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My New Tat


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Originally posted by smokesum

and i wouldnt go out of my way to be nice to her...shes actually a very shallow person


Do you even know me??

Do you even know half the shit I do??

And im shallow?? Pointing fingers at someone that you don't know from a hole in the wall is pretty funny to me. Call me a slut call me a whore whatever, guys tend to use those words freely with women just cause it makes them feel good about themselves, but truth is none of you know anything bout my Sexual history so you would have no reason to call me a slut or a whore.

But to say that I am shallow?? Why is that?? If you even knew one lil bit about me you would never say that. I go out of my way for a lot of people and do A LOT for people in the ways of being a good friend and helping out as many ppl as I can with what I can.

Being 19 years old, established with a great job, an education, and my own apartment has more to it than what most of you fools are doing with your lives. You sit here day in and day out and criticize everyone for fun, fine, if that's your idea of fun then maybe you just really need to get out more.

I NEVER said "these guys are assholes they piss me off" because this shit NEVER has pissed me off to the point where im going to rant off the boards to other people, ESPECIALLY TO YOU!!

Honestly, the only people on this board that would ever say something that would put me in my place would be the people that I have been friends with that know me, not someone that sits at home all day and jerks off to pictures on the net all day.

So sorry to go on like this I just wanted to set shit straight, you guys are really pathetic how a fucking tattoo has to turn into 7 pages of bullshit......:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd


Do you even know me??

Do you even know half the shit I do??

And im shallow?? Pointing fingers at someone that you don't know from a hole in the wall is pretty funny to me. Call me a slut call me a whore whatever, guys tend to use those words freely with women just cause it makes them feel good about themselves, but truth is none of you know anything bout my Sexual history so you would have no reason to call me a slut or a whore.

But to say that I am shallow?? Why is that?? If you even knew one lil bit about me you would never say that. I go out of my way for a lot of people and do A LOT for people in the ways of being a good friend and helping out as many ppl as I can with what I can.

Being 19 years old, established with a great job, an education, and my own apartment has more to it than what most of you fools are doing with your lives. You sit here day in and day out and criticize everyone for fun, fine, if that's your idea of fun then maybe you just really need to get out more.

I NEVER said "these guys are assholes they piss me off" because this shit NEVER has pissed me off to the point where im going to rant off the boards to other people, ESPECIALLY TO YOU!!

Honestly, the only people on this board that would ever say something that would put me in my place would be the people that I have been friends with that know me, not someone that sits at home all day and jerks off to pictures on the net all day.

So sorry to go on like this I just wanted to set shit straight, you guys are really pathetic how a fucking tattoo has to turn into 7 pages of bullshit......:rolleyes:

I dont pop shit out of my ass....maybe some of your "so called" friends arent really that you dumb cunt

keep writing the 300 page essays..Miss "I Dont Care" :aright:

im gonna go jerk off to your picture....the diaper one in the kitchen..:rolleyes:

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I have seen a topic on "have you ever shit and puked at the same time" go 5 pages. I think you showing your ass, which is nice, is grounds for atleast 14 or 15 pages.

I personally do not like the tatoo but it is not on my ass, so if it makes you happy who cares. People like to cause drama. End of story.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

yoooooo b-side u live in miami correct!?!?!?!?!?!

For now my :hat: is in MIA ..... ......(ft. Ladi-dai) actually

Most of the time I'm on the road so i live in hotels mostly

I took some time off the road bcz I got sick aft. conf. and don't wanna fly anytime soon (until I get better)....

Which is why I've been posting a lot lately :laugh2:


but yes I call South FL my home !!!

4 now (until I move further south...... the Carribean / South America)

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its kind of like filing you taxes.

Column a = total number of posts for her ass

Column b = total number of posts against her ass

add column a and b that would be coumn c

Also add in the total number of posts that are talking about column c as a total.

Then divde by the number of posts on a page.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

so u live close to mee...i live in hallandale....u must come by the land one of these days...if ur intown the weekend of the 23rd...koky and i are gonna have a shindig in the land!!!!!!!!!!:D u must come by to drop some choons!!!!!!!!!!

...weird ...i was in hallandale when i was down last month!.......my bro in in ft lauderdale.....my friend stayed at a family condo in hallandale and i was at the roney....

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

but truth is none of you know anything bout my Sexual history so you would have no reason to call me a slut or a whore.

I'm definitely not insinuating in any way that you are a whore but I'm pretty sure that people who have been posting on here a while probably know a little about your sexual history from conversations you've had on here and maybe from some of those post people have this certain impression of you.

If you think about it, look how many of you know mine and all of the countless whores I have paid for :D

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

so u live close to mee...i live in hallandale....u must come by the land one of these days...if ur intown the weekend of the 23rd...koky and i are gonna have a shindig in the land!!!!!!!!!!:D u must come by to drop some choons!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by smokesum

total posts?.. or the total ass kisses

r u fucking delusional? are all compliments considered ass kissing to u? when someone compliments u or says something POSITIVE toward u do u automatically assume theyre kissing ur ass?
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Originally posted by linabina

r u fucking delusional? are all compliments considered ass kissing to u? when someone compliments u or says something POSITIVE toward u do u automatically assume theyre kissing ur ass?

let me "fucking" rephrase that..total "fucking" number of posts looking to get into her "fucking" pants...........bitch

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