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Has anything happened in the "bedroom" that embarrassed you or your sig. other so much you had to stop seeing the person?

Here's a story for ya....

A friend of mine was dating this girl at school for a while and as many college students do, they would get really fucked up every now and then. Well, late one night my other friend walked into their room and was smacked in the face by a horrible smell. Noticing my friend and his girl in his bed he went to investigate the origin of the smell....now you may be thinking my friend passed out and shit himself, but you would be wrong. She did. The 2 of them were out cold and not waking up so..."kevin" went to get "steve" and "scott" from downstairs to figure out what to do. Since they couldn't wake them from their drunken stuper they decide to grab some latex gloves and bandanas and pull "karen" from the bed into the shower and hose her down, clean her up and bring her back to the room. They remove all the bedding, flip the mattress and put them back into bed naked and throw a blanket over them and open the window to air the room out.

The next day "mike" and "karen" are left wondering what happened to the bedding and their clothing but never press the issue.....

A couple months go by and everything is fine between "mike and karen" but while hanging out having a few drinks "mike" is told of what really happened that night a few months back, needless to say he got right up, went a pulled his girl from a class she was in and broke up with her right then and there. :pint:

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he broke up with her...i dunno thats kinda dumb after whats done is done ;op but still, sick bitch fo sho

i've had some pretty embarrasing shit happen but not so bad that we'd stop seeing eachother.

I did stop fucking one girl cuz I hated how she moaned and anothe cuz she always had bad breathe, bad ulcer, bleh.

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me and a bunch of guys in first year university were out drinking, and one of the guys says to another that he's got this chick all fired up, but no place to go, and wants to borrow the car keys for a while so he'll have a place to fuck. happens from time to time, no big deal, right? so he gets the keys, and takes off with this girl. we all laugh, hoot and holler, the usual drunken rugby player stuff. we're well into our drink at this point, so we dont notice how much time has gone by, but it cant have been too long, before our friend comes back inside, covered in puke down to his waist, and diarhea pretty much head to toe.turns out he had her between the front seats, and he was in the back doin her from behind. well, she had a sudden case of the runs, and let fly all over him, and he puked all across her back (and his front). suffice to say, the owner of the car wasnt exactly happy. if it werent for the booze and the hilarity of the situation, we would have put a stop to the beating a lot sooner, after all some chick just shit all over him, AND he puked on himself but man oh man what a night... if only we had a camera.

the other story isnt something firsthand, its only something i heard online... one of the guys i know in a university down in the states (i forget which one) went out and got a little smashed one night, and went back to the dorms with this girl. they didnt actually fuck, they just played around, he says, you know, groping, a little sucking, lots of making out, and they end up passing out from the booze.

so anyways, he wakes up first and finds out that he shit himself. its all over him, the sheets, everything. he doesnt know what to do, he's freaking out, cuz he just shit in this girl's bed. so he says he got up real slow, so he wouldnt wake her up, then smeared some of the shit on her lower back and her ass, even pulled her panties out a bit (she got them back on at some point) and put some of the shit inside, then booked it out the door. he said he felt like a total monster, but he didnt know what else to do, he just made sure he avoided her after that so there wouldnt be any tough questions.

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not with a girl...but here's a story

chuy......do you remember hearing about this.....lol

over prom weekend, like 20 of us went to my friends poconos house......our friend Dave, when he was sober, shit himself right in front of everybody and it fell out of his shorts and landed on the stairs and on the wall......and then wouldnt apologize or explain himself or anything

it was a long weekend for him....where he tried to kill himself by taking shot after shot of 151......needless to say we stopped being his friend

he had the longest two weeks till graduation ever and has never shown his face in Wayne again since....he went down to Rutgers for college and the story followed him there and he couldnt live it down.....

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