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my ex girl and i said it a while back. it was kind of weird cause we both said it the same day and we both meant it. but that was then and this is now and im looking to say it to somebody else now and to have another relationship. i can be extremely nice!!!!!

i know brandie is gonna rip this post up but she knows im serious


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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I agree with Brandie, Love is something that ALWAYS deserves another chance.

Me? I said it after about a month and a half into our relationship on the phone. Didn't mean to say it . . . I really meant to say "I miss you." but for some reason the word "love" came out instead. I guess my heart knew it before my brain.

But since then I say it every day! cwm38.gif



"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." angel.gif

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I fell in love with my ex-boyfriend about two months after dating but I didn't say anything to him then because I wasn't sure and I didn't want to say it first. When I realized I loved him, I also realized that this is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with, which is unusual for me because I don't like committment. The both of us were so content with not saying anything that eventually things exploded and we broke up. Six months later, while I was on vacation, he called and wanted to know how I was doing and at that moment I was doing great because I just happened to be thinking of him at that same time and....poof! he was there on the phone. We started seeing each other when I got back for about a month but then not hearing from him for about two weeks I received a call from him and he said that he had to leave and won't be back home until May 2002!! What? Still wanting to tell him that I love him, I hesitated and replaced it with "I miss you." I later sent him a card and in it I told him that he's "the one I've always dreamed of and that I love him for allowing me to be me and grow into the person I am today" and I haven't heard him from him since!! Its been about five months and not one day goes by that I don't think of him.....I regret telling him that I love him in the card but when I knew I wouldn't see him for two years I felt as though he at least needed to know that I did love him.

Anyone else think I should regret telling him

the way I did....comments.....

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I fell in love with my ex-boyfriend about two months after dating but I didn't say anything to him then because I wasn't sure and I didn't want to say it first. When I realized I loved him, I also realized that this is the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with, which is unusual for me because I don't like committment. The both of us were so content with not saying anything that eventually things exploded and we broke up. Six months later, while I was on vacation, he called and wanted to know how I was doing and at that moment I was doing great because I just happened to be thinking of him at that same time and....poof! he was there on the phone. We started seeing each other when I got back for about a month but then not hearing from him for about two weeks I received a call from him and he said that he had to leave and won't be back home until May 2002!! What? Still wanting to tell him that I love him, I hesitated and replaced it with "I miss you." I later sent him a card and in it I told him that he's "the one I've always dreamed of and that I love him for allowing me to be me and grow into the person I am today" and I haven't heard him from him since!! Its been about five months and not one day goes by that I don't think of him.....I regret telling him that I love him in the card but when I knew I wouldn't see him for two years I felt as though he at least needed to know that I did love him.

Anyone else think I should regret telling him

the way I did....comments.....

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You wait to say it til about as long it takes to get hard then...

Say I love you on a bridge on a cold winter night so there will be no witnesses... if she doesn't respond back, push her ass over and give her the finger on her way down...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Don't Do it!!!

Run while you got the chance

Resist the evil powers of the almighty woman


"Without sounding pretentious i don't view what i do as djin'....i look at it as makin' soundscapes with the music and the energy .....the clubs, and the people in the clubs (myself included) are the canvas.....let's paint!"

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You can't put time on feeling. If you are in love then say it. It could happen in a month, it could happen in 2 years. Love is a crazy thing and you shouldn't hide your emotions. You could be missing out on something special by holding back.


"Life is a drink... Don't guzzle it down, learn to savor every moment..."



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You wait till when you feel it in your heart, in your mind, in your soul. Saying I love you isnt something to take lightly. You need to be sure of youre feelings 100% with these 3 little words. There isnt even a set place....you say it wherever, and whenever. But ALWAYS face to fce the first time. You want the other person to SEE it.



"It's normal to be different!"

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Well, the first time I was 16. I was nervous so I called a radio station and asked the DJ to say it. Then I taped it and gave it to my BF. When he said it back all I could say was "ditto" Pretty lame.

The next time I was 17 and drunk on new years.I went to lay under the christmas tree and said to my BF. "Sometimes I think I love you." I thought I was slick- if he didn't say it back- my wording had left a verbal loophole.

Finally, the last time, 3 yrs ago I vowed I wouldn't say it first and I didn't!!!

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Originally posted by misskittie:

You wait till when you feel it in your heart, in your mind, in your soul. Saying I love you isnt something to take lightly. You need to be sure of youre feelings 100% with these 3 little words. There isnt even a set place....you say it wherever, and whenever. But ALWAYS face to fce the first time. You want the other person to SEE it.

