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I'm tired of being patient!

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I have been working out at Curves for 30 minutes a day 4 times a week and taking an intense hot yoga class for an hour and a half once a week. I have always eaten very well (since I gained weight from not eating well in college) and am trying to cut back on alcohol (not always the easiest thing to do, but I have cut back). This has all been in the past two months. So here's my gripe - when will I start seeing results?! I feel like I'm the same size as I was before, I just feel a little firmer now. While being firm is great, I'd rather loose weight. Am I doing something wrong or does losing weight the healthy way just take time? It's getting frustrating!

At Curves they do monthly progress reports and after a month I had lost 4.25 inches, but no weight. I know muscle weighs more, but isn't it also supposed to burn fat? Sorry to vent, but my wedding is in October and I'm feeling like I'm working my ass off and it won't even be worth it. Any advice, suggestions, etc.?

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Here's part of your problem - you are only working out for 30 minutes each day. If you are performing cardio (and at your target heart rate), you are just beginning to burn fat in those twenty-thirty minutes. Try upping your cardio sessions to at least 45 minutes, several days per week and if you monitor your heart rate as well... all the better.

Additionally, if your workout sessions of 30 minutes do not include cardio, then you need to make some changes to your routine. Lifting weights alone will not provide great results if you are trying to slim down. Diet and cardio will provide those accomplishments.

Finally, if you are drinking alcohol, not only is the liqour prohibiting you from gains, but also the mixers you are throwing in. People forget to realize that the juice or soda is high in carbs and throwing down five of those in one night isn't helping at all...

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Here's part of your problem - you are only working out for 30 minutes each day. If you are performing cardio (and at your target heart rate), you are just beginning to burn fat in those twenty-thirty minutes. Try upping your cardio sessions to at least 45 minutes, several days per week and if you monitor your heart rate as well... all the better.

Additionally, if your workout sessions of 30 minutes do not include cardio, then you need to make some changes to your routine. Lifting weights alone will not provide great results if you are trying to slim down. Diet and cardio will provide those accomplishments.

Finally, if you are drinking alcohol, not only is the liqour prohibiting you from gains, but also the mixers you are throwing in. People forget to realize that the juice or soda is high in carbs and throwing down five of those in one night isn't helping at all...

Well said.

Definitely, you need to make adjustments to your workout and food intake. Typically a good routine should show weight changes in the time frame you have been working out.

I can train an hour day (which I do) but if i eat bad that day the bad diet will show, not the training. For "beverage" consumption, stay away from margaritas and similar cuz of the high caloric intake. As someone who trains 7 x a week, but still enjoys his "beverage", I can tell you - stay with the clear spirits (as opposed to the darks) and keep the drink as clear as possible (w/ sodas or tonics or similar)

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Working out at Curves and doing Yoga...

I would recommend my 98 year old grandmother workout with more intensity than that. I don't mean to be so critical but do you actually expect to have results from that combination. Yes, you will have some benefit, but if you go from eating 10 bon bons per day and cutting back to 5 per day, you will also see some benefit.

Now, enough with the honesty and lets work on some improvements. Lets consider the last 2 months a warm up. Something everybody needs to do before jumping into an actual exercise routine.

Okay, lets start with some questions for you. What is your current stats, age, weight, height, current diet, workout experience, (pictures would be a great help). What are your goals, ect....

Also, you must keep in mind, you are trying to fix mistakes of your past with an older slower metabolised body. You must go above and beyond a maintainance routine in order to regain the body you once had. After you reach your goals, you can have a normal maintainance routine, until that time get ready to work. If you want to be different you must act different. Look around the average member at "Curves" especially those that only do the routine you do. Is that what you would like to look like or would you like to look better???


PS I am not trying to be a dick, but sometimes a person needs someone to honest with them, in order to make a real change. With that being said, We will be more than glad to help, if you wish.

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yeah, i totally agree w/nautica...

curves is bullshit, and yoga is retarded as well...if u wana see results, real intense training and a proper diet are the only things that would work...honesty is the best thing for people...lying to them gets them nowhere fast..

