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My Girlfriend just dumped me....

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What a fucked up night ive had...my girlfriend dumped me after I freaked out at her...shed been cheating on me with this prick asshole from westchester and so I freaked out when I found out and started yelling....so she told me she didnt need me blah blah blah....really fucked up for me...and im suppose to meet everyone at twilo tonight but now I dont wanna go stag....fuck..great night for me....


I lost artax and falcor in CPI's last year...havent seen em since.

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Oh, she wont be there she doesnt like house music...I always had to drag her along....I fuckin swear....I mean...was it wrong of me to get upset? its not like I fucking hit her.....


I lost artax and falcor in CPI's last year...havent seen em since.

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I'm so sorry...what a shitty way to start your weekend...I hope you went to twilo anyway, but if you didn't definitely go out tonight and have some fun...it'll be tough but better than sitting home and agonizing over it.


"deep within I'm shaken by the violence of exsisting for only you..."

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Well, im deffinantly gonna go to Tunnel tonight....I still dont get this crap....I mean...we'd been going out for like 6 months....I thought she was serious, I guess I thought wrong. Mabey I wasnt good enough for her or something, I dont know....oh well, Im not missing the tunnel tonight though.


I lost artax and falcor in CPI's last year...havent seen em since.

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it's really not worth thinking about her anymore. don't think...well...i love her, she was like this or that. what it comes down to is that she lost out. really... when people say that, it sounds dumb. but when it comes down to things...you were true to the relationship (?) and you can move on. always somebody better out there. cwm12.gif



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yo djatreju your girl showed up to the center yesterday and yea the game proved to her why hes that damn good---------------------------and and besides not only did she go to the center party that u said was wack but i saw the center JACKASS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA cwm22.gif

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hey, if she was cheating on you then you're much better off, no??? why would you wanna be with someone who has no respect for your feelings??? i don't understand why people are in relationships and then cheat. no-one is forcing anyone to be exclusive...just see other people, that's all. i hope you know that you deserve better than that bullshit. go out and have a good time and forget about her cuz she ain't worth it!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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I feel for ya man..like Tupac ..keep ya head up!!! She will realize that she let a good thing slip away..go out tonight and just have a good time..chill with your friends and who knows when you are not lookin that ms. right might show up!!! Peace and good luck with things!!! cwm1.gif

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I tell you this. And I tell it to you for your best interest.

Its GREAT that you found out and its no issue nor problem that you got mad. Sometimes, the absolute only way to learn or understand is the hard way. I cannot stand people who arent faithfull and honest and I am very glad you didnt have to live with this bs longer.

Its gonna bug you, or bother you but under no circumstances, ever go back with her. No matter what. You are a much, much better person than she, and you know that and take the good with the bad. Once trust is gone.....there isnt anything worth staying for.

Always an ear if you need one.




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Hey man, I know it hurts right now and it really pisses you off that she actually tried to turn it around and make it look like you were doing something wrong by getting upset(it pisses me off at least)........these guys are all right, she is not worth it and you will realize that with time......which is what you need to give it.......she will realize what she has done to you and herself soon enough, and by that time, you will be long gone if you listen to us.......she will lose in the end.....keep that in mind and be strong. Peace.



"Music is life, live for the weekend....."

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At least the girl told him she was seeing other people. Many can't even fess up. When people say the best way to get over a breakup is by moving on and finding another, it's very true. I'm trying to follow that advice at the moment. Never look back....


Condense thought into a vapor of nuance.

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She didnt tell me. I'd heard from my friend ian from like a month he was telling me they had been hooking up. Then I saw it with my own two eyes...


I lost artax and falcor in CPI's last year...havent seen em since.

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dude, listen to what people are saying on this board. If this girl cheated on you and after being confronted she was like "fuck this, i'm dumping you", i don't see a single reason why you shouldn't move on. Keep your head up and don't get depressed, meet new people.

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Originally posted by dj atreju:

She didnt tell me. I'd heard from my friend ian from like a month he was telling me they had been hooking up. Then I saw it with my own two eyes...

Yuck, I'm sorry to hear that...hope you went out & had fun anyway, doesn't sound like she deserves a nice boyfriend :P



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I agree with everyone here...Why go back to her? Or for the least, if she was getting all upset with you then she definitely knew she was wrong and wanted to blame you in some way as the reason why she cheated on you. Not worth it cwm5.gif .



...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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A few wOrdz from DJ FRESCO:

Why is it woman are so so stupid sometimes? They find a good man? Keep him

there on the side lines? For what? For what? So they can have their fun? So

they can feel free. Fuck it. I am by myself. I was brought in this world by

myself. I will die by myself. The only thing left is the music. I play my music. She will never play me. The music makes me feel free. Gives me my energy... It is my light...

Take it from me. She doesnt deserve you. Keep doing what you are doing..... DONT PAY HER ANY MIND!!!!!

-dj Fresco-

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Originally posted by DJ FRESCO:

A few wOrdz from DJ FRESCO:

Why is it woman are so so stupid sometimes? They find a good man? Keep him

there on the side lines? For what? For what? So they can have their fun? So

they can feel free. Fuck it. I am by myself. I was brought in this world by

myself. I will die by myself. The only thing left is the music. I play my music. She will never play me. The music makes me feel free. Gives me my energy... It is my light...

Take it from me. She doesnt deserve you. Keep doing what you are doing..... DONT PAY HER ANY MIND!!!!!

-dj Fresco-

If that's how you think... you have just been played...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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