Couldn't of said it better myself! You hit the nail right on the head.



*~**~*~**~ I'm an angel... my halo is only crooked sometimes ~**~*~**~*

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I almost didnt reply but here goes.

Love is a truly powerful emotion which can render you helpless, physically and emotionally. It is so strong it changes what you see, what you feel and how you feel it. It is one of the BEST emotions possible but it is also the MOST painful

There are two varying positions and Ill state mine first. I, unfortunately, am a hopless romantic who figured it would be once and once only. The only reason to say "I love you" is when you truly, truly mean it, and it clouds all other thoughts in your mind. I did say it, once, and was with it for a while until that relationship ended in a fiery hail of flames.

The other positions are those people who just say it to get what they want. (Guys, girls, whoever) and to those people I only shake my head and feel sorry for them.

Why? You ask? Simple. Love is a fabulous thing and it should not be taken lightly. And ive realized that when its there and everything works out, the end result is more beautiful than a sunrise on the beach, more potent than a full moon in the starry sky and much, much more consuming than an exploding star.

I hope to feel that way again, I feel like a part of me is missing. It will come around once again into my life, and I will not take it lightly at all.

For now, I have fun....=)




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Lets see, my ex and I had started out as one of those friends w/ benefit things...for like 2 years. I finally had had enough so one night I decided I would tell him. As I was driving his car home I mustered up enough balls to just come right out and say it and I remember going around this tight corner looking over at him and blurting it out. I was so freakin nervous I ran off the damn road.

After stopping and realizing we were ok, we laughed and he said he loved me too. cwm4.gif


*~**~*~**~ I'm an angel... my halo is only crooked sometimes ~**~*~**~*

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Originally posted by myrlin:

Love is a fabulous thing and it should not be taken lightly. And ive realized that when its there and everything works out, the end result is more beautiful than a sunrise on the beach, more potent than a full moon in the starry sky and much, much more consuming than an exploding star.

I hope to feel that way again, I feel like a part of me is missing. It will come around once again into my life, and I will not take it lightly at all.

For now, I have fun....=)

You just made my heart sigh...it's so refreshing to see such a senstitive side to you gents.

I am SURE it will find you again!! cwm17.gif


*~**~*~**~ I'm an angel... my halo is only crooked sometimes ~**~*~**~*

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First of all, Charlie, you are one of the funniest God damn people I've ever known!

My b/f and I were dating about a month and 1/2 when I knew I loved him. We had been seeing each other every day and I felt the same vibe from him but nothing was said. I wanted to but was afraid of his response, as I've said before it took a lot to get through his tough guy act. Each day I thought I was getting further into his head but almost 3 months later nothing had been said.

I wrote a letter to him telling him all the things I was afraid to say. I eluded to the fact that I was in love but I was still afraid. That was on a Tuesday. Saturday he hadn't really responded and I was getting frustrated. We went to the car show at the Javitz center w/another couple and I picked that moment to start twigging out. Mike had no idea that I was even upset but I was telling my girlfriend and her boyfriend that I've had it and if he can't open up to me than it's not worth my time...yada yada. I knew I couldn't do it but I almost wanted to cut him loose. She made me feel a little bit better by telling me that he is obviously not the kind of guy to throw that word around and that he thinks it out before saying it. That's true and now it's a very comforting thing to know that he DID wait since a lot of people don't and just spit it out too early when it's not really love but just the beginning infatuation.

Anyway, after the show we went to a bar and decided to go meet my g/f's Dad at Balthazar (we were classy that night wink.gif ) I was happy at this point because liquor made everything better smile.gifWe were waiting for a cab but a limo pulled up and it was only $30 so we jump in and we're fooling around with our significant others (I was on Mike on the bench seat cwm32.gif ) and all of a sudden he stops kissing me, looks at me and says "Do you know how much I love you?" I punched him in the chest and said "What took you so long!!!" Then I screamed, Julie started yelling "oh my god he said it!" and it was a big celebration for all. It wasn't a private moment but it was so "us", we both make ourselves the center of attention frequently. I even kissed the limo driver on the way out.

Sorry this is so long, it's just one of my favorite memories.

Oh yeah, the short answer is...3 months in the back of a limo on the way to a nice ass restaurant.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 10-27-2000).]

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One more thing, a couple weeks before Mike told me he loves me there was one night I was giving him a back rub and he says "Have I ever told you that I love you?" I respond "no" and he says "Well, maybe someday I will." I was so shocked but it was one of the funniest things I had ever heard. It was only funny because I knew he did love me but was just afraid.

We just both started cracking up cwm2.gifcwm2.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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