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WE need to get rid of Bush!!!


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Come on now ... the majority of people in the world are straight out idiots who will believe any conspiracy theory.

fuck in somolia everyone believed we were there to turn them into christians and subvert them from islam.

besides polls are as easy to manipulate as the idiots are.


ask the question "do you want universal health care?" in one poll

then ask are you willing to raise your taxes 20% for universal health care?

see what the differences are ....

or even ask "how many times a week do you have sex?"

but for one response have the possible answers be 0 to 1, 1 to 3, more than 3.

then for another have the responses be ... 0-3, 3-5, 5+

you will find the second group fucking a lot more because they dont want to look not normal and be at the edges of the range of answers....

blah blah blah ... back to the point ... people are fucking idiots

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Originally posted by shroomy

Come on now ... the majority of people in the world are straight out idiots who will believe any conspiracy theory.

fuck in somolia everyone believed we were there to turn them into christians and subvert them from islam.

besides polls are as easy to manipulate as the idiots are.


ask the question "do you want universal health care?" in one poll

then ask are you willing to raise your taxes 20% for universal health care?

see what the differences are ....

or even ask "how many times a week do you have sex?"

but for one response have the possible answers be 0 to 1, 1 to 3, more than 3.

then for another have the responses be ... 0-3, 3-5, 5+

you will find the second group fucking a lot more because they dont want to look not normal and be at the edges of the range of answers....

blah blah blah ... back to the point ... people are fucking idiots


Except for me!

I'm a genius! :tongue:


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Opening quote, "A majority of people living in Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan and Turkey say they believe the U.S. is conducting its campaign against terror to control Mideast oil and to dominate the world,"

Ummm... isn't that what we ARE doing?

I heard a story about the poll, and it seems like many of them also believe that the US policy is anti-Muslim, which I do not believe. I do believe that Bush would like to get better control of some oil reserves, though.

Of course, many of their governments and media continue to put out anti-American propaganda, so it is only logical that they have a bad opinion of us. And the fundamentalist Islamic leaders also contribute significantly to the misinformation because their beliefs are so against the rampant greed that drives most of American society.

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Originally posted by coachjames

And the fundamentalist Islamic leaders also contribute significantly to the misinformation because their beliefs are so against the rampant greed that drives most of American society.

oh they have a sense of greed that would make Gordan Gecko envious.

They just greed for power!

and they see the power of america's media as a bigger threat than anything.

most of the fundimentalist leaders think they are the only true believers and even other muslams are infidels (like the shiites in iraq who were just bombed and labeled infidels by al quada)

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Guest saleen351

the one thing technology is really helping with is the westernization of the world.. We are bringing them up to speed. For example, you can credit sat tv and the internet with the changes in cultrue in china. No longer can state run media feed these idiots the same blather every night. Slowly but surely, more and more are tunning into other forms of news. Yea china blocked google and all us websites, but they figured out how to get around that.. And now google is back in China..

Go on google and look up valentines day in India.. It's a us holiday, that some indians are adopting, and riots break out every year, beacause some hard liners don't want to be westernized..

However, we are on the verge of gas/electric hybrids with fuel cells comming online in 10 years, then we need to drill in alaska, and over night, the sand jockies will beg us to buy their oil...

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Originally posted by michelangel0

such utter nonsense.... & if you believe we want or are trying for world domination your a fool ..DONE.

We might not "want" world domination but we are trying to dominate...think about what this war is all about.

Do you think is about terrorism only???

We are using terrorism as an excuse to go and get our hands on their petroleum, period...

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Originally posted by sotuchick

We are using terrorism as an excuse to go and get our hands on their petroleum, period...

With all due respect, It's the responsibility of America's leaders to protect America's interests. America is the largest consumer of oil in the world. We are highly dependant on it. We've tried drilling our own oil in places like ANWR (Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve), but activist have successfully blocked that from happening. Electric and alternative fuel sources are slowly evolving, but it will take time, maybe decades. In the meantime, we need oil. We are dependant on it. YOUR BETTER BELIEVE WE ARE GOING TO LOOK OUT FOR OUR BEST INTEREST. DAMN SKIPPY! NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR THERE. Besides, we're not STEALING IT, we're BUYING IT. Get it?

