout car... or you're doing a bump out in the open ... don't just assume that everyone's minding their business or that you're invisible

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well, i went there for charles feelgood and that was like jan12 or something. and didn't notice anything strange. and no one kept coming up to me asking questions about drugs. so it could've just started. i'm going on the 27th for jeff mills and will pay attention to see if it will be an ongoing thing.

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Originally posted by swtpapi4ugirl

Still, only one person really answered my question tho, did anyone else who went to avalon saturday night notice all the cops. Was anyone else harassed has avalon been like that any other night?

Were you high??? maybe you were just paranoid... or maybe its part of a crackdown... I'm sure there are going to be alot of crackdowns coming when the Republican National Convention comes to town....right around labor day

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not as good as the guy who came up to both me and my boy @ Roxy sunday nite and asked "if we had 5 or so pills we could sell him" like WTF kinda ? is that and why are u asking me :rolleyes:

I swear tho i have a sign that says "BUY DRUGS HERE" that hangs over my head when i'm out b/c i always get asked if i'm selling or kno where to get whenever i'm out, by both people looking 'strange' and the not so strange, but its really annoying either way

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

you'd be surprised how many tourists think it's ok to just go up to a random person in a club and ask to buy drugs:rolleyes:

only time i've had that experience was at Arc...

<english accent on> "Ya kno where me could find some bombs around hea"<english accent off>

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

Were you high??? maybe you were just paranoid... or maybe its part of a crackdown... I'm sure there are going to be alot of crackdowns coming when the Republican National Convention comes to town....right around labor day

Nah dude, I'd like to think that Im a rational person, and after being swarmed by undercovers at last years Ultra fest in miami, you just get the feeling and its something you just know. At that note too, when you see 20 people who dont look like they belong in there, and they are all wearing something very similar that doesnt really go in fashion with what everyone else is wearing in the club, then that should honestly make someone's eyebrows raise. Im telling you, these fuckers were definately like in their 30's and I wouldnt be suprised if a couple of them were in there 40's also. Trust me, I see you in Avalon one day, I'll pick em out, have someone ask, if Im wrong, all the drinks are on me dude!

Not like they'll admit their cops anyway tho.

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I dont doubt you saw some strange looking guys in there... Cops don't typicly do the "dirty work" in teams tho... they'll set someone up to make buys for them. They'll usually hang back untill the buys are made and then the rest of them move in to make the arrests... They also try and use a good looking girl or somebody who appears to be so gay that they couldnt possibly be a cop as the buyer...

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

Most cops aren't really into persecuting club goers... believe it or not... of course ther ARE assholes in all walks of life... What forces cops to have to go into clubs?? Community pressure (politicians rely on these people for votes) or an "anonymous tip" (9 out of 10 times a competing club) or my all time favorite .. Media Hype... People watch alot more than you think they do .... so when you're walking out and light a blunt on your way to yout car... or you're doing a bump out in the open ... don't just assume that everyone's minding their business or that you're invisible

Isnt this the truth. I have two friends that were walking to factory on a sunday mornig 8 am. About 3 blocks away they stopped to take a pill. They were snatched up by just oridanary people (who were undercovers)

Thats why when I leave the club I wait like 10 mins before I light the L :alright:

:aright: :aright:

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Originally posted by bumpdaddy

I dont doubt you saw some strange looking guys in there... Cops don't typicly do the "dirty work" in teams tho... they'll set someone up to make buys for them. They'll usually hang back untill the buys are made and then the rest of them move in to make the arrests... They also try and use a good looking girl or somebody who appears to be so gay that they couldnt possibly be a cop as the buyer...

Dude, YOUR ARE SOOO FKN ON POINT WITH WHAT YOU JUST SAID. One of the guys that was up on stage that asked me at the end of the night after the other dude was trying to get all my info was some black dude who was some wanna be drag queen gay dude.....He comes right out and asks me, Do you Know where I can get some extacy? Then gets all pissed off when I say no, then walks over and says something to about 2 other dudes that were off to the side that I thought were cops watching me practically the whole fkn night.

