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We've all gotten one....


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We have all gotten the fake number. So my question is what do you do when you run into the same person again?

i never got a fake #.... but i have gotten the no return after you leave a voicemail...

when you seee them out... pull your shirt even lower.. and walk by and smile.. if they say hello just say it back and walk away

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Chicks who give out fake numbers are headcases that you should be glad you don't have to deal with.

All my friends who are the biggest, fakest bitches do that.

so you've got friends that are big, fake bitches? well i guess birds of a feather really do flock together!

see, now that's how a real asshole behaves :D

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ive never given one nor have i ever gotten one but i know how i am and if i ran into someone who gave me a fake number in the past, i would just ignore them as if i didnt know whno they were.

lol. this guy thought i gave him a fake number recently and he confronted me on it, it was funny that he thought that but the truth was that i changed my number and he had my old one. he was totally bitter about it and came up to me with a bad attitude over a complete misunderstanding so you have to be careful.

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I have given out a fake # before...wasn't really intentional but I was talking to some chic and the next thing you know she was psycho...I mean like she scared me :shake: I was trying to get my boys attention, you know give him that look like "yo, get me out of here"...anyway, I was about to bounce and she asked me for my # cause she knew I had my cell on me so I gave her a fake one...the fucking bitch called the # I gave her right there on the spot and I was like wtf :shake:....I ran the fuck out of there (literally)....thank god it was a big place and I was able to not run into her again....

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I love when they do that on that radio.

I HATE when I my friends do that. They act all nice and pretend they like the guy and give him a fake #.

Then they get all mad when the guy bothers them the next time we go to the club.

I know they do it because they don't want to be mean or they want to be attention whores, but it is meaner to get some guy all into you and then...

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We have all gotten the fake number. So my question is what do you do when you run into the same person again?

ive never gotten a fake number but i have been avoided... i guess they sometimes cave in and give you their number even though they know theyre never gonna fuck you...

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Guest gabo
Yeah I cant say Ive got a fake number before....then again Im not the kind of girl to go up to guys and ask for their numbers....usually the way it goes down is I meet a guy and then we exchange numbers and etc etc...
Then you havent lived
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