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Since when did this scene become...

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since when did the NYC scene become a bunch of idiots that label everyone?(im doing it as we speak..i know i know)

seems like everywhere i go..people are "beefing"..about music...dancing..clubs..etc etc. Doesnt anyone remember the times when it didnt matter waht kinda of music it was..if electronic music was being played..we were happy...a time when people didnt judge each other...the scene was open to everyone and anyone(stock brokers,teachers,highschoolers,dancers,druggiesm,etc). Now i feel like electronic music in NY is becoming like hip hop..no longer about good times and love..but about who knows more about whatever...and who is higher up in the ranks of clubland. This site has alot of DICKS. and it has alot of educated nightlife lovers. We have to come to a compromise..we have to stop judging every small party..we have to stop bitching that a dj wasnt good "enough"..we bring the energy..we bring the love. NY needs to go up ..because it cant afford to get any worse than the scene that its turning into the past few years as the dance culture progressed into a more mainstream place...

...tuff guys..fights..promotors just out for money and not caring about the actual event..people posting under fake names trying to hype something up...

we need to erase all that..support the small scene..the underground..support the commerical bigger fanboy dj scene..supprt EVERYTHING that involves..the music..the love ..and the people...anyone agreee?

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i agree to me it was always about the music and how it makes me feel when i'm dancing its a feeling you really cant describe because i can go on for days,but i agree with ya trance just love the music fuck everything else support the music in general so what if they play the shit out of "that song" on ktu...lol just Do it do do it so it :)

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i gotta go with you on this trancesun..

i remember a time many many years ago (1999 lol) when i used to go to places like tunnel and exit, still in high school, didnt know wtf house music was at the time, couldnt name one dj.. but went out every weekend. had an amazing time. and its what made me fall in love with the music and the scene.

now i know abnout the music, am educated about the artists, the history etc. but if we're gonna jump on everyone who goes out to what we consider lame parties or mock someone for their lack of knowledge about music.. how is the scene gonna grow. how is somone like me when i turned 18 fall in love with it the same way i did.

and like u said, i'm just waiting for people on the board to jump on me. tell me how much exit sucked. what do i know. blah blah blah. but anyway, like u said again, go out. support the scene. dont complain. just have fun. fun is what u make it.

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i also agree with binary. How does trance's post make him seem like he has a low self esteem? Ive read some threads today and it seems like everyone is on each other's asses about EVERYTHING. Trance,SilverBull,Mask,Binary are expressing love and care for the scene and everything that attracted then to the scene. Whether 10years in or 1year. If you fall in love with club culture, you end up caring about it. Because in the end nobody will preserve it but us. Its the people who dont give two shits about it that are jumping down everyones throat. NYC needs a revolution. Bring back the vibe of the older days, but progress in knowledge and education about the scene,drug usage,music, and all the factors that make up our city. We know more now than we did 10 years ago, so we are safer when it comes to drugs and all those types of things. But it seems like everyone acts like they know more. Know more about what people? we all have our different experiences and we all have different reasons for loving the music and the culture. Some people want to preserve it more. To some its "something to do" to others its a career, and to many its a release. Whatever the reason, im glad other are concerned. The people who care about this are the ones who are going to prove every stereotype wrong. CLUBS ARE FOR DRUGGIES, CLUBS ARE CRACKDENS, ELECTRONIC MUSIC ISNT REAL MUSIC and so on. If some people dont state their opinions, then this "culture" will just be shoved off as some kind of "label". wow, i typed too much. I hate getting involved on message boards. Reading passes the time, its the writing that i usually dont bother doing. I made an exception this time. But i can see what freak meant trance. Lately today your angry at everyone. Either that, or everyone is just picking on you.haha :hat:

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You Have To Change With The Time. Bottom Line. If Everybody Is Wearing Plaid And All Of A Sudden Plaid Is Gone. People Will Lauph At You If You Still Wear It. You Wear A Piece Of Clothing When Its A Size 30 And Now You Have To Wear A Size 31 That Means You Had To Make A Change Or You Will Look Like A Fool With Tight Pants. At The End Of The Day You Have To Grow With Everything Whether Its Good Or Bad Nothing Never Stays The Same.

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blame it on tina... lol

I look back remembering 98-00 as such a fun time, maybe its just because everything was new. The more you learn about house, the more you know what you really like and don't so much, so you're more likely to be disappointed when you go out. Although the city does seem to be just slightly coming out of a 2 year slump... hopefully.

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blame it on tina... lol

I look back remembering 98-00 as such a fun time, maybe its just because everything was new. The more you learn about house, the more you know what you really like and don't so much, so you're more likely to be disappointed when you go out. Although the city does seem to be just slightly coming out of a 2 year slump... hopefully.

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blame it on tina... lol

I look back remembering 98-00 as such a fun time, maybe its just because everything was new. The more you learn about house, the more you know what you really like and don't so much, so you're more likely to be disappointed when you go out. Although the city does seem to be just slightly coming out of a 2 year slump... hopefully.

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blame it on tina... lol

I look back remembering 98-00 as such a fun time, maybe its just because everything was new. The more you learn about house, the more you know what you really like and don't so much, so you're more likely to be disappointed when you go out. Although the city does seem to be just slightly coming out of a 2 year slump... hopefully.

Yeah I partially blame Tina too (most of the blame falls on whitey as always). Back in 98-00 everyone was an E-tard but at least they were friendly even if it was a false pill induced friendliness, now most the tina-tards are all sketchy & distrustful of even the people they came to the club with.

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why does this topic come up every 2-3 weeks...

yesterday is yesterday... if we try to recreate it... we will only lose tomorrow...

the years of 1998-2000 were great years BUT they will never be recreated so you guys just have to get over it... you cant keep living in the past...

to whoever blames tina.... i hardly blame tina... tina has been around for a good time but it's only gotten big within the past year or two... if anything is to blame for the scene dying out the past few years is the decline of ecstasy use and the loss of gatien... if ecstasy was still as big it was in 98-99 and gatien was still around i think we would still be living that lifestyle... but hey gatien is gone and all those old e-heads realize how bad that shit is for you..

you have to look at history though... same thing happened with the swing kids and hippies... they had good times and then those good times died out..

im not saying they all stopped liking the music and moved on to different things but that magical element was missing... some moved on... some hung around... but regardless... it just wasnt the same...

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