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Originally posted by bastardino:

ALcohol is very different topic. IT has been statistically proven that drugs vs alchol is not even in the same ballpark. Alchol is not nearly as destructive or addictive as drugs are.

Please please please tell me:

How many drunk driving deaths occur per year?

How many ecstasy driving deaths occur per year?

How many drunk dumb fighting deaths occur per year?

How many... nevermind, have you ever seen a person on ecstasy even being rude?

Don't bother answering, I won't reply anyway and I hope others won't waste their time either.

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*Yawn* four

HEY, and I also started tbe second page!!!



Bored outa my mind at work...but I have tons to do!


Music saved my soul!

Thank GAWD for Twilo!

[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 10-25-2000).]

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Bastard you are a true moron. You come on this board with this post and you expect nobody to retaliate? I hope you did your research so you can back up your crazy claims. And I must agree with the person that said alcohol is more destructive than drugs.....Bastard how many people on e HAVE you seen that are fighting or causing a ruckus or some other public infraction? Let me tell you E is the most popular drug on the scene right now. I cannot speak for the other drugs...Im not sure how violent they make people...but alcohol is a depressant hon...maybe we should close down all the bars too...just so society can be extra perfect...wouldnt you just love that honey? cwm2.gif

Why dont you get angry about a real subject like Violence against women or animal cruelty and leave clubs alone? If you dont like clubs no one is forcing you to go. Anything that goes on in clubs is contained in the club. So you cannot say that society is being corrupted by clubs.




~*A bad little kiddie doing bad little things*~


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Originally posted by bastardino:

Invement B for example sure people do coke, just like any other industry does, however, CLubs are entirely different. For every 100 invement bankers I bet only 1 does drugs, for every 100 kids at twilo i bet at least 30 of them are something illegal. and don't tell me otherwise cause I fucken know.

um,honey, you need to read more. first of all, statistically speaking, drug use is higher in suburbs than cities. second, drug use among older adults is higher than among teens and young adults. to suggest, as you did in your initial post, that shutting down 3 measely clubs is going to solve the country's, or even the city's, drug problem is childish and absurd. these clubs are not creating a drug problem, they are simply one avenue of it. shutting the clubs down will just mean that people will use drugs elsewhere.

a relatively small percentage of patrons at clubs are using drugs. drug use at parties, bars, homes, etc is greater.

to blindly group 3 wholly different clubs together--sf, twilo, vinyl--shows your lack of knowledge about these clubs and their atmosphere and activities.

if you don't like drugs, don't do them. if you don't want to be around them, don't frequent places or associate with people who use them. the clubs are not the problem here, a greater social issue which creates and services a need for drugs is.

if you really want to do something about the drug problem, why don't you join a public service organization that is worthwhile. like become a mentor to teens to teach them the risks and give them alternatives. or work with chemically addicted adults to help them live with their addiction. or go into law enforcement and attack the big guys--the dealers and the drug lords. all of that would earn a lot more respect than empty trendy moral-majority rantings and convenient band waggoning. walk the talk man, or don't talk at all.



nurturing the embers

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Originally posted by schwingep:

A couple things...

In the meantime you should have the common sence that if you come on to a club board and say the clubs should be shut down, you better expect to have some retaliatino.

- Peter


very nice. I'm impressed with your articulate post.



nurturing the embers

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There is no lesser evil when it comes to drugs or alcohol, they both fry your brain & make you act stupid! I personally know 1 person that went blind from too much e, 1 who died from a heroin od. Who can honestly say that they have not experienced problems with your vision after doing e for a while. it is permanant damage. Not only that, but good luck having children w/o problems - if you do want to have kid's and you use e - don't bother...adopt.

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Originally posted by bastardino:

IF we can unite to shut down these types of clubs we will have made one step closer to eliminating the drug problem in this country. It's really simple and I know i'm gonna hear a ton of shit from people on this board telling me shit like that in that case every club should be close, or that drug problem doesn't lie within these clubs but let me tell you all something IT DOES. Maybe the root of it doesn't but it's definately one of major means of Doing and distributing most of the designer drugs.

wanna know what i hear when i read this?

okay...this is it...ready?:




A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

I don't give a fuck if its dark or not! I'm harder than ME tryin' to park a dodge....when I'm drunk as FUCK, right next to a humongus truck, in a 2 car garage!

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To think that closing clubs will rid the country of its drug problem is a very simplistic view to take.

That's like saying "guns kill". No, guns don't kill,people do. Clubs don't kill or force people to do drugs. It's an individual choice. I say- stop blaming everyone else, and take responsibility for your own actions.

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Originally posted by hippity-hop:

we will lose the whole goal of unity through clubbing!

I'm with you, hippity-hop. The press jumps on these stories as it is. We don't need to add fuel to the fire. Support your clubs and know your own personal limits!

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Originally posted by brandie:

awwww hippity hop doesn't seem to understand the SARCASM that has been going on for forever concerning how GREAT exit is ... it's ok.



I'm sorry I must admit I am new to this! It just really hits a soft spot to see the state of NYC nightlife, I've been around baby! I remember the good old days, I could tell you things that would make your head spin, but we were all united with one thing in common, house music.



