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Do you still wear your "Sunglasses at Night?" Is everyone still "Dancing with Myself?" err... bad intro, I know, but so were the 80's!!!! Anyway, list your favorite things from the 80's...

Band: Van Halen

Song: Chains of Love "Erasue"

Show: Knight Rider

Cards: Garbage Pail or Michael Jackson cwm8.gif

Movie: The Breakfast Club

T.V.: Growing Pains

Clothing: "Beat It" Jacket & leg warmers cwm27.gif

...so please list your favorite, or not so favorite, things from the 80's...


"Life is a drink... Don't guzzle it down, learn to savor every moment..."



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GAWD!!! I LOVED and HATED the 80's. LOVED and went crazy for Duran Duran, Erasure, New Order, Depeche Mode and Aha!! Breakfast Club and Wierd Science was the best!! However, the 80's was definately the cheesiest with the puffy hairdo's, cavarichi (sp?) pants, and the girls with way too much make-up. cwm27.gif



"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." angel.gif

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My favorite 80's singer was.....Yes, Debbie Gibson. I actually still have all the tapes. My most prized posession in the mid-80's was my Charm necklace!! Do the other females remember these? I loved that thing. I had about 200 plastic charms hangin around my neck.....then it fell down a sewer at the bus stop. My fav movie...ET.

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Depeche Mode

the Police

would the real Metallica please stand up?

Liked most of the "mod/electronic" bands

Oingo Boingo

Anyone remember Taco?

(no luigi_s not t a c o s a l a d - heh heh although that was there in full force even waaaaay back then...)

Thompson Twins


Grandmaster flash

ahhhh the memories


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Oh man, I had those big bangs and huge hoop earrings. And the Swatch watches! And neon clothing (esp. mismatched socks), oh god no. And how the hell was that suposed to be better than bell bottoms?

Did anyone do the Go-Gos' short short hair or Madonna's Like a Virgin thing? I was a little too young for it, but I wanted to try!



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OMG... I totally forgot breakdancing!!!! My cousin had this wall poster with all these moves on it, and we would practice headspins on a big piece of cardboard in front of his house. ROFL. We were, like, in fourth grade.



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Ohh the 80's...how I miss those days.

I remember:

Kangaroos (sneakers w/a zippered pocket on them)

Rubik's Cube, The Orb, Pyramid, and Snake (puzzles)

Member's Only Jackets

BJ & The Bear (TV show)

Cabbage Patch Kids, Care Bears, My Little Pony, and the dog with the Pink hair..Poochie

Collecting Stickers (Lisa Frank, Sandy Lion, and the squishy ones that change colors)

Ceiling Mobiles (anybody collects those too?)

And like lolly, I used to have a charm necklace as well. (My fav was the skeleton w/the rhinestone eyes.) biggrin.gif


"I love mankind...It's people I can't stand."

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Originally posted by jenny5150:

As in Taco - "Puttin' On The Ritz"? (Used to dance to the 45 all the time!


If your blue

and you don't know

where to go to

why don't you go where fashion sits

Puttin' on the Ritz

Different types

of where-a-day coats

pants with stripes

and cut away coats

perfect fits

puttin' on the ritz

Dress up like a million dollar trooper

trying hard to look like Gary Cooper

Shewp a do wah!

Can't believe I actually remember the words... Scary!


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Originally posted by ibhugh:


would the real Metallica please stand up?

Hmmmmmmm... Kill 'em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets (greatest metal album ever!!!!) ...And Justice for All. I promised myself I wouldn't cry... wzbigcry.gif


"Life is a drink... Don't guzzle it down, learn to savor every moment..."



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gj joe, thunder cats, rainbow bright, my lil pony, care bears, 16 candles, breakfastclub, weird science, all the cheesy horror flicks, bangels, debbie gibson.....anyone used to watch GLOW?? or was that early 90's...ummm i dont remember....

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A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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God...the 80's

Cavarichi's that funny...I remember those tight-ass Edwin jeans and what were those parachute pants....Zero boogies, I think!

(thank god I never owned them!)

Let's see..

Depeche Mode




Def Leoppard!!!

Cydi Lauper

The Goonies (a classic)

Garbage Pail Kids

Cabbage Patch Kids

Freddie Krueger



Fraggle Rock!!!! (i miss that show)

He-man & She-ra

Shrinkey-dinks!!! i loved those things

Stawberry Shortcake



Nintendo 64 (i still have it- ha! I loved playing paper-boy, rad-racer and contra!)

.o0 aahhhh! the memories...thank god we've evolved! 0o.


*~**~*~**~ I'm an angel... my halo is only crooked sometimes ~**~*~**~*

[This message has been edited by missincognito (edited 10-26-2000).]

[This message has been edited by missincognito (edited 10-26-2000).]

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