This war is a war on terror. Terrorist want to further destabilize the middle east in their hope to gain complete control of the oil in the region. If they control the oil, then they'll control us. GET IT? WELL? DO YA'? HUH? PULL YOUR HEAD FROM YOUR CULO AND WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Terrorist did not attack us because they thought we were strong. They attacked us on 9/11 because they perceived us as being WEAK. They attacked the WTC in 1993, Kobar Towers in Africa, U.S.S. Cole, etc,,,,,We did nothing, then came 9/11! Ever since we FINALLY stood up to the terrorist, now their attacking civilians and police in Iraq. They just attacked civilians in Spain,,,,,,,,Guess who their NOT attacking genius? AMERICA! Get it? YOU IGNORANT *&$#. They attack the weak, not the strong! Grow a fucking pair and stand up for yourself and stop cowering to terrorist. You sound so,,,,,,,,,,,FRENCH....pussies

You don't like the power America has EARNED in 400 yrs? Then go move to Spain, hang out on a train and wait to get ass fucked again. It's only a matter of time before Spain is attacked again. Spain's recent decision to withdraw troops from Iraq is another method of negotiating with the terrorist. Doing so (which they did) only invites more terror.

Election 2000

These are election results divided by Counties in each state.

Blue = Demz

Red = Republicans

Get the hint?????????


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Obby -

Very well said.

"Peace by force" - Ronald Regan

This is exactly what we are trying to employ. Sure they've not found any weapons of mass destruction but the message was VERY CLEAR. DO NOT FUCK WITH US BECAUSE WE'LL COME BACK TO GET YOU. We took out the main threat in that hell hole (the Middle East) and don't be so ignorant as to think that he had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Even though I am in opposition to the war for the simple fact that over 500 young American troops have been killed Iraq but they are the heros that are making this country better for your kids and mine. I am not a republican nor am I a democrat but one thing I am is a fan of this country and stand by it every way I can.

I agree with Obby- if you don't like the power that America's earned...then get the FUCK OUT! simply said.

Because of this use of force, Lybia has opened its doors and North Korea has settled down...think they got the message? Al Queda is dismantaling and Bin Laden - you peice of shit - YOU'RE NEXT!

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Originally posted by frisco24

Obby -

Very well said.

"Peace by force" - Ronald Regan

This is exactly what we are trying to employ. Sure they've not found any weapons of mass destruction but the message was VERY CLEAR. DO NOT FUCK WITH US BECAUSE WE'LL COME BACK TO GET YOU.

dont fuck with is because well come back to get you?

i think what bush meant was "fuck with my father and ill come back to get you!!"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Take it how you may...but I take it like...you try to take out an American president and we'll come back to get you. Can you imagine if he would've taken out GB? They would've found weapons of Mass destruction alright...the one's we would've dropped on their ass!

I agree that there may be a personal vendetta but I also agree that Saddam needed to be out!

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Originally posted by djcarlosf

dont fuck with is because well come back to get you?

i think what bush meant was "fuck with my father and ill come back to get you!!"

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I took it as:

"The US will NEVER negotiate with terrorist"

"The US will NEVER allow terrorist to threaten our freedom nor others freedom" (key word: others)

"The USA will not be fucked with"

Spoken like a true strong leader living in tough times. Thats the type of attitude we need when dealing with terrorist.


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I took it as:

"The US will NEVER negotiate with terrorist"

"The US will NEVER allow terrorist to threaten our freedom nor others freedom" (key word: others)

"The USA will not be fucked with"

Spoken like a true strong leader living in tough times. Thats the type of attitude we need when dealing with terrorist.




Well said Man!!!

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Originally posted by frisco24

I agree that there may be a personal vendetta but I also agree that Saddam needed to be out!

true true!!!

and just because there are other motives doesnt make it wrong.

that fucker was killing a hundred thousand people a year, and making millions live in fear, its about time someone grew a pair and didnt just look our for their own best interests (cough.. france, germany, and recently spain :( ) and fuck everyone one else ..... just like they did in bossnia too btw.

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