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jobs of typical ny clubbers

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hey, what does everyone do for a living? i know some people won't want to give up this info, no big deal, just ignore the post, but i'm curious to see if we fit the stereotype someone in my office laid on me today --- "people who go to clubs are nothing but a bunch of drugged up losers with nothing going on in life". i told her i went to clubs regularly, but she said i was the exception. i'm thinking she's full of it, but i've got no evidence. actually, the people i knew back in boston in the club scene did kind of fit the profile. but you don't have to be a freak to love the scene, right? back me up here guys

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Hey man. Im just a lame party orginizer for a software company...but some of my good friends are pretty big stockbroakers who, come friday afternoon go to bed at like 4 in the afternoon wake up at 2:00am and hit the clubs....every weekend...


Are those rocks ahead?

If they are we'll be dead!

Stop that rhyming now I mean it!

Anybody want a peanut?

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Drugged up...Hmm how about half of wall street being coked up all the time? Or the ones you meet at clubs who are pharmacists (lord!) Dr's, I know THREE teachers who club all the time, Lawyers, & every other kind of respectable educated career.....Just bc most clubbers are YOUNG & are still in school doesn't mean they don't have futures. What about the ones who throw parties, DJ, do lighting, tech, events, book keeping, etc etc....It takes a lot of people to make clubs run, sure club staff isn't goign to be as sober and wholesome as some typical 9 to 5 but to generalize and stereotype is ridculous. Most of the people high up are millionares anyway, not to mention a bunch of younger promoter types. There's a lot of money to be made and different qualifications apply to entertainment than do for most other industries.

Honestly I think people who say comments like that are either a. jealous, cant or wont ever fit in in that scene or b. insecure or c. closed minded to not respect people living a different way than themselves.

Music, Fashion, Clubs, Art, etc....All related, some of the most creative brilliant most introspective, amazing, talented and driven people in the world....what's life without any of that... smile.gif~ ok gettin off topic, night!



..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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right on diva, my thoughts exactly. i mean, we all work like dogs during the week, and people just let steam off in different ways. some kick it at the clubs, others do other things (i would be more specific but i can't guess what i would do if i wasn't going out, maybe sleeping or writing code)

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Originally posted by satanus:

hey, what does everyone do for a living? i know some people won't want to give up this info, no big deal, just ignore the post, but i'm curious to see if we fit the stereotype someone in my office laid on me today --- "people who go to clubs are nothing but a bunch of drugged up losers with nothing going on in life". i told her i went to clubs regularly, but she said i was the exception. i'm thinking she's full of it, but i've got no evidence. actually, the people i knew back in boston in the club scene did kind of fit the profile. but you don't have to be a freak to love the scene, right? back me up here guys

Your colleague is full of shit, sure there are a lot of dead beats but a helluva lot of respectable folk go clubbing (at least over here)...prob the hardest partier I've met was a tax partner in one of the big sex and the list goes on from there!



hapfac01.gif coming to party with you - when my H1 comes thru!------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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the world was okay; all the halloween stuff was going on at the time, so there were some real cuties there (your typical assortment of nurses, maids, and schoolgirls). i didn't like it too much though, at least not compared to tunnel or exit. the place wasn't intense at all, and the bar and hallways took up tons of room, so the dancefloor was way smaller than i thought it should have been. people seemed a bit stuck up there too, no one was really getting down. i wanted to hop over to the china club, but i was out of steam at like 4:30a (a night of no sleeping will do that to you). who knows, maybe i just went on a bad night.

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awh...thank u, thank u.