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Well, I joined Curves b/c I need a more structured program. I cannot just walk into a gym and know what to do and stick with it, I need something that's laid out for me. Curves combines cardio and weight training and they reccommend that you do 2 times around the room 3 times a week and I do 3 times around the room 4 times a week and yes, there are old ladies there who pretty much walk in place and don't do anything physical, but I jog in place and do as many reps as I can at each station and work up quite a sweat doing so. Then I come home and speedwalk my dog a mile. I've never been a fan of working out and felt like a less intimidating place would be better for me and this is the longest I've stuck with working out and stayed motivated.

I am 5"2, weigh 145 and will be 25 in September. I eat very well - fresh fruits and vegetables, mostly chicken and fish, lots of low-non fat dairy and I only eat carbs in the morning and afternoon and they are all whole grain as opposed to whites. I stick to both a low calorie and a low fat diet and I eat 3 meals, plus 2 hearty snacks a day. I cut back drinking from about 3-4 nights a week to just one and I only drink beer. Since my wedding is so close, I'm thinking of cutting it out completely b/c I know I will see results if I do.

Yoga is more for relaxation purposes and I know that's not a way to lose weight, but combined with everything else I'm doing, I thought it might do a little something (like build more muscle).

I'm not asking for any miracles here, I really feel like I am doing what I am supposed to by eating healthy and working out regularly so that I can lose weight the healthy way. I know that I am working hard and I have nothing to show for it, so what gives? Is there anything supplement wise that I could add to my routine that might help (like TrimSpa or something like that)? I know you guys are all hard core into working out, which is great, but you have to understand that this is the first time I've been active in my life, so a little credit for actually getting off my ass and doing something would be appreciated (and I have lost 4+ inches). I was under 100 pounds until my sophmore year of college (how typical) and was just blessed that I didn't have to work out to stay that small and my parents have always eaten a great diet, so I learned that from them (except freshman year when I went apeshit on poptarts and McDonald's and drinking), so I've made some mistakes that I really need to rectify and I'll stop rambling now and let you guys add your input.

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You titled your post "tired of being patient"

I am not trying to be an ass, but with the routine and diet you listed, you will have to be patient. You say you do not want a miracle, but with your program it will take a miracle to reach your goals.

Get over the intimidation and start working out. Like I mentioned before if you want to look different you have to work for it. I also mentioned before look around at the people at curves, is that what you want to look like. In your mind you are working harder, well in their minds they are too. That is the problem, you have came to a happy place in your mind and justified your routine, by saying you are intimidated, or you are doing more, or you do not want a miracle. If that is the case, then keep on doing what you are doing, but you can not do this and expect not to be patient.

Also, you talk about eating good and then mention fresh fruits, 3 meals, plus snacks, plus drinking, ect....

Do you have a diet plan??? Do you realize that you could only be eating fresh fruits and still gain weight, not to mention the alcohol, which contains more calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates and almost as much as fat.

As far as the Yoga goes, if you do it to relax, great. But, maybe you could spend that time in the gym learning how to lift weights and workout properly.

As far as the "hard core", I believe you also use that term to justify, your failure, maybe for 12 weeks you need to be hard core so that you can achieve you goals. Then you could go back to eating "healthy" and exercising to be "healthy", which btw will still include weight training.

Last thing: You have made mistakes, so in order to fix them you must take drastic steps. Steps, which you may not be willing to take, so if that is the case, then you need to learn to be happy with your current body.

Oh yeah, congradulations, on the 4 inches you have lost. But, don't be fooled by the measurements Curve gave you. Remember they have an agenda.


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I'm not asking for any miracles here, I really feel like I am doing what I am supposed to by eating healthy and working out regularly so that I can lose weight the healthy way. I know that I am working hard and I have nothing to show for it, so what gives? Is there anything supplement wise that I could add to my routine that might help (like TrimSpa or something like that)? I know you guys are all hard core into working out, which is great, but you have to understand that this is the first time I've been active in my life, so a little credit for actually getting off my ass and doing something would be appreciated (and I have lost 4+ inches).

First and foremost, Congrats on losing the 4+ inches and being able to get off your behind but if you are looking for more results....WORK HARDER! :D It is as simple as that.

