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Loser guys


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Since I run a software development team, I have a lot of young guys who work for me. With them I am all prim and proper and the topic of sex never comes up (but I did catch one of them looking down my shirt in a meeting the other day - grrrrrr!!!).

These guys are all in their low 20s (avg age 20-21), they make great money (anywhere from $50,000 to $75,000), the work on the edge of Arizona State University next to about 20 of the trendiest bars and clubs around, the weather is beautiful, etc.

Being from Chicago I would think these guys would be the happiest little fuckers in the world, but every one of them, to a man is fucking miserable. I just got done talking to a few of them and all I hear is BITCHING about... their girlfriends/wives/live ins.

Every single one of these guys has moved in or married some fat, homely chick, who is constantly spending money or bitching at them (so they say).

I just listen quietly to their whiny stories, but inside I have zero respect for them. I think young guys need to be young guys.... they should be out hanging with their buddies, banging around, going to clubs, watching football with their buddies, playing X-box, etc. They shouldn't be hooking up with some girl until they are 25 or so.

These guys are PURPOSELY locked themselves in this prison by moving some chick in and now they want sympathy?

For example, a guy here, Jim is always bitching about his woman. She is a fat slop, she is on probabtion for some drug offense, he pays for her car at $450.00 a month, she never cleans up around the house, and she has a kid from a previous relationship.

Jim is a semi-good looking 20 year old guy. I just gave him a performance review and he just got a raise to $63,000 and he seems like the saddest person (slumped shoulders) and he is always on the phone fighting with his chick.

I have more fun every week than these little boys have in a year. I just came back from Vegas, I go out the the clubs, to wet t-shirt contests, to strip clubs. I also go out to trendy, elegant dining spots or dance clubs where there are tons of single girls at the bar looking to meet guys. This weekend when my boyfriend and his friends will be riding ATVs in the desert and coming home to watch football these little boys will be doing chores for these chicks and suffering.

My question is why would a young guy not enjoy life and do this? Is it because they have low self esteem and they think if they lose this girl they will never meet another?

Are you one of the guys in this situation? Do you know someone like this? Do you think I am wrong and these guys are doing the right thing? Shouldn't guys be having fun when they are young?

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(but I did catch one of them looking down my shirt in a meeting the other day - grrrrrr!!!).

Out of all that...this is the only part that grabbed my attention....what is wrong with that....I have an unbelievably hot office manager here w/ great breast and I'm ALWAYS trying to catch some free shots....we're guys and that's what guys do, we can't help it....you know you love it also

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Out of all that...this is the only part that grabbed my attention....what is wrong with that....I have an unbelievably hot office manager here w/ great breast and I'm ALWAYS trying to catch some free shots....we're guys and that's what guys do, we can't help it....you know you love it also

I don't give a damn, that is what young guys SHOULD be doing.

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depends on the person babe,

i am totally in LOVEEEE with my gf. And im in my early 20s. We still party like crazy...we do amazing things and in 2 years of dating..we havent even had ONE argument. NOT ONE FIGHT EVER. we just click. and i dont think that i should risk losing a person like that (who in my opinion is so har dto find) just so i acn BANG around. ive done that, and ok great..but right now i have someone who lshares my interests (as odd as they may be)..someone who supports me and what i want to do with my life....its great. We could be making 20gz a year combined..and we would still be super happy. To me its all a state of mind. People need to leanr what happiness is. Misery comes and shows its ugly head every once and a while..thats a fact(more than others)..but until the bad times come and u have to deal with them..what is there to be sad about?..if ui think about it..ALOT..but if you dont stress it..not much...makes things simple. Search yourself to find out what really makes u tick ...find out your passions..and find someone who shares it..age and all that has nothing to do..i dont watch sports(i hate sports)..i dont play video games...and i probably make just as much as those guys u mentioned, but at the end of the day..i know what i love and who i love..and i cant say that i truley need to go out and bang chix and play xbox to be a happy person...u know what i mean?

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so why did you follow the statement with "grrrrrrrr" as if you were shocked or angry that they were trying to look at your tits...I've seen a pic before, I would be staring at those things ALL day?

Because when they are supposed to be listening to me they are looking down my shirt.

They should be looking at girls, just not me, I am wayyyyyyy older than them.

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and i understand that its easier said than done. ive had times when ive been super depressed and miserable and sad..and im sure i will have those days again in the future..thats life...but i think its all about perspective..ive trained myself to ignore everything ive been taught......we as humans are raised to live and think a certain way.......as i get older..i find myself scrapping some of the shit ove learned and replacing it with what works for me and my life..others should do the same in my opinion.

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depends on the person babe,

i am totally in LOVEEEE with my gf. And im in my early 20s. We still party like crazy...we do amazing things and in 2 years of dating..we havent even had ONE argument. NOT ONE FIGHT EVER. we just click. and i dont think that i should risk losing a person like that (who in my opinion is so har dto find) just so i acn BANG around. ive done that, and ok great..but right now i have someone who lshares my interests (as odd as they may be)..someone who supports me and what i want to do with my life....its great. We could be making 20gz a year combined..and we would still be super happy. To me its all a state of mind. People need to leanr what happiness is. Misery comes and shows its ugly head every once and a while..thats a fact(more than others)..but until the bad times come and u have to deal with them..what is there to be sad about?..if ui think about it..ALOT..but if you dont stress it..not much...makes things simple. Search yourself to find out what really makes u tick ...find out your passions..and find someone who shares it..age and all that has nothing to do..i dont watch sports(i hate sports)..i dont play video games...and i probably make just as much as those guys u mentioned, but at the end of the day..i know what i love and who i love..and i cant say that i truley need to go out and bang chix and play xbox to be a happy person...u know what i mean?