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Originally posted by swtpapi4ugirl

Dude, YOUR ARE SOOO FKN ON POINT WITH WHAT YOU JUST SAID. One of the guys that was up on stage that asked me at the end of the night after the other dude was trying to get all my info was some black dude who was some wanna be drag queen gay dude.....He comes right out and asks me, Do you Know where I can get some extacy? Then gets all pissed off when I say no, then walks over and says something to about 2 other dudes that were off to the side that I thought were cops watching me practically the whole fkn night.

check your PM's man.


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Originally posted by swtpapi4ugirl

Dude, YOUR ARE SOOO FKN ON POINT WITH WHAT YOU JUST SAID. One of the guys that was up on stage that asked me at the end of the night after the other dude was trying to get all my info was some black dude who was some wanna be drag queen gay dude.....He comes right out and asks me, Do you Know where I can get some extacy? Then gets all pissed off when I say no, then walks over and says something to about 2 other dudes that were off to the side that I thought were cops watching me practically the whole fkn night.

i've had similar shit happen all the time, people ask "are u rolling"

a.)i prob wouldnt tell u if i was anyway

b.)if you look like u dont belong i def aint gonna lol

then you say no and they say something like well why are u hear at 5am - well for one, when i used to go to sf i didnt even get there till 5am loll so i've only been awake for 2 hours so far jackass! then they get all pissed off and start saying shit like i know u must know somebody in here who can get pills...ya i mite, but i aint gonna tell u about them lol...and you got no reason to be pissed at me b/c i didnt do a random stranger a favor by gettin them drugs lol :idea:

another time me and my ex were at exit and she got asked the same ?s pretty much by a middle age woman, she was a MILF, but you could tell she was prob in her 40s...def didnt belong at the Imagine days @ exit lol, she took it a step further and offered to say "its not like i'm a DT or anything, ya ok, you might as well have a motorola radio on ur belt :laugh:

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This shit happens to me all the time.

check this out:

Im at factory shortly after new years, like middle of january 04', im with 4 friends and were all dancing and having fun. That night i didnt roll, even when i dont roll I sweat almost just as much and drink just as much water so i might have looked like I was tripping. Then out of the blue this guy who totally looks like he doesnt belong; middle - late 20's, glasses (real ones,not shades), nerdy look, outta style, cant dance for shit, comes over to me and asks me i I want any pills. I say to him "no thanks" and I keep on dancing. So he starts dancing near me and and asks again in a few mins and tells me that they're really fuckin good and strong and he'll sell them for 15 each. I was thinkin like wtf? im thinking " I am sure getting fuckin cuffed in a few secs if i say yes ". So i tell him, "no I allready said NO THank you", and the mofo is like "ok", and i noticed from the corner of my eyes that he kept on watching me for the next 1-2 hours shortly before we all left.

Every single time i go to factory i get asked if I have any pills for sale. I guess I'm a fucking shit magnet...

It doesnt happen at other clubs..

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Originally posted by klubbernyc

This shit happens to me all the time.

check this out:

Im at factory shortly after new years, like middle of january 04', im with 4 friends and were all dancing and having fun. That night i didnt roll, even when i dont roll I sweat almost just as much and drink just as much water so i might have looked like I was tripping. Then out of the blue this guy who totally looks like he doesnt belong; middle - late 20's, glasses (real ones,not shades), nerdy look, outta style, cant dance for shit, comes over to me and asks me i I want any pills. I say to him "no thanks" and I keep on dancing. So he starts dancing near me and and asks again in a few mins and tells me that they're really fuckin good and strong and he'll sell them for 15 each. I was thinkin like wtf? im thinking " I am sure getting fuckin cuffed in a few secs if i say yes ". So i tell him, "no I allready said NO THank you", and the mofo is like "ok", and i noticed from the corner of my eyes that he kept on watching me for the next 1-2 hours shortly before we all left.

Every single time i go to factory i get asked if I have any pills for sale. I guess I'm a fucking shit magnet...

It doesnt happen at other clubs..

same thing happened to me at disco afterhours sunday night/mon morning of m luther king weekend.

some dude came up to me and asked if i wanted any. i said no. said they were really good. still said no.

came back to me a few times, kept saying no.

seemed to be keeping a look out.

i noticed a few people there that i would have bet my bottom dollar that they were cops.

last time i was at sf seemed to be several people that were visibly out of place. i sat back and watched and saw them several approach others, then meet back up with each other and seemingly compare notes.

bottom line, if you're doing drugs, you're doing something illegal.

roll the dice if you want but don't be stupid.

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