You have got to want it even more. More so than being satisfied for getting up and doing something. That is in the past and you are here now, so lemme ask you what are you going to do now to get what you want?

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Here is my typical diet (I don't eat whatever I want and I watch portions):

Breakfast = a hardboiled egg and a slice of whole grain toast with a tsp. of jam OR a packet of oatmeal made with skim milk and topped with a handful of strawberries and blueberries

Morning Snack = a banana

Lunch = half a sandwich (1 slice of wholegrain bread) with turkey or ham, half a slice of swiss, lettuce with mustard or light mayo; veggies (carrots, cucumbers, celery, etc., around 4 each) and fat free veggie dip

Afternoon Snack = a piece of fruit and a Yoplait yogurt

Dinner = a deck of cards sized portion of meat (usually chicken or fish) and a vegetable

Dessert/Evening Snack = a glass of skim milk

I also drink plenty of water all day long. It's been suggested that my lack of food variety or that I may not be eating enough is one of my problems.

What do you suggest as far as amping up the exercise routine? Working out longer and more days/week? If I were to join a gym, what do you suggest I need to do every day to see results?

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The first problem is your fruit snacks. You are creating an insulin spike, which causes the storage of fats. You must replace these meals with protein and/or vegtables if you want to loose weight.

Also, for while trying to burn fat and loose weight, I would cut out the other fruit servings as well. You can add the fruit back in when you reach your goals.

I would also up the protein consumption, when you start weight training.

For lunch, I would drop the lunch meat in favor of chicken breast or lean red meat and would also drop the bread.

Your evening snack, I am not sure you need the glass of milk, seems like you are taking in calories just for the sake of taking in calories, how about a serving of protein without the carbs.

What you need to shoot for is 20 grams of protein per meal with 20 grams of low glycemic carbs cutting down each meal until you reach 0 carbs on your last meal. Low glycemic is veggies, oat meal, brown rice, white rice, and sweet potatoes. NO fruits while trying to loose weight. I know you want to eat healthy, but take a multi-vitamin until you reach your goal and then you can add the fruit back in.

As far as the workout routine

Heavy weight training 3 x's per week, this is not circuit training, this is a split routine. Start off light and work your way up.

Cardio, 5 x's per week, perfably in the am on an empty stomach. 45 minutes per session. Do what ever floats your boat, cardio is cardio, just up the intensity as much as you can.


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I have the glass of milk at night b/c I'm am starving to the point of feeling ill and feel bad eating anything so I figure nonfat dairy will coat my stomach enough that I can fall asleep.

So I should cut out fruits and add more veggies and protein into my diet? Carbs are ok as long as they are whole grain and not at night?

So maybe breakfast can be a one egg veggie omlette; morning snack yogurt; lunch protein with veggies; afternoon snack another yogurt? and dinner is fine like I have it (protein and veggies).

I've also been told that I should look into carb control yogurt b/c there is a lot of sugar in regular, will that help too or should I be eating more veggies than dairy? I've also decided that alcohol has to be completely cut out of my diet, beer is the worst thing you can drink and I really think I'll see results if I cut it out. Please keep the input coming (in a nice way, LOL), I'm really benefiting from it and appreciate it - thank you!

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The first problem is your fruit snacks. You are creating an insulin spike, which causes the storage of fats. You must replace these meals with protein and/or vegtables if you want to loose weight.

Also, for while trying to burn fat and loose weight, I would cut out the other fruit servings as well. You can add the fruit back in when you reach your goals.

I would also up the protein consumption, when you start weight training.

For lunch, I would drop the lunch meat in favor of chicken breast or lean red meat and would also drop the bread.

Your evening snack, I am not sure you need the glass of milk, seems like you are taking in calories just for the sake of taking in calories, how about a serving of protein without the carbs.

What you need to shoot for is 20 grams of protein per meal with 20 grams of low glycemic carbs cutting down each meal until you reach 0 carbs on your last meal. Low glycemic is veggies, oat meal, brown rice, white rice, and sweet potatoes. NO fruits while trying to loose weight. I know you want to eat healthy, but take a multi-vitamin until you reach your goal and then you can add the fruit back in.

As far as the workout routine

Heavy weight training 3 x's per week, this is not circuit training, this is a split routine. Start off light and work your way up.

