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New York ~vs~ Boston

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I normally respect your posts... But this one makes no sense... A-ROD wanted to be in NY... A-ROD wanted a Ring. A-ROD accepted the change of position. And if you ask me it would just add more respect to his career. He will be known as an Allstar shortstop, Allstar 3rd baseman, Gold Glove Shortstop, Gold Glove 3rd base ( Future prediction ) and he will go into the hall of fame as a Yankee ( Another prediction ) By being able to go from one position to another and handling the pressure, transition etc... It just adds to his credibility.

And like I said before... If they would have moved Jeter to 3rd. That would have been the most rediculous move. We all know A-ROD is a more versitile player. A stronger arm. And a better all around player. So common sense would tell you to move the better player over to 3rd base. Besides you do not move a 9 year veteran who grew with the team through all the championships to another position.

Yeah but it's still a damn shame that arguably one of the best SS to ever play the game has to forfeit his position to someone of lower caliber.

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Yeah but it's still a damn shame that arguably one of the best SS to ever play the game has to forfeit his position to someone of lower caliber.

I hear ya. But like I said this just leaves A-Rod with a shot to be one of the best players in baseball and accomplish this in 2 positions. No one denies that A-Rod is 10x's better at SS than Jeter. If it does not bother A-Rod why does it bother everyone else. If moving to 3rd would have messed up Alex's game I would have to agree that it is a shame. But it did nothing of the sort. It is only going to make him look better in the future. 18_7_13.gif

Are these smileys showing up? Or are you guys getting an X

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Yeah but it's still a damn shame that arguably one of the best SS to ever play the game has to forfeit his position to someone of lower caliber.

I understand where you're coming from, but to A-Rod the bottom line was winning. The fact that he was willing to switch positions (especially when he would've been considered the best SS ever) to be part of a championship caliber team says a lot. He could've easily just cashed checks in Texas and became the best SS ever and maybe break the HR record.

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He is a piece of shit spic

Hate much parrotpecker ? Now, i dont mind friendly/team sport banter..but with this, you just crossed the line asshole. I know alot of people (spics as you delicately put it) who have beer guts and would love to hear you say that to their face Mr. Pecs. Let me know when you wanna meet some of them i'll arrange something. What a fucking turd. I dunno if you confused this board with a KKK site, but just a reminder, the yamkees have alot of "spics" on their lineup who make the team better, not to mention the multitude who are in the majors. I'm sure Javier Vasquez would love to have you as a yamkee fan. :blown:

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Chances are Boston will take tomorrows game... But who knows...

Yanks up 2 - 0... Why have the Boston fans gotten so quiet? Wouldn't be all the Errors in the past 2 games would it??? Or the fact that the Yankees are a different team than the beginning of the season?

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naw our defence blows, pitching looked pretty good. Defence will eventually come. Every team goes through their slump yours was in the begining ours is now so we should be ready to go in august. its not ova yet :bounce:

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naw our defence blows, pitching looked pretty good. Defence will eventually come. Every team goes through their slump yours was in the begining ours is now so we should be ready to go in august. its not ova yet :bounce:

You should talk to all your fellow fans who kept saying throughout the year that Boston "Owns" the Yanks because of the slow start the Yanks had gotten... When they realize what you just said about teams going through there slump... Then I will stop the Bullshit... Until then I am gonna live it up...

And again... If the Yanks lose tomorrow... You can all rub it in all you want. Yanks will still be up 6 1/2 games. And we have a 15 year old looking pitcher who has not broken out of his diapers yet taking the mound...

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Hate much parrotpecker ? Now, i dont mind friendly/team sport banter..but with this, you just crossed the line asshole. I know alot of people (spics as you delicately put it) who have beer guts and would love to hear you say that to their face Mr. Pecs. Let me know when you wanna meet some of them i'll arrange something. What a fucking turd. I dunno if you confused this board with a KKK site, but just a reminder, the yamkees have alot of "spics" on their lineup who make the team better, not to mention the multitude who are in the majors. I'm sure Javier Vasquez would love to have you as a yamkee fan. :blown:

You are a joke buddy... I'll be at one of the Yankee / Boston meetups next time if you want to meet me so badly.

Keep your "I'm a racist comments" to yourself... I'm Puerto Rican you dumb fuck. A "spic" is a piece of shit... that's what Pedro and Manny are...

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You are a joke buddy... I'll be at one of the Yankee / Boston meetups next time if you want to meet me so badly.

Keep your "I'm a racist comments" to yourself... I'm Puerto Rican you dumb fuck. A "spic" is a piece of shit... that's what Pedro and Manny are...

