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BLACK CP Appreciation>>> WHAT A RIP-OFF!

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i understand what you're trying to prove here and i've been in your position trying to relentlessly defend my peoples as a whole, even if it meant defending the shady, dirty ass viet/chinese folks in Exshit.

but you know what? there are a few bad apples in every race and it's just best to pick and choose your battles wisely. you're just spouting off to people that have already said multiple times that it's not the asian race as a whole they are hatin' on, but just the individual asian folks that make everyone else look bad.

so, just give it a rest. there's a difference b/t people that are just trying to get a rise out of you and those that really are racist.

come on now.

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Originally posted by klubbheadsor

I doubt you would call me a "little pussy" if you said it to my face biach!!:bigfinge: If you choose to be ignorant than that's your business. Liking Bush tells me a lot about yourself you troglodyte!! If you like Bush your the loser here not me!! Can you tell me where the WMD are with your GI Joe mentality of yours? C'mon you "know it all" Redneck tell me? I just love that he started the war in Iraq for no reason!! Do you like the economy where in? I just love the unemployment rate!! Around the world people laugh at us because of him. What a legacy he's leaving here!! :funny:

So you think it's okay that Sadam had rape rooms? Tortured civilians for no reason? Gimme a break. Fuckin' bleeding heart liberals. War for no reason? I love people like you who preach about being politically correct but then call people rednecks cause they like Bush. Can you say hypocrit?

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Originally posted by ummedunno

To the person who said 'i knew this event was too good to be true...', i seriously have NO idea what you're talking about. you didn't even give it a try. just because the line was down the block doesn't mean that they were holding up the line. it was a FREE event so it was obvious that there will be a lot of ppl showing up. my friends and i showed up at 1 and we got in for free w/o a hassle.

im glad to hear that most of you guys had a good time. i didn't have a good time at all. maybe because i was in a bad mood to begin with. when i got there the line was down the block and it doesn't really help when ppl are cutting the lines. i mean yeh we all want to get in for free but please ppl....we all have to wait. if you're in such a rush, you should've left your house yesterday. these ppl didnt even have friends up front. they just plain and simple walked through the long line of ppl to ensure that they'll get in for free. nonetheless, i'll give Black another try. [/QUOT

LOL what was up with those assholes iw as there for that. I figured if they need it that badly then fuck it.

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Originally posted by klubbheadsor

Hey I can't feel for your nigga because I don't know him!! :no: Well I 'm glad that you two have a sense of humor but do you expect everyone else here to? If you're with your peeps and having fun then you can say whatever you want. I do and so does everyone else. I have been on these boards in the past and seen people get into heated arguments because of people who think like you two!! :argue: Everyone here has gone through different things in their lives and you can't expect everyone to have a sense of humor. Some offensive comments people make here will trigger certain emotions in others. You have to be receptive to others not vice versa. You both think the world revolves around you two.

As for our soldiers that are dying, there is nothing I can really do about that. I support what they do and pray for their families. It's very sad but that's Geogre Dubya for you. Hey, if I feel I need to speak up about something then I will. I don't care what you or others think!! I think in these forums people should be able to have amicable conversations in a peaceful environment. Since your nigga doesn't think b4 he speaks and carries a racist demeanor about him then I feel that there should be a place where he can express those feelings. There should be a forum called "the pit" where you can be allowed to vent those frustrations here. I think CP will catch on soon to this or maybe they already have. :confused:

Dude, lay off Sheendawg a little. Guess what? She is a black woman and very cool.;)

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Originally posted by kitty19


i understand what you're trying to prove here and i've been in your position trying to relentlessly defend my peoples as a whole, even if it meant defending the shady, dirty ass viet/chinese folks in Exshit.

but you know what? there are a few bad apples in every race and it's just best to pick and choose your battles wisely. you're just spouting off to people that have already said multiple times that it's not the asian race as a whole they are hatin' on, but just the individual asian folks that make everyone else look bad.

so, just give it a rest. there's a difference b/t people that are just trying to get a rise out of you and those that really are racist.

come on now.