Cardio, 5 x's per week, perfably in the am on an empty stomach. 45 minutes per session. Do what ever floats your boat, cardio is cardio, just up the intensity as much as you can.


Solid Advice!

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I have the glass of milk at night b/c I'm am starving to the point of feeling ill and feel bad eating anything so I figure nonfat dairy will coat my stomach enough that I can fall asleep.

So I should cut out fruits and add more veggies and protein into my diet? Carbs are ok as long as they are whole grain and not at night?

So maybe breakfast can be a one egg veggie omlette; morning snack yogurt; lunch protein with veggies; afternoon snack another yogurt? and dinner is fine like I have it (protein and veggies).

I've also been told that I should look into carb control yogurt b/c there is a lot of sugar in regular, will that help too or should I be eating more veggies than dairy? I've also decided that alcohol has to be completely cut out of my diet, beer is the worst thing you can drink and I really think I'll see results if I cut it out. Please keep the input coming (in a nice way, LOL), I'm really benefiting from it and appreciate it - thank you!

The carbs should be low glycemic and prefably not process, like breads.

I would cut the yogurt out also. Replace it with a protein bar or shake. Or even some veggies and chicken breast or tuna.


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One other thing:

It sounds like you are very willing to put out the effort. If you make these changes you should see some amazing results. Maybe even the miracle, that you are not looking for.

Good luck


I really am and will continue to put in more effort with your advice. Thank you again and I'll keep you posted on my results!

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Nautica is right.. it seems like you are willing to do some work.. just a question of how. You really need to join a gym, not curves. Your cardio should be more intense followed by weight training...

Basically everything Nautica said was perfect..this would and is my diet..


5-6 egg whites including 1 yolk

1/2 cup of real oatmeal


Tri color salad with either fish, chicken, Veal

1 sweet potato or Vegetable

Afternoon Snack

Protein shake


Repeat Lunch..

Just an option

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could'nt agree more....stop taking those alcholic drinks! and increase ur cardio, plus do some running as well, try to run 4-5 miles everyday! 4-5 miles in an hour or less.

Here's part of your problem - you are only working out for 30 minutes each day. If you are performing cardio (and at your target heart rate), you are just beginning to burn fat in those twenty-thirty minutes. Try upping your cardio sessions to at least 45 minutes, several days per week and if you monitor your heart rate as well... all the better.

Additionally, if your workout sessions of 30 minutes do not include cardio, then you need to make some changes to your routine. Lifting weights alone will not provide great results if you are trying to slim down. Diet and cardio will provide those accomplishments.

Finally, if you are drinking alcohol, not only is the liqour prohibiting you from gains, but also the mixers you are throwing in. People forget to realize that the juice or soda is high in carbs and throwing down five of those in one night isn't helping at all...

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Nautica -

Enjoy reading your comments in regard to dieting....

I am also trying to shed some pounds (mainly tummy). I am going to cut the fruits and grapefruit juice immediately - and incorporate sweet potatoes/brown rice/oatmeal into my diet.

Can you give me some examples of protein snacks (besides Chicken and Tuna)...

Can I eat non-salted peanuts as a small snack?

Can I still eat Salad? I eat salad daily: Spinach leaves, tomato, feta cheese(should i cut out the feta?)

I grill out chicken, pork chops and steaks often with vegetables. Any suggestions are appreciated. thanks

btw, I work out at the gym and do minimum 45 mins. cardio 4-5x weekly as well as free-weights... any other suggestions?


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Protein sources??? the best are chicken and tuna which you mentioned, but if you get sick of that you can always go for protein bars or shakes. And yes nuts are a good source of protein and omega 3's.

Salad is great, but avoid the dressing. Also, as much as I love tomatoes, they are relatively high on the glycemic index so you might want to cut them out. I would try to throw in some grilled chicken or some other source of protein when you eat the salad.

As far as your grilling, sounds like you are going in the right direction, you might want to try grilled salmon, if you like fish. And I assume you are avoiding the grilled dogs.

Also, your workouts seem fine. Just make sure your weight training comes first and then after you have burned the glycogen you can start your cardio training.

Good luck


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