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How many people have you been with?


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Originally posted by silverbull

im 23 yrs old and lost ym virginity when iwas 17. Thing with me was until i met my ex i pretty much slept with any girl that said hello to me for lack of better words.Also i worked at a hair salon for 4 yrs so that helped alot, so did nyc clublife hehe.

91:eek: Yo you should def get checked kid. I'm not hating in any way cause I was bad as well but 91 and you would just sleep with anyone who said hello? Jesus, you know how many fat, ugly, disgusting girls have said hello to me. Eh, whateva do you I guess.

Originally posted by echobarbie1


damn thats pretty high for a girl too. I'm not judging you in any way but I could never be with a girl that is 31 deep.

Originally posted by echobarbie1

eckobarbie.. 31!!!??? are u f*ckin kiddin me??? And then u wonder why no one wants u... Ur disgusting

STFU! your fuckin gay.

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Dude trust me std tests were and still are a part of my life. Here the thing, im responsible for what i do in my life. And i take the blame for anything ive done. Ive gotten tested so many times in 2001 it was like basicaly goin to work or soemthing. I dont mind and i explain to every person ive been with about my history cause thats what partners should do. Why lie about things always be honest. And i always say try everything and see what you like and keep what you like. And thats how ive lived my life so far.

Lets say you didnt know a girl slept with 31 guys right, lets say she says only 2 (cause thats what guys wanna hear at least young and immature ones) and everythign is perfect. But then you guys are about to lets say move in together and you yourself wanna marry her. but then she tells you she slept with 31 guys, and she was scared to tell you. Would you leave her? What if she was discovering life and her sexuality, aint nothign wrong with it.

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Originally posted by silverbull

Dude trust me std tests were and still are a part of my life. Here the thing, im responsible for what i do in my life. And i take the blame for anything ive done. Ive gotten tested so many times in 2001 it was like basicaly goin to work or soemthing. I dont mind and i explain to every person ive been with about my history cause thats what partners should do. Why lie about things always be honest. And i always say try everything and see what you like and keep what you like. And thats how ive lived my life so far.

Lets say you didnt know a girl slept with 31 guys right, lets say she says only 2 (cause thats what guys wanna hear at least young and immature ones) and everythign is perfect. But then you guys are about to lets say move in together and you yourself wanna marry her. but then she tells you she slept with 31 guys, and she was scared to tell you. Would you leave her? What if she was discovering life and her sexuality, aint nothign wrong with it.

Thats a different story. I would already be in love with her but then I would have to take in the fact that she lied to me for all that time (but thats a different story). Even with your explanation I still would not be with a girl who is 30 deep. Not an immature thing but its just my preference. I'm not saying she's dirty or whateva but I just wouldnt. If she wanted to dicover than cool but dicover somewhere else and with someone else. FUck that I'm too stubborn in my fuckin ways.

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good point as well. It all depends on the situation i guess. Maybe i would feel the same way as well with someone maybe not. But then i look at myself as an example as well, what girl wants a guy whos felt a different womens cervix constantly. I dunno hope i didnt get you mad or anyhtign not was i was try to go for.

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Originally posted by silverbull

good point as well. It all depends on the situation i guess. Maybe i would feel the same way as well with someone maybe not. But then i look at myself as an example as well, what girl wants a guy whos felt a different womens cervix constantly. I dunno hope i didnt get you mad or anyhtign not was i was try to go for.

Nah you didnt get me mad, its a fuckin convo. I dont get mad at people with different views cause I'm not always right. I'm just saying that you have been with a lot of women and I know it was a peoblem for my girl to be with me considering my past. BTW my # doesnt even touch yours, so thats what makes me think. How did you do it? My girl almost hates every girl in my area cause of my past and I can only imagine how hard it is for her the past is the past, but I still understand her anger.

I may be a typical male or a hipocrite but whateva. I cant stand to see a lot of guys knowing they fucked my girl. I would feel like I have nuttin special. I know my girl and her past so I'm content with it cause she's "very" picky and for that I'm grateful. That is why I could never see myself with a girl that has busy sex history.

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Its all a matter of opinion i guess, do you think shes special for her lack of sex partners or do you thin shes special for the love shes shown only you. Life is hard. And well i have a score of 17 out of 20 for the sexaholics test and was goin to 2 mettings b4 i dropped out. So i kinda had a problem but a good one, sort of.

My ex and are starting to be good frineds now as to compared in oct when we didnt speak to each other. And she really has changed me alot. But then again when im out dancing things just happen to me.

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Originally posted by tubby

eckobarbie.. 31!!!??? are u f*ckin kiddin me??? And then u wonder why no one wants u... Ur disgusting

well I guess at least 31 peeps wanted her.

but we all know he really meant to say, "fuck, you slept with all those guys and wont sleep with me :( "

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Originally posted by shroomy

well I guess at least 31 peeps wanted her.

but we all know he really meant to say, "fuck, you slept with all those guys and wont sleep with me :( "

in order to say that i would have to be u. I wouldn't touch that skank if she was the last female on earth

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Originally posted by tubby

in order to say that i would have to be u. I wouldn't touch that skank if she was the last female on earth

lol.. it's really fucking hilarious that a guy can sleep with as many women as HE WANTS and when a girl does her thing, she's considered a skank/slut...etc etc. i'm not sorry or regret ANYTHING i've ever done in my life.. i enjoy having sex whether it's with someone i'm dating, in love with or if it's a one night stand. YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK...i'm a nympho and proud of my sexuality.. i give great fucking head, no one's EVER complained about their "experience" or what not with me, and i keep it fucking REAL...FUCK dinner and the movies and FUCK making love and FUCK "waiting for the right moment"... I LOVE SEX...and i will fuck any nigga if his dick is big enough...

