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TUNE IN : Peter Jennings Dance clubs and ecstacy


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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Finally, someone that isn't kissing the governments ass!!! I found this show giving the FACTS, not propaganda towards the drug being harmful, deadly, etc. Any drug use has risks, and if you don't believe that, you are being naive. The facts were given. You take from this proper information and then you can make an educated choice on whether you want to try it, continue to use it, or stop all together. Notlike the current system where the government just says "No, this is bad" and that's it, because everything they say and do is right :rolleyes:

Both sides were given a chance to voice their opinions and facts. What I found VERY interesting is that the original doctor who did the study on Ecstasy (and the study was paid for by the government by the way...) who's name was Dr. Riccardi, was asked for an interview to go over his work study and never responded. Then the big one, when another study of his was retracted in 2003. When you have something to hide, people seem to just stay away or shut up. Then you had some ecstasy users say the after effects of using the drug was no worth it for them. Both sides were able to say something and so I believe the program was on target.

This show was excellent....10/10

BTW....I recorded it. 650MB Mpeg file....

If anyone wants it....umm...gonna need to transfer it over night :tongue:

great review. btw i might hit u up for a copy :)

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Originally posted by southof5th

this show is irrelevant because yur not getting pure mdma in your pill

it's all the fillers that fucks you up (in the bad sense of the word) and cause those week long hangovers

so how does it work ? is it like more $$ to get pure ecstacy? that makes no sense oh well lol .. well maybe it does. its kinda like health food. organic food is healthier for you than junk food. of course x isnt good for you. but im sure from after the show i watched that the pure form is les deadly then the ones laced with heroin and coke or whatever they put

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Originally posted by Bling

so how does it work ? is it like more $$ to get pure ecstacy? that makes no sense oh well lol .. well maybe it does. its kinda like health food. organic food is healthier for you than junk food. of course x isnt good for you. but im sure from after the show i watched that the pure form is les deadly then the ones laced with heroin and coke or whatever they put


If rambling endlessly was a currency, you'd be freakin filthy.


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Originally posted by Bling

so how does it work ? is it like more $$ to get pure ecstacy? that makes no sense oh well lol .. well maybe it does. its kinda like health food. organic food is healthier for you than junk food. of course x isnt good for you. but im sure from after the show i watched that the pure form is les deadly then the ones laced with heroin and coke or whatever they put


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Originally posted by Bling

so how does it work ? is it like more $$ to get pure ecstacy? that makes no sense oh well lol .. well maybe it does. its kinda like health food. organic food is healthier for you than junk food. of course x isnt good for you. but im sure from after the show i watched that the pure form is les deadly then the ones laced with heroin and coke or whatever they put

yes pure mdma is more $$$ to synthesise (sp?) so they put other stuff that will get you going in it like speed, dxm, and pma. The last two ingredients are especially nasty.

you won't find heroin in there because that's really expensive.

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Originally posted by southof5th

yes pure mdma is more $$$ to synthesise (sp?) so they put other stuff that will get you going in it like speed, dxm, and pma. The last two ingredients are especially nasty.

you won't find heroin in there because that's really expensive.


its those mdma wannabe's that a pill popper is more vulnerable to catch heat exhaustion... Actually, dxm gives you a great high, and pills with dxm in it usually get good reviews..... Pure stuff or not, you gotta be responsible and drink fluids, and take the necessary breathers!!!

Keeping X illiegal, is what causes the very small amount of deaths to happen.... By keeping it an illicit drug, you incorporate a black market, which then you gives birth to derivatives of the drug that are less expensive, and make drug dealers greater profits...

When all the time, Uncle Sam could have this regulated, pure, and completely eliminate dangerous stuff.... As well as X dealers, and the million we spend on tax dollars trying to stop the stuff:idea: :idea:

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Originally posted by beatfriek

By keeping it an illicit drug, you incorporate a black market, which then you gives birth to derivatives of the drug that are less expensive, and make drug dealers greater profits...

also remember that 90%+ of the people dying from this are children.... pre teens and just barely teens.... these people are putting strains on their own bodies when they aren't even fully developed yet.

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

the governtment need x to be illegal...they cant make any money off of it if its legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D


No money for government = illegal

Even if they did make it legal and put a tax on it, STILL they wouldn't like it because they want CONTROL over everything you do. Like one of the people on the program said, when you take Ecstasy, you open up and see things in a whole new way; you will see thru all the B.S. the government puts out :idea:

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hey guys.... first of all, they would make plenty of money off of it were it to be legal.... cigarettes only cost around .45 per pack from the maker.. the rest is tax by federal, state, county taxes...

and you guys think the government is so bad??? wtf??? most of people here in south florida fled their countries cause the gov't was so bad or came here for the opportunity of a new life. living in the USA you have a lot more freedoms than you have anywhere else.

i'm from amsterdam myself and yeah you can smoke weed and a couple other things but you know what..... that's only in a certain part of town and god forbid you step out of those boundries with any type of drug... plus there are no police brutality laws so people get the shit kicked out of them all the time, no false imprisonment laws, so if you get arrested by mistake, tough shit... the taxes are a lot higher, not to mention cost of living and plenty of other things. but you don't hear about it.. why, cause you don't have the same free speech laws you have here, so the media can be hushed at any time. so before you run around saying this country and it's government sucks because you cant go to eckerd's and buy pills remember why you left where you did...

