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Got another ? to ask. . . How do you feel about abortion. . . as well as having a baby B-4 getting married?

I am doing a paper for school and need to do a survey as an attachment.

Input is much appreciated!!

Thanx! cwm32.gif

PeAcE & LoVe!

cwm38.gifcwm38.gif Precious cwm38.gifcwm38.gif


CoSmic Karma Productions

e-mail: cosmic.karma@lycos.com


[This message has been edited by Precious (edited 10-30-2000).]

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Wow...that is a difficult topic. I feel that abortion shouldn't be used as birth control. Women who have a numerous amount of abortions are definitely in the wrong. But if a woman feels she can't keep the baby for whatever reason then that is her choice. But having an abortion once is enough. I probably don't make any sense whatsoever...This is just my opinion. People do these things for different reasons. We can't judge anybody on their actions...


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i don't particularly like the idea of abortion, but i like much less the idea of having kids under poor circumstances. you end up with babies thrown in the garbage or raised in abusive situations. that to me is infinitely worse than not bringing them into this world at all.

as for your other ?

marriage is simply a title and a symbol. what matters is the relationship, the love between the parents and the love they can bestow upon their kids. as long as both are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices, whether they're married or not doesn't make a difference.


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That's a Very touchy subject here:

In my own opinion:

I am pro-life but...

I do believe a woman has the right to do what she wants with her body. I don't think WHAT-SO-EVER should anyone have the right to tell a person what is best for them.

However, although I may not agree with reasons why some people do it (for example: using it as a form of birth control)- in my opinion, this is just absolutly horrible and intorrable.

On the flip side of it- in a situation as rape or a case where the child, if born- would have severe developmental problems, I believe she has every right to have the option to terminate pregnancy.



Happy Halloweeney!!

*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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Originally posted by trancerjones:

i don't particularly like the idea of abortion, but i like much less the idea of having kids under poor circumstances. you end up with babies thrown in the garbage or raised in abusive situations. that to me is infinitely worse than not bringing them into this world at all.

Too lazy to retype the same thing.. I totally agree.

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I'm definetly 100% Pro-Choice!!!

There are way too many circumstances in life that can factor in a woman's decision to terminate a pregnancy or not. Like, rape, incest, poverty, drug addiction, abusive spouse, or being too young...the list goes on and on.

I feel that abortion should be kept legal to protect our rights and our lives. (up to 12 weeks)



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I remember we had this huge long post before about abortion and if it was right or wrong.

I think the general consensus on this board was that morally it is VERY WRONG. Abortion is such an ugly thing PERIOD! To use abortion as an escape to carelessness is not only inhuman but just plain stupidity. If you’re old enough to have sex then you should be mature enough to think of the consequences and use some form of protection.

However, in today’s society it is something that we can not rid of. If we do then we’re going to face tons of frightened little 14 year old girls running to some back alley chop shop and hurting themselves. It’s not fair to women who were raped and violated. It’s not fair for women who have no other choice but to have an abortion due to some difficult health reasons. It’s also not fair to force women to have kids only to abuse them cause they never wanted them in the first place. So, yes in today’s society we do need legalized abortion. However, we should definitely make it a bit more strict such as absolute parental supervision. It should NOT be used as a birth control method.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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Sorry forgot to add one last thing! As to having babies before marriage . . . I see nothing wrong with that. Whether it be a couple or a woman by herself. If she or they are ready to have children then many blessings for them.

My older sister chose to have my nephew without a father . . . . because she didn’t see having a husband as a necessity. And I believe it was the BEST decision she’s ever made!



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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i feel that abortion is wrong if it is being used as a means of birth control, because it happens way too often.

i will say, however, that i feel abortion is acceptable in ccertain cases. These include, if the girl was raped, if there are known birth defects, etc.

In cases of rape, there are many reasons that abortion may be a considerable option:

- If the person being raped does not know her assailant, then she may harbor bad feelings towards her child after it is born. No child deserves to be hated b/c of trauma that his mother was put through. How could a mother look at her child every day and not feel anger towards it? How do you explain to the child where daddy is? if you don't know? How can you tell your child lies for your whole life that daddy died, or something else . . . when you know the truth and it hurts so much. Having a child that is the result of a rape is a constant reminder of a terrible event in your life that can never, ever be made right.

- If the assailant is unknown, then so are the possible diseases and genes he may be carrying. The child may be unhealthy or have severe mental retardation if certain dominate genes are present in the male.

- What about if the attacker was a drug addict? What about the stresses that a woman goes under when she is raped? What if she turns to drugs and has no idea that she is pregnant? How can a child live a healthy life like that?

- What if the girl who is raped is very young, or is unable to support herself as well as another child? The girl has her entire life to come - and she should be expected to raise a child that did not come from her intent to carry and raise a child?

- There are also cases where the girl is drugged or unconscious - if she is unaware that the rape occurred, sometimes actions that she takes - drinking, drugs, smoking cigarettes, and other unhealthy behaviors - may be harmful to the unborn child. She should not have to live with the results of seeing her own bad behaviors in the child she bears. That child should not have to live being the result of a drug addict mother, etc.


having a baby before getting married is a choice people have to make . . . if it happens as an "accident" then I feel people should live with the consequences of the actions they chose, as long as they can support the baby so it can live a good life.

