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yeah messing with the religious freaks is fuckin funny.

about a year ago three older women stopped me while shopping and wouldn´t go away trying to convert me to go to church and all that shit. man were they annoying. so i decided to have a little fun and involved them in a discussion where i explained them my theory that jesus was born analy since mary was still a virgin. and that that is actually possible, through a rip in the vaginal/anal corridor. poor guy that made "virgin" mary pregnant must have thought it was just some innocent anal action. little did he know that his semen did travel from her ass into her vagina impregnating her. and of course since in those times women that were pregnant without a husband were looked down on, she HAD to come up with an explanation, right? ;)

haha shoulda seen their looks

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in a nutshell

people are stewwwwwwwwwwwpid.

i personally cant stand these hardcore christians that think everything is a sin. they deny themselves human urges that are normal. We are animals with instincts. These people try to call all the shots..and they are pretty much hypocrites. JESUS THIS..JESUS THAT.

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you know how to stop them from coming around? explain to them that the mormons are nothing more tha a cult. the guy who founded it claimed that he found these golden tablets/whatever, read them, and was told by god to bury them again, and he had a handful of 'witnesses' who supposedly saw the whole thing. turns out later that some of them admitted it was a hoax and they were just part of a big scam.

so, just tell them, you dont want to hear about this cult they're part of, and to kindly leave you alone so you can go back to whipping your boytoy and being serviced by several men and women at once.

funny story though... Jehova's Witness, kinda like the mormons, always going door to door... know a guy who made shroom pizza and hash brownies once, and the jehova's witness came over tryin to convert

have i mentioned that my friend is downright evil?

he invited them in, talked with them for a while about their religion, and offered them some food and refreshments...

a lil while later he was out walkin around town and saw them laying down on the grass in the park just staring up at the sky.

another good one was a bunch of us getting ready for a halloween party... so we're setting up all this typical satanic ritual kinda stuff in the living room, getting all these costumes ready, like hooded robes, that sort of stuff for people who didnt have time/opportunity to make their own costume (one of the girls came as a succubus... holy hell she looked hot)

so anyways, again the jehova's witness pull into the driveway, so we decide to mess with them... we all toss on our robes, and the guy that lives there grabs this fancy jewelled looking dagger, dips it in the fake blood (we used to make that stuff ourselves, so we had a big bowl of it) and goes to the door.

he opens it just as they hit the doorstep, and the rest of us do our best impersonation of evil chanting

he looks at them and in his best diabolically evil satanic worshipper voice says "Come in, you're just in time." and then wipes off the knife on his robe like he just realized it was covered in blood.

swear to god we never saw those guys again, they just hauled ass outta there, peeled rubber gettin outta the driveway, and burned off down the road.

you can get rid of telemarketers in a similar way too, but i think that's enough for one post :P

haha like on that south park episode, John smith dumb dumb dumb dumb LOL! oh that shit was killin me! :D

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what do you think 95% of all past and present wars are about and are fueled by??

religion is nothing but a very very smart way to control the masses and get power over them. always was this way, think about it.

scare them (hell, endless torture in the afterlife, families will have to suffer from lack of food, etc)

show them a solution (believe in our god to be saved),

use them (make other people believe in our god (IOW -> fight wars so that the government/king/whatever gains land and ressources or whatever use they see in war)).

brainwashing in its simplest form. religion was CREATED exactly for that.

basic marketing too. create problem, present solution.

I wasnt necessarily talking about ALL religious fundamentalist, all I was saying is that if thats the way a certain person so decides to live their life and theyre not hurting anyone, then I see nothing wrong with that. Although I may not agree with it, its THEIR life so why not...

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