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if i made a piece of shit film about bashing our country and our government maybe i too can win the palme d'or!

Fahrenheit 9/11' wins top honor at Cannes film

CANNES, France(AP) — American filmmaker Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11, a scathing indictment of White House actions after the Sept. 11 attacks, won the top prize Saturday at the Cannes Film Festival.

Michael Moore displays his Palme d'Or, the top prize at the 57th Cannes Film Festival, which he won for his film Farenheit 9/11.

By Boris Horvat, AFP

Fahrenheit 9/11 is the first documentary to win Cannes' prestigious Palme d'Or since Jacques Cousteau's The Silent World in 1956.

"What have you done? I'm completely overwhelmed by this. Merci," Moore said after getting a standing ovation from the Cannes crowd.

Fahrenheit 9/11 won the top award from sharply divided Cannes moviegoers, who found a solid crop of good movies among the 19 entries in the festival's main competition but no great ones that rose to front-runner status.

While Fahrenheit 9/11 was well-received by Cannes audiences, many critics felt it was inferior to Moore's Academy Award-winning documentary Bowling for Columbine, which earned him a special prize at Cannes in 2002.

Some critics speculated that if Fahrenheit 9/11 won the top prize, it would be more for the film's politics than its cinematic value.

With Moore's customary blend of humor and horror, Fahrenheit 9/11 accuses the Bush camp of stealing the 2000 election, overlooking terrorism warnings before Sept. 11 and fanning fears of more attacks to secure Americans' support for the Iraq war.

Moore appears on-screen far less in Fahrenheit 9/11 than in Bowling for Columbine or his other documentaries. The film relies largely on interviews, footage of U.S. soldiers and war victims in Iraq, and archival footage of Bush.

The best-actress award went to Maggie Cheung for her role in Clean as a junkie trying to straighten out her life and regain custody of her young son after her rock-star boyfriend dies of a drug overdose.

Fourteen-year-old Yagira Yuuya was named best actor for the Japanese film Nobody Knows, in which he plays the eldest of four sibling raised in isolation, who must take charge of the family when their mother leaves.

The directing and writing prizes went to French filmmakers. Tony Gatlif won the directing honor for Exiles, his road-trip about a couple on a sensual journey from France to Algeria.

Agnes Jaoui and her romantic partner, Jean-Pierre Bacri, won the screenplay award for Look at Me, their study in self-image centering on an overweight young woman who feels neglected by loved ones. Jaoui and Bacri also co-star.

Thai director Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Tropical Malady— widely regarded by Cannes audiences as a snoozer for its elongated scenes of a man wandering a jungle alone, with no dialogue — won the festival's third-place jury prize.

Another jury prize went to Irma P. Hall for her role as an elderly Southern woman who foils a casino robbery in the Coen brothers' crime comedy The Ladykillers, starring Tom Hanks as the heist's ringleader.

Keren Yedaya's Or, about a Tel Aviv prostitute in failing health and her teenage daughter, won the Golden Camera award for best film by a first-time director. The U.S.-born Yedaya, who grew up in Israel, gives lectures about the problems of prostitution for government officials and mental-health professionals.

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but none of us have seen the film yet! how can you draw such a conclusion?

I didn't necessarily agree with everything in Bowling for Columbine but at least it was interesting and entertaining (especially that cartoon about the history of guns in the U.S.)

It's like people getting all riled up about Passion of Christ. I saw it, and yes it was extremly anti-semetic.BUT TO JEWS FROM 2000 YEARS AGO The whole movie was filled with crap. Pontius Pilot was depicted as a caring and merciful leader but that is in stark contrast with the ruthless version that so many other texts have. That part about the jews choosing to release a murderer instead of christ was bullshit and so was the whole movie. As a movie, it sucked. If you didn't know the story of christ, you would have thought it was a snuff film(or whatever it's called)

sorry to go off on a tangent. But people who got insulted from or created an opinion of jews from that deserve to revel in their ignorance. fuck em.

so let's not form opinions about this stuff before we see it. Michael Moore may be a little misguided (but that can only be attributed to the intrinsic slothfulness and naivete of the liberal ideals) but he is a still a prolific and wonderful writer. His films are also enjoyable for the most part.

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i thought his Bowling for Columbine picture was great and i can't wait to see this one... Hopefully they will find a way to show it in usa...

if it wont come in legal form someone will bootleg it somehow, i have no doubt

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if it wont come in legal form someone will bootleg it somehow, i have no doubt

there will be more than one distributing company waiting to distribute it. film has got so much hype behind it, it is sure to make lots of $$$ for anyone willing to show it.

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For example?

Do a little research and you will learn that Moore's works have contained innaccuracies, misleading data, and sometimes, outright lies....

I think he is a bafoon but still enjoy his work.....but you have to know going in that his "facts" can be shady.........

If you do a little research, you will find that out

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Do a little research and you will learn that Moore's works have contained innaccuracies, misleading data, and sometimes, outright lies....

I think he is a bafoon but still enjoy his work.....but you have to know going in that his "facts" can be shady.........

If you do a little research, you will find that out

I 100% disagree with his analysis in Bowling for Columbine. He's argued that that getting rid of guns is the answer to erradicating violence and he's somewhat of a sellout but what has he lied about? I've done plenty of research on what he's said and followed his work but I've never come accross any outright lies.