Im writing a book, and believe me the entire think will be simillar ranting and raving on similar/related topics smile.gif

To sum up the point of this all VERY briefly: Every individual has different paths, directions, goals, loves, opinions, passions, talents etc...To hold one more important than another negates the beauty of diversity and creativity. I can't for the life of me understand how people get enjoyment from golf, or from classical music, but I RESPECT that they do, and that people can indeed be as passionate about those things as I am about house music and afterhours. My parents tell me all the time, they don't understand or agree with my way of life but they do embrace my "breaking the mold" and following what I love regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. My entire high school thought I was some clubbed out drugged out clud idiot just because I saw more to life than the typical snotty, white upper class jewish HS lifestyle -- and to this day I thank god I chose a different path, dont regret a thing I've done and feel proud I had the courage to ignore them and got involved in club scene as young as I did. I couldn't have gotten a better education in LIFE.. and cherish every teenage trip to the city I ever took smile.gif

Not to get tooooo deep but my favorite quote is: "You laugh at me because I'm different.....I laugh at you because you're all the same" Brilliant!

Finding your own meaning(s) of life -- and realizing that some of the greatest joys are some of the SIMPLEST things --- is the most empowering thing in the world. When you realize you don't have to explain yourself to ANYONE and you only have to please YOURSELF -- not anyone else -- you embrace all the differences about yourself you may have previously been scared of, or ashamed of.

(Untitled book to come in a few years smile.gif)

I was thinking of asking people to submit some writings on the topic(s) and publishing them as headers for each chapter. Any ideas?



..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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I'm in real estate - work 10 plus hours a day, six days a week.

You bet your sweet ass that when the weekends (or any time something good comes around) I'm going out and having myself some fun.

A little discipline and self control and having it all and doing it all can be done.

Your colleague just can't handle her/his life and the fact that it probaly sucks and is boring, so shes rips on everyone else. Let her/him be and wallow in her/his misery while we go and have the fun.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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hey, there. a message from Amsterdam (Yes, that is across the big blue). Of course you know all about the "drug free"-policy here in Amsterdam. Coffeeshops that sell weed on every corner. And yes I enjoy every bit of it on any night I want to. In fact I like hardcore clubbing in the underground scene. Unfortunately our best club The Roxy burnt down last year. Anyways, just to let you know: I'm an art director doing really well in advertising (>$100.0000). People who never go out to any descent club wouldn't know what a fine breed of partypeople we all are. Live life to the max, tomorrow you just might be dead.

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I currently work for an internet cOmpany. I am in charge of the interactive Media divison.

I am also a freelance graphics designer and a club dj. I also have my MCSE. Networking is not my thing anymOre... I rather be more creative than just sit and fix ip conflicts.... No offense to any Network Admins... It's just not me. Great in that field though. It can be more money with a cisco certification. Can we say over $100k a year. That is some nice piece of flow...

Anybody need any MCSE books? I still have my Exam Cram for Networking Ess.,Ms Exchange and TCP/IP.... Get at me......

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Currently, I work for a large cellular company. I am in charge of a small team of 11 people in our IT department. And I'm certified in Graphic Design, Java Script, MCSE + internet, Windows 2000, and Novel. I make more than most 30 year olds, and I'm 2 months away from being 23. I club every weekend for the past 5 years. But according to many, I am also an expection. The reason why we are so stereotyped is because there are a lot of low lifes that club. And the media makes people who don't club believe that it is just for crackheads. But it's something we have to deal with. What's that saying? One bad apple spoils the bunch?



You know everything will flow...

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day-trader here. The comment that all clubbers are nothing but drugged up losers shouldn't be granted the satisfaction of discussion! It is naive, ignorant and just plain stupid. As far as the coked up brokers, I gotta disagree from point of view with petp - mad heads who make a lot of money in my firm and several brokerages in the city where my friends work use it regularly, it may not be as bad as it was during the 80s but coke is still pretty widespread throughout the industry.

And by the way, Miss Diva- great quote!!!


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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e-Business consulting here. Network performanace assessments, web portals, blah blah blah (upwards of 6 figures, maybe more this year). Was an IT guy before this...

