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Hot girls and ugly guys... how does this happen?

Guest gabo

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That doesnt just go for girls dating ugly guys Ive seen plenty of couples where the guy was hot as hell and the chick was a lil bit less to be desired, so explain that? Yeah I can agree that if the guy is totally horrible lookng and the guy is wicked hot or the guys is mad old, then yeah its probably money or somethin like that. But I htink it has a lot to due with different peoples perception of beauty. Myabe their personality makes up for what the lack looks wise. Maybe the other person doesnt notice theyre not "godd looking" because to them they look beautiful for the type of person they are or the connection they have together. like the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the neholder.

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That doesnt just go for girls dating ugly guys Ive seen plenty of couples where the guy was hot as hell and the chick was a lil bit less to be desired, so explain that? Yeah I can agree that if the guy is totally horrible lookng and the guy is wicked hot or the guys is mad old, then yeah its probably money or somethin like that. But I htink it has a lot to due with different peoples perception of beauty. Myabe their personality makes up for what the lack looks wise. Maybe the other person doesnt notice theyre not "godd looking" because to them they look beautiful for the type of person they are or the connection they have together. like the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the neholder.

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That doesnt just go for girls dating ugly guys Ive seen plenty of couples where the guy was hot as hell and the chick was a lil bit less to be desired, so explain that? Yeah I can agree that if the guy is totally horrible lookng and the guy is wicked hot or the guys is mad old, then yeah its probably money or somethin like that. But I htink it has a lot to due with different peoples perception of beauty. Myabe their personality makes up for what the lack looks wise. Maybe the other person doesnt notice theyre not "godd looking" because to them they look beautiful for the type of person they are or the connection they have together. like the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the neholder.

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That doesnt just go for girls dating ugly guys Ive seen plenty of couples where the guy was hot as hell and the chick was a lil bit less to be desired, so explain that?

That usually means the guy lost a bet, or he's playing wingman for his pal who's hittin' up her far better looking friend.

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i think if you actually did a tally count you'd find that in reality, the number of ugly guys paired with hot women is *far* fewer than the number of hot guys paired with hot girls. its just that the ugly guy/hot girl pair seems so unusual that it really makes ppl. notice such a couple, and creates the mistaken impression that this occurs often when it actually does not.

as for why it does occur in the few cases in which it happens...i've gotta agree with the guys, its almost always because the guy has money and/or drugs/power.

we like to kid ourselves by thinking that a great personality is really the key to landing a hot girl/guy in bed, but i think thats simply because we like to think of ourselves as above animals when it comes to mating rituals and such, being more civilized and what not. experience, (i'm sure guys will back me up on this one) almost always proves that personality is the LAST thing on the checklist of qualifications for boning a hot bitch :laugh:

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From experience. I think it's because most good looking guys are players and into themselves. The average guy is more likely to pay attention to the hot girl and if the hot girl is with an average guy the chances of him cheating or running around on her is slim. She doesn't have to worry about her man as much!!! Then they can be :love:


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oh gabo is just messin with me cuz ive made him my most recent manwhore servant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh:

but all i would say is confidence in who u are, and in what u want...but it is a complex puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and alot of people r about the bling...when u encounter those dont be araid to make them feel as superficial as they r acting!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and myst ur getting a step closer to makin us mormons, sayin things like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

and sotu u know ur my chusmeria girl...if koky like it or not!!!!!!!!!!!!

and also i see weve got goagirl out to play for another day!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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It's all about confidence and how you portray yourself. Confidence is a trait both men & women find attractive. I have a few friends who aren't the best looking guys or millionaires but they do well for themselves because they come off as strong and self assured. Don't forget that that guy probably got rejected by 10 or 20 other hot women before he landed that one. The key is not to be let those rejections get to you and keep trying.

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experience, (i'm sure guys will back me up on this one) almost always proves that personality is the LAST thing on the checklist of qualifications for boning a hot bitch :laugh:

I'd back you up but I think you're wrong heh... looks are a small part of getting a girl attracted to you, the rest is all personality. For guys its the opposite, we get turned on by their looks, for girls its the other things. If a really ugly guy is with an extremely hot chick though, its probably because he's loaded, but as long as you're atleast average looking, you can land most chicks if you know what you're doing. Girls are too emotional to just go for looks... they need that connection/attraction, you just need to know how to push their buttons.

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for some chicks its money, and for some its personality. When I am having a real good day and have to oppoetunity to meet new hot chicks they usually love me because of the way I act, def not my looks ;) , but when work and class is usually bringin me down I get no response at all......its all in the confidence in yourself

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As others have alluded to, its all in how you present what you've got..and when I say that its not only in a material sense, but in a identity sense. Women like when you've got a good sense of your identity. Signifies a person who's in control of themselves. Problem is, alot of times Bravado gets mistaken for this kind of self assurance.

As someone else stated, Instances of this is truly rare....When someone of average looks gets with a person perceived as "out of their league" in an unexplainable way ( status of the person's wealth unknown) its a signal that the system really is working properly..that all in all there still is the <I>potential</I> that human beings can transcend to looking for a definite sense of character rather than whats superficial, thereby setting us apart from the 'animals'. Good looking people will still continue to mate with each other, but there still exists the <I>potential</I> for something different. The beautiful chaos that is human kind.

Or something to that effect..

:aright: (insert high smiley here)

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Guest gabo
as ugly as i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ur still my little gerbil lovin bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

I may be gerbil loving... but I am jackies bitch... don't u forget it.

where is that hoe anyway?

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