That is great. But if I had to sit and listen to you BITCH about her all day at work then I would think you were crazy.

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true, but you wouldnt hear me bitch about her. Second of all ...if i ahd issues with my partner..i dont think i would be talking about it @ work. I would talk to my partner. See what i mean? Instead of dealing with their issues..they are bitching about it. We all need to vent sometimes, i understand. But look..you dont give 2 shits about their issues(understandably so) so why should these guys moan and groan to u..instead of tackling the issue in their mind.

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Because when they are supposed to be listening to me they are looking down my shirt.

Again...they are guys, it's in their nature....we might be pretending to listen to you but trust me with a set of tits that you have, there is only one thing on our mind and it's probably "are they real or fake"?

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most likely, that is exactly it, self esteem issues, worrying they wont find someone else, etc etc

many people cant handle the thought that we are alone for most of our lives, and ultimately for our deaths as well. many people cling onto whoever they can.

my ex (the jap chick) was the nicest person i'd ever met, at first, but then she turned into a greedy, selfish, slob, and i broke it off with her. doesnt stop me from givin her a good hump when we see each other, after all sex is sex :P

personally, i prefer not to go to clubs to have fun mostly because of what i said above. a lot of people (at least it seems to me) are trying desperately to find someone to be with, even if only for one night, so that at least for a little while they wont be alone, and that feel of desperation just fills the place up and i feel right uncomfortable.

(no, it isnt me projecting my feelings or any of that crap, i'm pretty good at analyzing myself, as well as others. I feel lonely sometimes, but then i either pet the cat, or hang out/chat with friends)

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.....idk nec think you should sit there analyzing and judging these guys just because of how they appear and the selective stories they've chosen to share with you.....just keep on with enjoying your life and let them figure their own paths out....and the fact that you entitled this "Loser guys" is kind of shitty as well.......

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.....idk nec think you should sit there analyzing and judging these guys just because of how they appear and the selective stories they've chosen to share with you.....just keep on with enjoying your life and let them figure their own paths out....and the fact that you entitled this "Loser guys" is kind of shitty as well.......

I concor!

Now back to Amy's beautiful, large breasts....were you wearing something where if I was standing above you I'd be able to see the type of bra you had on....God I could imagine how excited they get every day w/ those firm tits of yours....I know exactly how there lunch conversation starts off every day!

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lol pay attention phatso :P

i'm not the one who started the thread.

and as far as analyzing things... sometimes there's more to it, but generally a book CAN be read by its cover. i'm not talking about the obvious, like the clothes someone wears, etc etc, but by how someone moves/walks/talks and how well they take care of themselves, what they talk about, that sort of stuff...

like i met an old friend from when i was maybe 4 years old a little while ago, and my first thought was that she'd turned into a superficial self centered arrogant overconfident airhead bitch. she came to visit me for a week, and proved every bit of it absolutely correct and more. and i figured all that out within the firs 2 minutes of meeting her again ^_^;;

oh, and dishonest too... more with herself than anything else.

(i'd tell her what time i get home from work so we could go out and have fun, she'd leave like half an hour, or an hour before i was supposed to even get off work, let alone get home, and wouldnt get back till between 2 and 4am, she tried to tell me stuff about Japan and japanese people, when I was the one dating a jap chick and she'd never left her home town before, tried telling me that the internet was really dangerous and that almost everyone online was a perv or a stalker/molester/kidnapper/etc... the list goes on)

besides, my ability to analyze people has helped a lot of my friends, thats why they always come to me for advice. I can usually see things others cant. (my dad taught me when i was a kid to look at everything objectively so i can see what other ppl cant cuz their feelings get in the way)

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Here's the main problem with people these days - You are allowing someone to ruin your day because they are having a bad day.

1. If someone's life sucks - it's thier fault, not yours.

2. If someone is constantly bitching about thier homelife at work and it bothers you(obviously it does), ask them to stop

3. If they are looking down your shirt, at least they are still men.

4. If you think they truely are unhappy - start fucking a few of them so they will feel better.

5. If you are need of a programmer, I can fax you my resume. However, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs and I don't have a girlfriend! But do I have the greatest life I have ever known.

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I think that some guys just wanna settle and not deal with finding new bitches. Once they are involved they think it the way it is supposed to be.

For instance... girls do it too... settle for some guy that isnt really going anywhere and bla bla bla for LOVE cuz he treats her good, then he starts to treat her like scum and she stay cuz of the good times they had and she wishes for them to be that way again. IT DOESNT HAPPEN THAT WAY!

I think they settle for these girls hoping they will be that once crazy hot chick again.

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I think that some guys just wanna settle and not deal with finding new bitches. Once they are involved they think it the way it is supposed to be.

For instance... girls do it too... settle for some guy that isnt really going anywhere and bla bla bla for LOVE cuz he treats her good, then he starts to treat her like scum and she stay cuz of the good times they had and she wishes for them to be that way again. IT DOESNT HAPPEN THAT WAY!

so tru... all of this.

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so tru... all of this.

I mean i know love and marriage is work, don't get me wrong but you gotta have the right partner... Like if they were really in love and happy and wanting to be together, the wieght or money wouldnt ever be a big issue. But when attitudes change and bitterness forms.. no HOLDING ON or HOPING for the past will do, CUT IT OFF before its too late...

I may be kinda young...but im not getting younger.. why waste the future with a person that wont stimulate you anymore mentally or physically when there are prob 10 other ppl you could have met in that time period!! and you will have more fun doing that that being MISERRAAABBLLEE!

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