Looks like we're all just a bunch of goodfornuthin' ignorant drugged-up losers that should get real jobs and contribute to society.... j/k ha ha ha ha cwm2.gif

DJ Fresco -- PM me if you are really interested in getting rid of some of those books. I've been doing a lot of assessments altely and the more info I can learn the better.


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I work for Harman International. We own a lot of high end audio companies such as Harman/Kardon, JBL, Infinity, Crown Amplifiers, Mark Levinson (very high end home audio)Proceed, Audio Access, Lexicon, and tons of others. Right now I am working on building a web site called Custom Central, which is a seperate division from the rest of the company, and this web site for tech support and such.

basically we get to work on all of the new projects like blue-tooth (wireless components, so you wont need patch cables anymore) Its pretty cool to help build a half million dollar home stereo / automation system for a famous persons home smile.gif

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on the contrary, i think that when you ask a clubber "what do you do in the real world?", you will get the most diverse range of answers.

it's nice to know that even if i don't have ANYTHING in common with these people when i step out of the club, while we're in there-- we're there for the same reasons: music, dancing, people, drugs.

personally, i am a senior at an [elitist] college, pursuing an actuarial/ banking/consulting job.

(but wishing that clubbing could be a career)



*turn it around baby*

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Miss Diva....I'll cheers to that! Make your own path and establish your own dreams smile.gif I've been going to clubs since I was sixteen, now 23, and granted I don't go out as much as I used to its only because I can't as much as I used to. Its not physically possible for me anymore but for those who are still able to go out three, four nights a week till the wee hours of the morning and get up for work......God Bless You! I go out Thursday nights so I don't feel old, which I'm not by any means, just to try and recapture the times when I could go out Thurs., Fri., Sat., sleep all day Sun., go to class Mon., Tues., and begin my weekly festivities again on Wednesday.....wow do I miss that.

Now, I work for a Real Estate Development firm Mon thru Fri from 8am to about 6 or 7pm, hit the gym, have dinner, shower and catch some zzzzzzzz's. I rarely go out Friday night because I'm still recooperating from the night before and I enjoy going out on Saturday's but, if there's work to be done....I have to skip on going out and sit in front of my PC all night and maybe Sunday so I'm prepared for the work week ahead......ughhh, the life of an adult.....

I don't wanna grow up cause maybe if I did...I wouldn't be a Toys"R"Us kid, no clubs, no beats, oh no!!!!! LOL

Well, I have taken up too much time participating in this post, I have to finish my "work" so I am able to participate in the "scene" this weekend.....

P.S. Is anyone going to see Oakenfold @ Hammerstein on Thanksgiving?????

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Miss Diva....I'll cheers to that! Make your own path and establish your own dreams smile.gif I've been going to clubs since I was sixteen, now 23, and granted I don't go out as much as I used to its only because I can't as much as I used to. Its not physically possible for me anymore but for those who are still able to go out three, four nights a week till the wee hours of the morning and get up for work......God Bless You! I go out Thursday nights so I don't feel old, which I'm not by any means, just to try and recapture the times when I could go out Thurs., Fri., Sat., sleep all day Sun., go to class Mon., Tues., and begin my weekly festivities again on Wednesday.....wow do I miss that.

Now, I work for a Real Estate Development firm Mon thru Fri from 8am to about 6 or 7pm, hit the gym, have dinner, shower and catch some zzzzzzzz's. I rarely go out Friday night because I'm still recooperating from the night before and I enjoy going out on Saturday's but, if there's work to be done....I have to skip on going out and sit in front of my PC all night and maybe Sunday so I'm prepared for the work week ahead......ughhh, the life of an adult.....

I don't wanna grow up cause maybe if I did...I wouldn't be a Toys"R"Us kid, no clubs, no beats, oh no!!!!! LOL

Well, I have taken up too much time participating in this post, I have to finish my "work" so I am able to participate in the "scene" this weekend.....

P.S. Is anyone going to see Oakenfold @ Hammerstein on Thanksgiving?????

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