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going to clubs and doing drugs


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i too tend to be that way, using drugs when I go out . But, Ive noticed that if i go out with a large group of friends ( 15 - 25 people ) i have less of a tendancy to want to use drugs. especially if it's a place where we all go and know other groups of people.

I normally use drugs because generally i am very shy and and I fell more social when i use them.

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does anyone find it difficult to go out and not do drugs? is it always tempting? do you even question if you can go to clubs sober? have you ever avoided going out because you can't deal with the pressure of not enjoying yourself without a substance?
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When I first started clubbing real heavy I NEVER did drugs. Then I did E. Changed my whole clubbing outlook. Whenever I went to the club I had to have it or I didn't have fun. I always felt like I was missing out if I wasn't rollin' my nuts off. Well, it's been almost a year since my last pill and I still go to the clubs, I still party my ass off but now I do it SOBER. No drinks, No Drugs, No Drama!

I actually find it a lot better now. It reminds me of how it was when I first started clubbing. I got into going to the clubs for the music, not for the drugs.

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i do drugs 99% of the time i am at clubs...i cant go without them...the few times i tried clubbing without them i didnt stay very long...

i might dabble...a bump here or there when i'm out...but i don't feel safe fcuked up in public...plus i get tired of the drunk people bumping into me and hitting on me...fcukin up my groove...ruins my buz :vomit2:

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I also got into the club scene and the music long before I started rollin'.

However after I rolled for the first time I found I had no desier to go to a club unless I was gonna roll.

I do go out to smaller clubs or bars and just drink or smoke some weed but if its a Satuday night and I'm going to a big club I want to roll. Its not that I don't have a good time without drugs, I just have a better time in THAT environment when rollin'.

And lets face it hardly anyone goes to a club and remains sober. Remember alcohol is a drug and getting drunk fucks you up way more than a couple of pills do, at least that is my case.

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Clubbing and drug use both saisfy a need that everyone has sometimes. The need to escape reality for a period of time. I don't care how "perfect" you think your life is. Everyone has a need to escape something every now and then. Some people need that more frequently than others. There are those who can escape just by being out of the house and dancing to loud music and those who need an extra boost to their escape. Personally I find that the two go hand in hand.... if you're going to escape why not go "all the way", but keep it safe.... It's the people that need that escape daily that get caught up. Not everyone's life is the same.

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does anyone find it difficult to go out and not do drugs? is it always tempting? do you even question if you can go to clubs sober? have you ever avoided going out because you can't deal with the pressure of not enjoying yourself without a substance?

not so much in clubs.. more so @ raves.. the drugs are better and easier to get then in clubs..

if i do anything, i usually get sloppy drunk in a club, doing drugs at home are better then out in public...it feels safer to be really fucked @ home, then in a crowded, heated club, surrounded by strangers

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not so much in clubs.. more so @ raves.. the drugs are better and easier to get then in clubs..

if i do anything, i usually get sloppy drunk in a club, doing drugs at home are better then out in public...it feels safer to be really fucked @ home, then in a crowded, heated club, surrounded by strangers

I am the opposite, I hate being drunk out in a crowded club full of strangers. Drinking for me is for at home or house parties.

When I roll I want a crowded and hot club, besides when everyone is rolling there are no strangers. :3some:

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As much as I love to be flying, it is AWESOME to be in a club anytime after 5:30 and be totally sober--its fun watching the rest of the people (mostly not sober) and its like you get a contact high--I start getting more energy. Great time for dancing.

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that was my excuse for doing drugs all the time. I always said, "everyone's doing it." When actually, everyone isn't doing it. It's just that everyone I was around was doing it.

i was just at a random party at Ohio State this last weekend and me and my friends slowly realized that EVERYONE at this random party was coked up and so were we. turned out to be a fantastic night of sex and drug abuse! great times!!!!!

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I was having a very hard time enjoying myself if I wasn't using anything for a long time... Which resulted in very messed up weekends or parties that I didn't like because I had wanted to stay sober when I was going but then halfway through the party realized I didnt want to be sober hehehe.... anyways, so then I decided to just take a nice, long break... I realized going out sober beats staying at home... So now sometimes I'll get messed up proper again, but I try to save it for the "special events".... Hopefully I can bring it down to "Only in Europe" hehehe

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I don't really like doing drugs in clubs.. I did it the first time this summer and I mean it wasn't bad but id rather be drunk with my friends. I get to sketchy maybe and when I dont have that control (drinking if you stop it fades, drugs you just have to ride out) i just get nervous and don't like anything

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