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To All the guys out there beware of this mental case

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Beware of this filthy beast

she is a lying manipulative piece of white trash that has gotten caught out there again


I warned this pyscho case that if she ever pulled another stunt that involved her using her nasty snaggletooth mouth, and my name ever again that i would call her out.

I am a man of my word, and though I said I would start a web site to warn every guy out there about you, this will have to do...

So guys, beware of this type of trash. They carry with them low self-esteem. When they have low self-esteem, they make up lies to make themselves feel better. As time grows, these lies tend to grow and grow, and then the drunken animal lies so much so that she gets caught in them. When she has nothing else left to do except act like the animal white trash that she is, she throws a temper trantum and gets kicked outta DJais on its opening party and has to wait outside by herself in the freezing cold.

Case and point, Sunday, May 2nd, 2004. For all I know this farm pig could be dead. Unfortunately, she was not and I had to see her at Surf Club. As I approached her to see if she would give me the $50 she owed me from 2 years ago when I had to bail her out of jail, she laughed at me as if I was joking.

As the night progressed and her confindence started to sink because she was surrounded by good looking girls with full clean, white, teeth in the club I can only assume she felt her boyfriend's attention start to fade away from her. What does she do then? Make up some bullshit story to get her boyfriend jealous and keep his interest in her. A normal trait of a pig with low self esteem who has no confidence in her self.

As I leave Surf Club and go to Djais I am approached by her boyfriend (who I think dumped her after finally realizing that she is trailer park trash and he could do much better). Her boyfriend wants to know why I have a problem with him, and why I am talking shit about him and why I call this beast all the time and tell her I love her.

All of these were lies stirred up to cause trouble between me and some dude who I never even met. Why you may ask? Why would some low life piece of shit make up lies to start trouble and potentially cause a fight between two complete strangers? Who knows? We cannot logically reason with the crazy.

But one thing is for certain. This type of hick is the virus that you do not want to catch... you do not want to be seen with her, or around her.

Oh, I almost forgot.... Congratulations on your... what are we up to now??? Fourth abortion? It appears you lied to this kidd like you lied to me by telling him you were on birth control so that you could get pregnant and keep him around you. Way to go... I guess when Election 2004 rolls around in November, we know where you stand on the issue of Pro-Choice... All For It. Good for you... You must make all those poor women who cant' get pregnant proud.

And as for that $50 dollars you owe... why don't you just keep it. I tell you what, I got an even better idea. Why don't you go down to the local clinic and get some birth contorl... Or if your too embarrassed by now to keep showing your face there, which is probably becoming like a second home to you, why don't you just go down to that Trashy Wa-Wa and buy some condoms... There are a few girls out there in this world that still use condoms, I hope. Maybe you can try and act like one of them..

And get some toothpaste too... its been a revelation ever since it popped out 60 years ago. Try it some time...

And there will be no need to respond to this message... This is my first and last time i will say anything about this sensitive topic... :puke

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Damn.... and I thought she looked pretty good when I first saw the pic. Hope you guys don't make up and get back together again... this post will definitely destroy any hopes of that!

Relationships suck at times huh?!?:tongue:

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Originally posted by yannidub

Beware of this filthy beast


I warned this pyscho case that if she ever pulled another stunt that involved her using her nasty snaggletooth mouth, and my name ever again that i would call her out.

I am a man of my word, and though I said I would start a web site to warn every guy out there about you, this will have to do...

Yanni you dont post in monthssssss and you come back to post this? :laugh: Too fucking funny. Drama, a good reason to stay home.

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Yanni I thought I told you at Crobar when you approached me and all you could talk about was her that it only makes you look like you are not over her when almost two years later your still talking about her. Repeat after me let her go. Are you still selling licks to your own friends and my friends for 20 dollars more then what you payed telling them your hooking them up. Are you still on your payment plan to keep you out of jail because of that bar fight you got into a couple months ago? And abortions didnt your ex before her have 2 abortions with you. Melanie was her name lets post her picture because thats the only one who had abortions. Everyone knows your pathetic and after over a year look who your still talking about. I hope you finally payed off your bookee from jersey city that came looking for you that you had to have your friend Pete bail you out of. You should never gamble if you dont have money to gamble with. Loser this guy is just move on buddy. If you want I can hook you up with someone its called a psychiatrist. During the time that you guys dated everyone was wondering what a hot girl like her was doing with your ugly ass. Making fun of your ex girlfriend because you cant handle she has a new boyfriend who she is happy with only shows your just bitter. Nice sweat wristband you were wearing at surf to bad they went out a long time ago. Get well soon yanni.

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and dude feels the need to announce this to the public WHY?

reminds me of this crazy long-ass post from a methhead who was going to different bbs posting a warning to folks about the 'plastic people'-

my fave part:

And there will be no need to respond to this message... This is my first and last time i will say anything about this sensitive topic... :puke

such a smooth way to pretend he won't care when she doesn't reply!!!!

dude is :spin2:

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