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Just started it.

2 weeks on 2 weeks off. I have the Oral Syrup with the dropper. I take 1/4 of the dropper now in my first days.

Side effects

















I must add I havent gotten these except for the tremors. My hands are shaking like a bitch. I feel kinda whacked. Like I did a fat line or something (not exactly a bad feeling).

This is how im doing it. I was told by a few people at my gym this is the BEST WAY. The only thing Diff im doing is not moving up to 100mcg's. Im sticking with the 80. The stuff I have is

200mcg/ML. I have 5 bottles of 30ML.

Day1: 20mcg

Day2: 40mcg

Day3: 60mcg

Day4: 80mcg

Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)

Day6-Day12: 100mcg

Day13: 80 mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to

normal gradually)

Day14: 60 mcgs

Day15: off

Day16: off

Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

You really just gotta start off slow and see how you react to it. I actually feel pretty good (aside from the tremors). I shake to begin with so this will be easy to get used to.

If you need more info let me know. This guy wrote me a whole page of stuff about it and ephedrine and DNP. I can send you the email.


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Originally posted by Mystify22

ughh I tried it for 2 days and stopped. I got HORRIBLE headaches, couldn't sleep, and felt like my body was on fire, all sweaty

Never again!

I did it for 2 weeks and stacked it with T3. I could take it anymore, I got insane headaches and felt like total shit.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I might be trying 1/2 of a T3......still researching it.

Early clinical studies showed an negative long lasting effect of exogenous T3 and T4 on thyroid production. Current studies have shown that the thyroid is a remarkable organ that can and will recover.

ramp up and down with low doses and it will work wonders. There are some wieght loss clinics that practice a technique called "running hot" it seems to be very effective and safe with a docs supervision.

Make sure and increase your protein intake,as you will burn protein extremely fast, and you don't want it to come from muscle.

There are many benefits of increase levels of T3. Decrease chances for heart attacks and strokes and most important for healthy females is lower blood calcium levels through production of bone, which greatly reduces the chances of osteoporosis.

NOTE: I said this was safe with a docs supervision.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Early clinical studies showed an negative long lasting effect of exogenous T3 and T4 on thyroid production. Current studies have shown that the thyroid is a remarkable organ that can and will recover.

ramp up and down with low doses and it will work wonders. There are some wieght loss clinics that practice a technique called "running hot" it seems to be very effective and safe with a docs supervision.

Make sure and increase your protein intake,as you will burn protein extremely fast, and you don't want it to come from muscle.

There are many benefits of increase levels of T3. Decrease chances for heart attacks and strokes and most important for healthy females is lower blood calcium levels through production of bone, which greatly reduces the chances of osteoporosis.

NOTE: I said this was safe with a docs supervision.


Thank you so much for your always informative posts!!! I was considering doing a very small amount.....1/2 a pill a day...maybe a week on, a week off....

So you feel it would be good to just increase protein intake....or overall daily caloric intake?

Ou812....lol oh my god, when I saw you I was FUMING....we had already waited all day for our room, didn't get them next door to eachother, then the fckn room key NEVER worked....and you wait in that damn line! UGH! :mad:

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When you say 1/2 pill. How many mcg's are you talking about.

Also, with T3, you do not want to go on and off. The up and down can reak havoc on your thyroid.

Start off low, up it to a max amount and run that for about a month or so, then lower it back down to the original amount until you eventually come off.

Also, notice that I am not giving you exact amounts. That is where the doc and blood test come into play. But, if you insist on doing this without a doc, then maybe take that 1/2 pill a day down to 1/4 then slowly work you way up. If you feel extra gittery or are having trouble sleeping back down a bit.

If you want me to find out the recommended doses for you size, I will, but it will only be an estimate and will never take the place of a doc.


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How can one even read that and think it works. P ditty's rap songs have more scientific jargon in them, then that advertisment does.

If a company replaces how a chemical works with fancy "advertisement" words, then it most likely does not work.

How many adverstisements do you have to see to believe that steroids work??? None. That is b/c they work. Not that I am advocating AAS, but I hope you can see my point.


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