In certain cases, if the couple is engaged, perhaps, then having a child when the wedding is planned is ok . .

i think people should pretty much wait until after marriage to have a child . . . but even then, in today's society, can one be ensured that the couple will stay together forever?


I could go on for dayyyyyys about this subject, if you have any more questions or need any more thoughts, PM me. I hope this helps some.

sorry about taking up sooooo much space.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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cwm6.gif I agree with most of the people, that abortion should not be abused, I say no more than 2 times can a women get an abortion depending on the circumstances. Even that is pushing it a little. And as far as that being married before you have a baby. I could see if it was like 30 yrs ago when marriages stayed together but now most marragies end in divorce any way so what's the point. I say if you can take care of a a child on your own go for it.
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i agree with bre..

i am pro choice but when women start using it as birth control thats wrong.

as for having babies without getting married, i would never, but if you are ready mentally, emotionaly, physicaly, and you can provide a good life for the baby, then more power to you.

i don't agree on kids 10,12 and 14 having babies though.



i know u wanna dance,

i wanna c u sweat,

i wanna c how freaky u can get...baby take me higher!!

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I am firmly pro-choice. I will not impose my feelings on others as to the personal feelings in this regard.

There is always the specific details of each time. And I am in no position to make a judgement of any person that makes that choice. I know people that have had it done, I know someone that was ready to go, and backed out at the last minute.


Revenge is a dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass.

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i'd like to say i was anti - abortion , but i really dont think i can ....i'ma have to say i'm pro-choice ... its the only sensible answer ... althoutgh i think there should be some kinda regualtions on being able to get one ... obviously rape impregnation ... althougth it would be good for the goose if you could only get a centain amount or somethign so some hoe that keeps gettin knocked up doesnt find herself in the clinic every 10 monthes ... but then again u dont want un wanted babies being dumped into fucked up families that will ruin their lives and prob raise them to be criminals ... maybe every woman that gets an abortion should be review when she is goin to actually give birth to see if she is a fit mother ... ( otherwise take the kid and find it a new home , there are plenty of moms & dads that wants kids badly that cannot have them on their own ) ... so in clusion i guess i feel abortion is shitty but there is no other anser than pro-choice

at the knight of cloumbus , when they say the pledge of alliegence , at the end they say , the born and the unborn , specifically speaking about abortion =)

sorry i was thinkin out loud ... u all love when i do tho ..




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Completely pro-choice, a woman has a right to choose what she wants to do w/ her own body. Including having children before marriage as long as she has the love & means to support those children. Hope this helps your survey smile.gif.



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I agree with everyone on the to a certain degree,

First you can't judge someone for having an abortion, you dont know their situation!

First time is always a mistake, Second time is just stupidity, learn from your mistake

GO ON THE PILL, cover your ass cause noone will do it for you!!!

An abortion is a very painful (mentally speaking) it never leaves you!

If you want more infor PM me or Email me at sugar4@earthlink.net


PPL ask me if I want kids and i say yes, they make comments that im 28 and i dont have any kids. To be totally honest im not going to get myself pregnant, just to have kids.

Children need love from both parents and support from both of them, I want to have children with someone that loves me. Today you need two incomes to support a family, I dont want to be on welfare and depend on the state to feed my kids. I dont expect my family to be my backbone for my children I want to be there for them 100% !!!!!

Sorry i went on and on!!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

[This message has been edited by glowgirl (edited 10-30-2000).]

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somtimes i can't believe the ignornace in this world. that anyone could impose limits on what a woman can and can't do with her body, is totally beyond me. it frustrates the hell outta me that this is an issue that deserves national public attention, that one's presidential vote would be swayed by a candidate's pro-choice or pro-life view.

anyways...people are free beings, and we should be treated as such, within reason. all women should have the right to make their own choices, without worrying about how society would react to such a thing.

oh, and as far as having kids before getting married, hey as long as your responsible, than go for it. and if you're irresponsible, than learn responsibility.

it's amazing what we human beings are capable of. why just twelve months ago, i wasn't into that 'techno stuff', 'ills scared the hell outta me, and clubs were too uptight, now...shit i dream in trance, time my popping perfectly, and don't give a damn about the uptightness.

damn, i forgot my point, anyways pro-life all the way!

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Originally posted by Precious:

Got another ? to ask. . . How do you feel about abortion. . . as well as having a baby B-4 getting married?

I am doing a paper for school and need to do a survey as an attachment.

Input is much appreciated!!

Thanx! cwm32.gif

PeAcE & LoVe!

cwm38.gifcwm38.gif Precious cwm38.gifcwm38.gif

I was pro-choice until my personal circumstances were directly impacted, now I am even more convinced that pro-choice is where it's at!


hapfac01.gif coming to party with you - when my H1 comes thru!------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I'm not for it or against it. I have 3 kids and I'm on my way to get my balls clipped so I would never have to worry about this issue. Bottom line is if you know how to FUCK then you should know what to do. Wrap it before you slap it. smile.gif


He who farts in church - Sits in his own Pew

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