Oh Jesus What A Luxury


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do NOT call me baby.

and please refrain from calling my bf "bobby".

you're too *cute* really.

i have a problem with the state that ny nitelife is in, too . . . but the exit joke has been going on for forever . . . it'll all be okay.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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I mean regardless of where you go there are drugs EVERYWHERE.. someplaces are just more discrete than others.. You know how many VIP hi-profile parties I've been to where everyone was on something and I'm not talking designer drugs I'm talking hardcore, crack, cociane, heroine, to name a few..(personally to me drugs are drugs)

It's all about the people really. Some people are just too damn irresponsible with their drugs.. they're trying to see how high they get before killing themselves...

you can't blame the location..that's ridiculous...






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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Originally posted by brandie:

do NOT call me baby.

and please refrain from calling my bf "bobby".

you're too *cute* really.

Look out "Madison Avenue"! Don't call me....He He He! Just kidding, sorry about the mishap, sometimes I'm a little over the.... Forget the drama, lets have a party! Sorry Rob, (he sounds cute!)



Oh Jesus What A Luxury


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I mean regardless of where you go there are drugs EVERYWHERE.. someplaces are just more discrete than others.. You know how many VIP hi-profile parties I've been to where everyone was on something and I'm not talking designer drugs I'm talking hardcore, crack, cociane, heroine, to name a few..(personally to me drugs are drugs)

It's all about the people really. Some people are just too damn irresponsible with their drugs.. they're trying to see how high they get before killing themselves...

you can't blame the location..that's ridiculous...






"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

there will always be drugs, wherever you go, I used to work for a major investment bank and people used to do huge amounts of coke all day...at another major firm the mail room got busted for selling 8 balls of coke...people in hospitals and every area of business do drugs...E now to, its been around for a while just because it's not in the news it is being done...drugs will be a part of society as long as society exists, just like alcohol...they couldn't keep it illegal...now it's legal...would you have said the same thing about alcohol?



I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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hey drugs have been around forever and will continue to be. its your choice wether or not to take them and to go to clubs where they are previlent. if you don't like it, don't go. i am an occasional user of e, but i also go to clubs straight and still have a great time wether or not drugs are around me. to each his own. And one last thing...Exit sucks! too many sweaty, nasty bodies, cramped, trying to dance. Music is good, but no room to dance. If you want to get groped as you walk by a group of sweaty guys, go to EXIT.

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Originally posted by melmer:

There is no lesser evil when it comes to drugs or alcohol, they both fry your brain & make you act stupid! I personally know 1 person that went blind from too much e, 1 who died from a heroin od. Who can honestly say that they have not experienced problems with your vision after doing e for a while. it is permanant damage. Not only that, but good luck having children w/o problems - if you do want to have kid's and you use e - don't bother...adopt.

Hmmm....so you've done e and have had children?? or do you "personally" know someone who's had kids after doing e??

Alcohol can make you go blind to if you drink too much. With anything, moderation is key.

Show me some research to back your facts...websites, pubs, etc.

Anything other than that is heresay.


Music saved my soul!

Thank GAWD for Twilo!

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Check out:

the August issue of the "Journal of Neuroscience" (e causes serotonin nerve fibers to be destroyed / permanent nerve damage: vision ect..)

Do a search on the internet for Medical journals related to ectasy: chromosonal disorders included ie: reproductive disorders...

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i feel like your trying to convert my religion or something, damn, drugs will always be here...we cant shut down the world. but it would be nice if we could fuck those assholes up who are making the fake e pills that are ruining the wholesome "just wanna feel good and dance" crowd. now thats the problem.

to all you inbreds...fuck you.

was i to abrupt? sorry



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Originally posted by bastardino:

ALcohol is very different topic. IT has been statistically proven that drugs vs alchol is not even in the same ballpark. Alchol is not nearly as destructive or addictive as drugs are.

Are you kidding me? do you know how many deaths per year are related to alchol?? do you know how many disease are caused by alcohol, alcohol abuse can do so much to a person more so than E, next time you become an alcoholic you will realise what depression really is, fuck what e does to you...alcohol can destroy almost every major organ the body needs to survive...I know because I've gone through loosing someone to alcohol abuse and seeing what it really does to a person, and ive dealt with alcoholism myself...alcohol is extremely dangerous just because it is legal, one of the largest reasons is the government could not regulate it when it was illegal and they realised how much money they could make in taxes, also off cigarettes...which is why i feel some day the government will legalise certain drugs and control them...creates more jobs, creates more tax money, creates a lot of things...there will always be drugs and there will always be people doing drugs, no matter where you are...you don't seem to understand that...whats the difference if joe blows drops 3 hits at a club or at home with friends listening to music or watching a movie...it is out there...REALISE THIS


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Hey "Ill House You":

Who is saying that alcohol is not bad???? This is not a competition...You are adding alcohol into this discussion and it is irrelevant. You could argue that drinking DRAINO, Suicide, Crack and ALCOHOL are all worse than e , but THAT IS NOT THE POINT HERE. This is about ectasy. The statistics are high on alcohol related problems & death from alcohol...Much higher than the statistics derived from studies on ectasy - yes, that is true...But so is the fact that many more people all over the world are exposed to Alcohol, much more so than e. Of course the general statistics are going to be higher - no one is arguing that! You can not compare the 2...At least not for now.

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