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Kill Whitey:

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i think it's really ironic that religion-- the one entity that was created to bring love, solidarity, and security in this world has ended up being a major reason of the demise of so many groups and the breeding ground for hatred among people... just look at this thread.. it sucks :(

Agree, as well.

No Bozer = Better World, too.


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Uhm, to clarify one thing, a professor of mine--who graduated from Princeton--was a lil' nervous to express his whitey views in front of me....he was one of the ones that gave me a B...prolly for Bitch...and the girl I was tutoring--for free--in his class.....because she was told she was close to failing....got an A. Basically, I gave her--Italian ass--my A.

B is fine. English classes....puleez.

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hmm, ok, there is a Belly Dancer who goes by that name "karisma"....danced for someones ex Greek bf new years party....in '99.--then I was off to Twilo with the bindi foundation.

If that boy is out there....she is single, again. He's greek from queens.

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ok, if you wanna go on a rememberance road.....i help you...start your own fucken thread for that shit by the way...i was talking about the bare ass of a man...and u catholics being hipocrites....soft point.



korea....which one was really about Rockerfellers chicken farms? i forget

Bosnia --ignored for years --about 400k inocents slaughtered

and our very own children in this country to to bed hungry....remember that is America....you don't have to sugar coat it at all.....that is shady lectures.

White America.....puleez boyz....there is tit for tat easily, if you like.

no blood for oil.....no soil for food.

walk by me, i'll teach you. :love:

like my queen taught me:


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Look, if you don't like the way that America conducts business, then get the fuck out of here! I'm not the biggest George Bush fan in the world, but I respect the fact that he was elected into office by our people. That's what a democracy is all about. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out of here. Go live in a country with a totalitarian government and see how much you like it. I can't believe you have the nerve to rip on white Americans. These people fought and died so that your sorry ass can live in freedom. Have a little respect for them.

BTW, you're going to bring up shit like Korea and Vietnam? Do you know jack shit about why we fought those wars? Obviously you don't. I'm a fuckin history major and I teach it so I think I know something or two about it. Those wars were about containing Communism and making the world safe for democracy. I could only wish that you could have lived in Communist Russia under Stalin and suffered in the way those people did. Then you bring up Hiroshima? WTF?!!! You don't know shit about WWII either. I guess it's ok that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and killed thousands of Americans. We needed to end that war and it was either drop the bomb, or suffer thousands of more casualties.

You are a fucking jackass and your racist and ignorant views are bullshit. You can't even write correctly. Get a fucking life and try being a little open minded.

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Ok, sorry. Allow me to clarify. Bush was elected into office by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE; a system which has been in place for over 200 years. That is the method that we use to elect our presidents. Anyone who knows how it works would understand that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. That's why it has been in place for so long.

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Look, if you don't like the way that America conducts business, then get the fuck out of here! I'm not the biggest George Bush fan in the world, but I respect the fact that he was elected into office by our people. That's what a democracy is all about. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out of here. Go live in a country with a totalitarian government and see how much you like it. I can't believe you have the nerve to rip on white Americans. These people fought and died so that your sorry ass can live in freedom. Have a little respect for them.

BTW, you're going to bring up shit like Korea and Vietnam? Do you know jack shit about why we fought those wars? Obviously you don't. I'm a fuckin history major and I teach it so I think I know something or two about it. Those wars were about containing Communism and making the world safe for democracy. I could only wish that you could have lived in Communist Russia under Stalin and suffered in the way those people did. Then you bring up Hiroshima? WTF?!!! You don't know shit about WWII either. I guess it's ok that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and killed thousands of Americans. We needed to end that war and it was either drop the bomb, or suffer thousands of more casualties.

You are a fucking jackass and your racist and ignorant views are bullshit. You can't even write correctly. Get a fucking life and try being a little open minded.


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This is perhaps the biggest piece of shit i have ever read , Firest off you dont tutor anyone your a complete moron , Second kill whitey , nice link to shady records in your sig asshole , Third if you dont like it here get in your dads dollar cab take a plane back to whatever shithole country your from get on a bus with chickens , goats and toothless retards go back to your village and enjoy working in a field for 3 cents a decade , its that simple.

I could have replied in a much more educated manor but i doubt you would understand anything i would have written cause your obviously so ignorant all you can do is says thinks like "kill whitey" or quote alicia keys. Have a nice a day day and go kill yourself , you will make America a better place by doing it. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

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Gore won the popular vote.

Unfortunately that doesn't matter. It's called the electoral college. If you don't like it talk to your local representative and change it to the popular vote. If he'she doesn't oblige, vote him/her out. It's a great country!

Oh yeah, the racist, ahem, creator of this thread, is probably about 16 at best imo. I'm no psychiatrist, but try counting to 10 and thinking before you type. Also, try the guidance counselor at school. They work wonders...

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i am starting to hate more and more white people...specially the women, with an exception of a select few radical non lesbo types.

Catholic Organizations who have a problem with the naked male body, I have a problem with that....what is so shameful of the human body?

Today, I am more proud to have my Muslim heritage, obviously I see no shame in it.

Catholics are hipocrites, they should walk around with a sheet over their body.

My way was better, I was the BEST they had, they couldn't handle it, fuck them. :beer:

What the hell? So basically you hate white people because most chatholics are white? Thats the stupidist thing Ive ever heard. Im White and im not chatholic, I'm Lutheran.

Thats like saying I hate arabs because they are all muslim extremists... Its just stupid.

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Start your own damn thread with the bullshit....listen fuck faces...i'm not going nowhere....DEMOCRACY.....FREEDOM OF SPEACH....I LIVE FOR IT.




FUCK YOU, IF YOU DON'T AGREE. :gang::love:

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seriously, the racism is disgusting. i honestly think using the word "kill" before any term to identify a type of human being is horrible and ignorant. please lets get rid of this pathetic thread.

I didnt say you should go anywhere, nor did I say you dont have the right to say what you want. All im saying is that your argument for why you hate white people is stupid.

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YOU are the stupid one...u have no clue what I am even saying.

I had these culturally illiterate white bitches sabatage everything positive I was trying to accomplish....and then fire me for having an artistic magazine featuring the backside of a male body....who are we kidding here.

Catholics are hipocrites...and need sheets to wear...perhaps white ones.

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I had these culturally illiterate white bitches sabatage everything positive I was trying to accomplish

Catholics are hipocrites...and need sheets to wear...perhaps white ones.

why do u keep insisting that ALL catholic people are white? just wondering... way to stereotype... :smile2:

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YOU are the stupid one...u have no clue what I am even saying.

I had these culturally illiterate white bitches sabatage everything positive I was trying to accomplish....and then fire me for having an artistic magazine featuring the backside of a male body....who are we kidding here.

Catholics are hipocrites...and need sheets to wear...perhaps white ones.

What does being chatholic have to do with "kill whitey" you have yet to make a link between the two the could even remotely be considered a coheirent thought.

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