I was gonna say you looked Puerto Rican...

Anyway guys chill the fuck out... No drama at the meet up damn it... Gonna be nice clean / drunk Yanks bashing Boston fans and Boston fans bashing Yank fans... IN A CIVIL WAY OF COURSE...

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By the way, let's keep to the subject Magellan... here's a little something to pour in your wounds...


Keep quiet like you have been for the past couple weeks until your team chops down that huge lead we are amassing (wait, that may never happen... August is around the corner).

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oh and have your fun, no biggie. We did the same, I would be worried if we did not catch a ration of shit for the level of baseball we have been playing.

oh by the way can we have tony clark back now :bounce:

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manny is a spic why again?

He is nothing but trouble for any team he is on and he is a disgrace... too much attitude. He came from nothing for christ's sake and not from the best of neighborhoods in the city. He needs to get off his high horse and show some humility... always remember your roots.

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So he is a spic because he is "trouble" for his team, and forgot where he came from.

Your definition of "spic" is different from mine. The "spics" i nkow are ignorant fuckers who steal shit and lie.

The only trouble manny has had is that he is 0-9 in the bronx. :splat:

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So he is a spic because he is "trouble" for his team, and forgot where he came from.

Your definition of "spic" is different from mine. The "spics" i nkow are ignorant fuckers who steal shit and lie.

The only trouble manny has had is that he is 0-9 in the bronx. :splat:

I have to disagree. Manny is full of the wrong attitude for baseball. He has a inflated ego. Basically I think he is just a piece of shit.

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You are a joke buddy... I'll be at one of the Yankee / Boston meetups next time if you want to meet me so badly.

Keep your "I'm a racist comments" to yourself... I'm Puerto Rican you dumb fuck. A "spic" is a piece of shit... that's what Pedro and Manny are...

Thats nice , you are Puerto Rican and you throw that word around like confetti. People are trying to beat this BS stigma and you promote it like a badge of honor. You reek of a sellout assclown. Like i said, ask around and find a PR who loves to hear it as a joke. You are from NYC, but i doubt you even know the people struggling to get some recognition and respect due to that. Last I heard, no spanish speaking individual takes that as a joke. But then again, you are a wannabe.... keep trying, someday you will fit in..u certainly deserve it..u've worked hard to break free. Do your thing. Find a CP spanish member who finds that as a random joke you assclown.

What a fucking joke... are the rest of you finding this as a harmless remark ? There is a reason i call his ass a "parrotpecker" he runs his mouth like an idiot to look cool or whateva. Like i said puto, if you wanna meet some "spics" who hate hearing that word ...let me know, i'll gladly oblige.

P.S if this is the crowd gearing up for the meetup, count me out... i dont need fake ass people around me... i think i'll pass. Hope you all have fun. :)

Scott, its 6-3, keep working buddy, you still got three more games to tie it. Kinda sucks you are on a roll but still trailing the sox. ;)

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Scott, its 6-3, keep working buddy, you still got three more games to tie it. Kinda sucks you are on a roll but still trailing the sox. ;)

That 6-1 lead you posted earlier is dwindling... Now it is 6-3 but the more important fact is that the Yanks are ..........

7 1/2 GAMES UP

You can rub it in all you want on what the Yankees / Redsox record against one another is... But the the thing that counts is who takes the division...

PS - I am beginning to wonder if the Sox will even make the wild card... I know it is early... But they just dont seem to want it. The Yanks have that winning look back in their faces... Boston seems to have lost it... Shit look at Pedro, he is practically throwing himself at the Yanks and their fans...

PSS - You better be at the meet up fucker!!

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Thats nice , you are Puerto Rican and you throw that word around like confetti. People are trying to beat this BS stigma and you promote it like a badge of honor. You reek of a sellout assclown. Like i said, ask around and find a PR who loves to hear it as a joke. You are from NYC, but i doubt you even know the people struggling to get some recognition and respect due to that. Last I heard, no spanish speaking individual takes that as a joke. But then again, you are a wannabe.... keep trying, someday you will fit in..u certainly deserve it..u've worked hard to break free. Do your thing. Find a CP spanish member who finds that as a random joke you assclown.

Words are what you make of them. Ignorance is what causes racism in this world... my use of the word is no different from black people using the word "nigger" which is done frequently. Yeah - double standards are prevolent everywhere in today's world. I don't need you to preach to me what I can or cannot say... I am my own person and have nothing to prove to your sorry ass. I will say whatever I so please to anyone.

Btw - I am not generalizing the spanish community as "spics".. but rather two individuals who are trully works of art... so shut the fuck up.

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