Well said. :clap: So far you have been the only person here to make sense of this whole debate w/o being insulting. I know NYC is one huge melting pot and that there are good apples and bad apples amongst all races. I was trying to avoid an argument by saying my piece and that's it. Many wanted to get on me so I will defend myself by any means necessary. The reason I even argued in the 1st place was because one time long ago an asian poster tried to defend his people on this same issue when Black was Exit. I take it you don't go there? They gave him hell for it and most of the others who argued w/him got a rise out of this. I didn't care to get involved at the time but this time I chose to. I didn't want that same argument to start up all over again.

Some posters here mentioned specifically that they were not targeting the whole asian race, but others didn't so I went after them instead. Crazy right? :woah: Anyways you made your point and I don't really want to waste more time and effort in arguing w/people whom I'll never see in my life. This topic has been beaten to a pulp already. If you want to talk to me about some of your experiences in regards to this issue you can PM me to chat.

Thanx cya kitten. :aright:

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Originally posted by Kermzy

So you think it's okay that Sadam had rape rooms? Tortured civilians for no reason? Gimme a break. Fuckin' bleeding heart liberals. War for no reason? I love people like you who preach about being politically correct but then call people rednecks cause they like Bush. Can you say hypocrit?

At first I was for the war, because it made sense. Now that we have found absolutely not one single WMD is why I changed my views. I'm glad we caught Saddam because he did pose a threat, but I don't like starting wars for no reason and w/o concrete substance. Many innocent people as well as our soldiers are dead. If he such a great president then why has he NOT told our troops to come home yet? Why are all of Bush's administration all taking the heat now? For not doing enough in preventing 9/11 and because no WMD have been found!! Do you think the perception of Bush globally is that of a positive one now? Since your such a Bush supporter, where are those WMD? He started the war in Iraq because his dad not finish what he started as president previously. It was one of his agenda's once he became president. Bush does not know how to deal with people he just thinks he can go and tell anyone what he wants when he wants like some cowboy. I'm no hypocrite, just stating the facts for the record. I hope it's Bush NO More after 04!! :aright:

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Originally posted by someclown

Dude, lay off Sheendawg a little. Guess what? She is a black woman and very cool.;)

Chill man. :cool: It's not her I was after it was her boy. She got caught in the crossfire that's all. I'm sure she's cool but if I get attacked every which way I have to protect myself by any means necessary. I'm not mad at anyone at all now. To each his own. :cool:

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Originally posted by nomembername

Oh shit yo...my bad.

:laugh: :laugh:

Those weren't the pics I originally posted, don't know where those came from.

You know damn well where those pics came from. These are just some of the skeletons in your closet. :funny: You could of at least warned us about it. Thats just so wrong and vile!!:vomit2:

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Originally posted by starlanyc

I knew it was too good to be true, and I should have known better then to even bother trying to go... It was bad enough that they held this so-called "Customer Appreciation" Night on a night when the clocks go ahead an hour, making it so that you really had to be therre before 1am, not 2am. Then, obviously they hold up the line for what seems like forever! even though inside im sure its completely empty.... just killing time so lesss people can make it in for free before 1am. and Paris and Tasha weren't even outside ... at all before 1am. So everyone HAD to wait on line!

What a RIP! If Club Planet really appreciated it's customers they should have made the time a little later, knowing full well that it was daylight savings. And there's no need to make people wait on line at 11pm, JUST to build a line, when you know full well its totally empty inside. I know its just nightclub tactics to make it look like the place to be - but it's that mentality that pisses me off. Don't advertise that its free before a certain time, and then not let anyone in until after that time.

needless to say, i drove past twice, saw the line around the corner, saw that neither paris or tasha was outside, realized even if i got on that line now, i still wouldnt make it in before 1am, and then drove home and went to sleep.. FUCK THAT!

Wah wah wah shit in your pants pal! I got there @ 1:30 and didn't even have a flyer. Simply told them @ the door I was there for the CP guest appreciation party and no problem. me and my guest were in with no problem.

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Originally posted by ripped2shreds

was giving a prostate exam by the bouncer, and then jp ripped it, had a great night

wow...odd...2 weeks ago when i was there i was all but given one too, last week all the old dude did was look in all my jacket pockets looked at teh shit i had in my hands (wallet, etc) and said "have fun" :laugh:

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