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THERE'S PRO'S AND CON'S ON BOTH SIDE'S OF THE ISSUE, I agree that the government has tried to make ecstacy look like the next "crack" cocaine epidemic which is completely false along with all of the scientific flaw's regarding MDMA.............

Look at ephedra people have been using it for hundred's of year's to lose weight,increase energy,stamina, and mental focus. It has helped million's of obese people become healthier and live happier live's yet the government doesn't get kick back's on ephedra like they do on these "pharmecutical" weight loss supplement's like Xenical,etc. that cost hundred's of dollar's and can have much more severe side effect's............... anybody watch the movie "Reqiuem for a dream":laugh:

I guess the government is more concerned about people depleting there seratonin level's than they are about alcoholism and lung cancer which affect's the vast majority of our population..........:idea:

I think MDMA use should be controlled to a point because like anything else it has the potential to be abused depending on the individual using it, and also to educate the youth about consequence's of frequent usage depression,anxiety,insomnia,etc.

The worst part of what the government need's to be concerned with is the fact that the stricter they become on law's regarding MDMA, the more potent and dangerous derivitive's that come out.

MDA,DXM,2CB, etc. which are the drug's that are causing people to become sick and obviously give ecstacy a bad rap.......

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fliptoniaaa WROTE


tss see where to begin!!!!!!!!! its was an o.k. piece of journalism...they kind of left everyting where it is anyways...they started to push the line, but they eased up at the end.......its very surprising to me that u all r surprised that ur own govt would lie to u.......welcome to the o.s. of fuckin a!!!!!!!!!

theres still alot more studying that needs to go on with this srug, but as long as u live in this country u can expect the lies to keep coming!!!!!!!!!! much like the lies they feed to us about 9/11 and the lies they tell us, basically just to keep us in line!!!!!!!!!

im gonna stop now....cuz i know most of u right now r like wow...that was interesting, but by this time next week it woill be some special u saw on t.v.!!!!!!!!

u know this country and govt sometimes just make me sick....and believe me if i hads the money i would get out!!!!!!!! but 4 now im stuck here....in the land of fliptoniaaa....where at least up to now i can kind of live my life in the freedom that this country should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets take care of each other........y not no1 else will!!!!!! God has spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!


fliptoniaaa please do our country a favor and get out and go to another country where you "think the government is less corrupt." In all honesty our country is in a time of need for patriotism....there are people who die for this country everyday and there are people dying trying to come to this country everyday. So do everyone a favor and keep your biased negative opinions to yourself. I am sure that all of the u.s. soldiers that are protecting your ass everyday would appreciate your lovely statements. IF YOU HATE THE U.S GET OUT. AND RMEMBER YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE UNTIL ITS GONE OR TAKEN FROM YOU.

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Originally posted by tired

hey guys.... first of all, they would make plenty of money off of it were it to be legal.... cigarettes only cost around .45 per pack from the maker.. the rest is tax by federal, state, county taxes...

and you guys think the government is so bad??? wtf??? most of people here in south florida fled their countries cause the gov't was so bad or came here for the opportunity of a new life. living in the USA you have a lot more freedoms than you have anywhere else.

i'm from amsterdam myself and yeah you can smoke weed and a couple other things but you know what..... that's only in a certain part of town and god forbid you step out of those boundries with any type of drug... plus there are no police brutality laws so people get the shit kicked out of them all the time, no false imprisonment laws, so if you get arrested by mistake, tough shit... the taxes are a lot higher, not to mention cost of living and plenty of other things. but you don't hear about it.. why, cause you don't have the same free speech laws you have here, so the media can be hushed at any time. so before you run around saying this country and it's government sucks because you cant go to eckerd's and buy pills remember why you left where you did...

First of all, like Bruce Springsteen said....

I WAS BORN IN THE USA!!! :tongue:

Second of all, the free speech laws you talk about are slowly but surely going away; go to http://www.stopfcc.com Censorship on the radio is step 1. Next is cable tv and satellite. Then will be the internet.

Maybe we do have more freedoms than other countries. However, as the days go by, those freedoms are being taken away from us.

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Second of all, the free speech laws you talk about are slowly but surely going away; go to http://www.stopfcc.com Censorship on the radio is step 1. Next is cable tv and satellite. Then will be the internet.

we'll i guess we as 'americans' need to take a closer look at the people we elect into office.... remember america as a majority elected the assholes who are approving and taking away these laws.

so before you bash the government.... just remember it was 'your' votes who put them there

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Originally posted by tired

we'll i guess we as 'americans' need to take a closer look at the people we elect into office.... remember america as a majority elected the assholes who are approving and taking away these laws.

so before you bash the government.... just remember it was 'your' votes who put them there

You are right. That's why when it's time to vote, I'll be there voting those people out! :)

Also don't forget those who don't vote.....they are much to blame as well. Doing NOTHING at all is the worst thing you can do.

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

Also don't forget those who don't vote.....they are much to blame as well. Doing NOTHING at all is the worst thing you can do.

:aright: well said.... if you don't vote... keep your fuckin' mouth shut... cause you had your chance to try and make a difference but were too damn lazy

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