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A really stupid Q : gynoclogist preferred


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:flush: I already know the anwser to this but ..if someone can pitch in a serious medical answer - it would greatly be appreciated . I'm a germ freak

Q: Can you catch AIDS or an STD from using a public toilet ?

Ex. : I was peeing at this Spanish restaurant . After I let out what seemed to be a gallon of pee pee - I decided to drop a few Cosby kids in to the yellow jacuzzi. When the shit hit the water it made a splash on my punanee ! So I got dirty toilet water on my punanee . It splashed becuz I do my business practically standing up. I NEVER SIT ON PUBLIC TOILETS .


So can there be HIV or std bacteria floating in public toilets ? :flush:

And also - WHO WANTS TO MEET ME :rofl: AT THE MEET UP !!! ????

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This story is just sick and disgusting... :vomit2:

Unless you are spreading your legs like a cheap whore when you are going to the toilet and allow the water to enter inside of your vagina... chances are you cannot get aids from the dung water. With that said, bacteria multiply every 20 minutes or so that is what I heard in high school... can there be bacteria in the Crosby pool? Most definitely yes... can you catch something... possibly... what are the chances... not great.

In conclusion, pour some Listerine in your twat and rinse to be on the safe side. :)

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You can't catch an STD through a toilet seat.. The only thing possible to catch is crabs ( :vomit2: ) but they can't survive more than 24 hours on their own without having contact with the human body..

And catching AIDS? This topic was covered in what, the 1980's? lol You can catch AIDS through sex, 2 people both having open sores, or the sharing of blood, needles, etc. but DEF not through a toilet seat.. So don't worry lol

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HPV, nope:

"Genital HPV is spread through skin-to-skin contact, not through an exchange of bodily fluid"


herpes, nope:

"There are no documented cases of a person getting genital herpes from an inanimate object such as a toilet seat, bathtub or towel. Herpes is a very fragile virus and does not live long on surfaces."


HIV (or the symptom AIDS), for sure not. you´d need blood to blood to contact to get that.

what COULD happen is that you get a simple infection, but thats also unlikely. if this occurs you´ll notice it. it´ll stitch or burn... go to a doctor then and he´ll probably just give you some antibiotics for a few days... so chill out :)

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Ex. : I was peeing at this Spanish restaurant . After I let out what seemed to be a gallon of pee pee - I decided to drop a few Cosby kids in to the yellow jacuzzi. When the shit hit the water it made a splash on my punanee ! So I got dirty toilet water on my punanee . It splashed becuz I do my business practically standing up. I NEVER SIT ON PUBLIC TOILETS .


So can there be HIV or std bacteria floating in public toilets ? :flush:

UGHHH Thank god I I havent ate today

Some things you shouldnt write about, "Even on the sex board"


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