I'll be the first one to call bullshit on him, believe me, since I think he's a bit of a nut but as I said, I haven't caught him lying yet and challenge anyone to show where he has outright lied.

All that said, I'll be seeing this movie.

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I've never come accross any outright lies.

not in what he said, but the way the movie was presented. the timelinewas manipulated. for example, the NRA gun rally in Colorado happened a long time after the shooting. in the movie, however, it seems that the rally happened a few days after.

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I 100% disagree with his analysis in Bowling for Columbine. He's argued that that getting rid of guns is the answer to erradicating violence and he's somewhat of a sellout but what has he lied about? I've done plenty of research on what he's said and followed his work but I've never come accross any outright lies.

I'll be the first one to call bullshit on him, believe me, since I think he's a bit of a nut but as I said, I haven't caught him lying yet and challenge anyone to show where he has outright lied.

All that said, I'll be seeing this movie.

I have read a few things where he has outrught lied, but not committed to memory....when I get some time I will search, but I have defintely read about it...

Just recently, Fred Barnes, albeit a noted conservative, had this to say;

Michael Moore and Me

From the May 31, 2004 issue: An encounter with the Cannes man.

by Fred Barnes

A FEW YEARS AGO Michael Moore, who's now promoting an anti-President Bush movie entitled Fahrenheit 9/11, announced he'd gotten the goods on me, indeed hung me out to dry on my own words. It was in his first bestselling book, Stupid White Men. Moore wrote he'd once been "forced" to listen to my comments on a TV chat show, The McLaughlin Group. I had whined "on and on about the sorry state of American education," Moore said, and wound up by bellowing: "These kids don't even know what The Iliad and The Odyssey are!"

Moore's interest was piqued, so the next day he said he called me. "Fred," he quoted himself as saying, "tell me what The Iliad and The Odyssey are." I started "hemming and hawing," Moore wrote. And then I said, according to Moore: "Well, they're . . . uh . . . you know . . . uh . . . okay, fine, you got me--I don't know what they're about. Happy now?" He'd smoked me out as a fraud, or maybe worse.

The only problem is none of this is true. It never happened. Moore is a liar. He made it up. It's a fabrication on two levels. One, I've never met Moore or even talked to him on the phone. And, two, I read both The Iliad and The Odyssey in my first year at the University of Virginia. Just for the record, I'd learned what they were about even before college. Like everyone else my age, I

got my classical education from the big screen. I saw the Iliad movie called Helen of Troy and while I forget the name of the Odyssey film, I think it starred Kirk Douglas as Odysseus.

So why didn't I scream bloody murder when the book came out in 2001? I didn't learn about the phony anecdote until it was brought to my attention by Alan Wolfe, who was reviewing Moore's book for the New Republic. He asked, by email, if the story were true. I said no, not a word of it, and Wolfe quoted me as saying that. That was enough, I thought. After all, who would take a shrill, lying lefty like Moore seriously?

More people than I thought. Moore's new movie attacking Bush was given a 20-minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. Moore has described the movie as breaking new ground and revealing new facts, but the accounts by reviewers suggest it merely provides the standard left-wing, conspiratorial critique of the president. Reviewer Lou Lumenick of the New York Post, who gave Moore's previous movie Bowling for Columbine four stars, said the anti-Bush film would be news only "if you spent the last three years hiding in a cave in Afghanistan." Still, I suppose it's not surprising they loved it in France.

In publicizing the movie, Moore has been up to his old dishonest tricks. Just before the screening at Cannes, he charged that Disney had told him "officially" the day before that it would not distribute Fahrenheit 9/11. Moore said this was an attempt to kill the film. He indicated a newspaper article had the correct explanation of Disney's decision: "According to today's New York Times, it might 'endanger' millions of dollars of tax breaks Disney receives from the state of Florida because the film will 'anger' the governor of Florida, Jeb Bush."

Later, in a CNN interview, Moore admitted he'd learned nearly a year ago that Disney would not distribute the movie. By pretending he'd just gotten word of this, Moore was involved in a cheap publicity stunt. And it wasn't the New York Times that said, on its own, that Disney feared losing tax breaks. It was Moore's agent who was quoted as saying that in the Times. Disney denied its president Michael Eisner had told the agent of any such fear. "We informed both the agency that represented the film and all of our companies that we just didn't want to be in the middle of a politically oriented film during an election year," Eisner told ABC News.

Where does this leave us? I think it's time for Moore to be held accountable. In Stupid White Men, he has 18 pages of "Notes and Sources," but he offers no evidence for the sham interview with me--no date, no transcript. How could he, since the interview never happened?

I have just the person to look into Moore's lies and distortions. Al Franken has taken special interest in public liars, writing a bestseller called Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Al, the Moore case is now in your court.

Fred Barnes is executive editor of The Weekly Standard.

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not in what he said, but the way the movie was presented. the timelinewas manipulated. for example, the NRA gun rally in Colorado happened a long time after the shooting. in the movie, however, it seems that the rally happened a few days after.

thats not lying...its called stretching the truth....;)

btw every time i see Moore on TV i feel like kicking it in...i cant stand him...

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