keep fucking girls that don't know shit about how to satisfy you.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

lol.. it's really fucking hilarious that a guy can sleep with as many women as HE WANTS and when a girl does her thing, she's considered a skank/slut...etc etc. i'm not sorry or regret ANYTHING i've ever done in my life.. i enjoy having sex whether it's with someone i'm dating, in love with or if it's a one night stand. YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK...i'm a nympho and proud of my sexuality.. i give great fucking head, no one's EVER complained about their "experience" or what not with me, and i keep it fucking REAL...FUCK dinner and the movies and FUCK making love and FUCK "waiting for the right moment"... I LOVE SEX...and i will fuck any nigga if his dick is big enough...

keep fucking girls that don't know shit about how to satisfy you.

Keep going!!!

I'm about to cum

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

ecko, what's big enough?? and is there anything that is too big for u?? or is it basically, u take on all takers??

and i need some more details.

u deepthroat??

u swallow??

u do anal??

thanks in advance.

oh.. is this supposed to be funny now.. i'm like the abuse case slut of the board or something? for your information, if i took on ever godamn person that hit on me, i'd be in the hundreds, so the answer is NO, i don't take on all "takers"...:rolleyes:

no deep throating

occasional swallowing

and i hate anal...

no need to thank me at all.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

oh.. is this supposed to be funny now.. i'm like the abuse case slut of the board or something? for your information, if i took on ever godamn person that hit on me, i'd be in the hundreds, so the answer is NO, i don't take on all "takers"...:rolleyes:

no deep throating

occasional swallowing

and i hate anal...

no need to thank me at all.

ecko baby, u got me all wrong. i'm very serious. i meant it as take on all takers size wise. like, is there such a thing as too big, or too small for u??

saddens me to hear about the no DT, and hating anal. :(

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Originally posted by FlipsSOE

ecko baby, u got me all wrong. i'm very serious. i meant it as take on all takers size wise. like, is there such a thing as too big, or too small for u??

saddens me to hear about the no DT, and hating anal. :(

well, yea.. i think that's true for anyone... some dicks ARE too small and ...there's actually no such thing as a dick too big...lol...

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I just cant figure out one thing.

It takes a boy and a girl to fuck (well most of the time anyways :rolleyes: )

how is it that guys on average have slept with so many more women than women have slept with men?

I know I wasnt that fucked up durring those math classes to not know that the average nuber of girls a guy slept with HAS to equal the average number of guys a girl slept with :confused:

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Originally posted by shroomy

I just cant figure out one thing.

It takes a boy and a girl to fuck (well most of the time anyways :rolleyes: )

how is it that guys on average have slept with so many more women than women have slept with men?

I know I wasnt that fucked up durring those math classes to not know that the average nuber of girls a guy slept with HAS to equal the average number of guys a girl slept with :confused:

the answer is simple: girls are liars.

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

lol.. it's really fucking hilarious that a guy can sleep with as many women as HE WANTS and when a girl does her thing, she's considered a skank/slut...etc etc. i'm not sorry or regret ANYTHING i've ever done in my life.. i enjoy having sex whether it's with someone i'm dating, in love with or if it's a one night stand. YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK...i'm a nympho and proud of my sexuality.. i give great fucking head, no one's EVER complained about their "experience" or what not with me, and i keep it fucking REAL...FUCK dinner and the movies and FUCK making love and FUCK "waiting for the right moment"... I LOVE SEX...and i will fuck any nigga if his dick is big enough...

keep fucking girls that don't know shit about how to satisfy you.

Originally posted by eckobarbie1

...there's actually no such thing as a dick too big...lol...

i have to disagree with you on this. i've told this story before, but i have a female friend who's about 5' 3" who was going out with a 6' 4" man. his dick was too big for the largest condoms on the market. they tried a whole box of 12 of the biggest they could find. my friend gave him oral during the whole process of trying to find condoms that fit and started to consider getting the pill, since they had been in a monogamous relationship for more than a year and had been tested. eventually, though, she got too scared of having such a huge thing inside of her (keep in mind that she is petite) that they ended up never having sex. needless to say, the relationship didn't last :( .
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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

lol.. it's really fucking hilarious that a guy can sleep with as many women as HE WANTS and when a girl does her thing, she's considered a skank/slut...etc etc. i'm not sorry or regret ANYTHING i've ever done in my life.. i enjoy having sex whether it's with someone i'm dating, in love with or if it's a one night stand. YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK...i'm a nympho and proud of my sexuality.. i give great fucking head, no one's EVER complained about their "experience" or what not with me, and i keep it fucking REAL...FUCK dinner and the movies and FUCK making love and FUCK "waiting for the right moment"... I LOVE SEX...and i will fuck any nigga if his dick is big enough...

keep fucking girls that don't know shit about how to satisfy you.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

lol.. it's really fucking hilarious that a guy can sleep with as many women as HE WANTS and when a girl does her thing, she's considered a skank/slut...etc etc. i'm not sorry or regret ANYTHING i've ever done in my life.. i enjoy having sex whether it's with someone i'm dating, in love with or if it's a one night stand. YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF DICK...i'm a nympho and proud of my sexuality.. i give great fucking head, no one's EVER complained about their "experience" or what not with me, and i keep it fucking REAL...FUCK dinner and the movies and FUCK making love and FUCK "waiting for the right moment"... I LOVE SEX...and i will fuck any nigga if his dick is big enough...

keep fucking girls that don't know shit about how to satisfy you.


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