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how many girls here HAVE been punched in the mouth?


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hmm I guess Ill be the first to go....I wouldnt say Ive necessarily been "punched" in the mouth...sure Ive been hit before and chased by my ex witha knife and a few other things that I wont go into.....but never have I been hit with a closed fist to the mouth....

and unfortunately I dont have any pics, I wasnt necessarily int he picture taking mood after thise certain events... :D

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hmm I guess Ill be the first to go....I wouldnt say Ive necessarily been "punched" in the mouth...sure Ive been hit before and chased by my ex witha knife and a few other things that I wont go into.....but never have I been hit with a closed fist to the mouth....

and unfortunately I dont have any pics, I wasnt necessarily int he picture taking mood after thise certain events... :D

this thread is a joke, it was not meant to be an invitation for you to unload your emotional baggage here.

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From Clit Notes www.cherrybomb.com

Men who punch their wives in the nose may soon pay through the nose in Sweden. Politicians in Stockholm are proposing to levy a new "Man Tax" to cover the social cost of violence against women.

"Someone got it right. The way to hit a man where it counts is his wallet. But why stop there. Let's go all the way and cover the social cost of male stupidity and levy a new "Asshole Tax" - yell at your woman in public, embarrass her in front of her family, or smash some good crystal and you're gonna be fined!" C.Head Cbitch


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yeah reded, and how about a tax that goes the other way? every time a woman opens her mouth and embarasses her man, or makes him hold somethin pink and frilly in a store just to make him feel uncomfortable, or even better, the "not now, i've got a headache" tax. and of course the nagging bitch tax. and the stupid use of a man's tools tax, for every time you use a screw driver as a paint stirrer, or a wrench as a hammer.

but instead of just taking your money, which your husband is probably earning anyways, and thus taking it would hurt him, they take away your most expensive piece of jewellery.

no i'm not being serious, but the last half of that post just pushed a few buttons, so i felt like coming up with something equally stupid sounding. not that the fine for hitting your wife isnt stupid in and of itself... "What? $100 bucks a pop? Here, put 300 on my tab." besides that, there ARE times when it is deserved, much in the same way as there are times when a guy does deserve a good swift kick in the nuts.

the difference lies between hitting, and beating, get the idea?

same thing goes with children. hitting your child for doing something wrong is ok. beating your child is not.

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yeah reded, and how about a tax that goes the other way? every time a woman opens her mouth and embarasses her man, or makes him hold somethin pink and frilly in a store just to make him feel uncomfortable, or even better, the "not now, i've got a headache" tax. and of course the nagging bitch tax. and the stupid use of a man's tools tax, for every time you use a screw driver as a paint stirrer, or a wrench as a hammer.

but instead of just taking your money, which your husband is probably earning anyways, and thus taking it would hurt him, they take away your most expensive piece of jewellery.

no i'm not being serious, but the last half of that post just pushed a few buttons, so i felt like coming up with something equally stupid sounding. not that the fine for hitting your wife isnt stupid in and of itself... "What? $100 bucks a pop? Here, put 300 on my tab." besides that, there ARE times when it is deserved, much in the same way as there are times when a guy does deserve a good swift kick in the nuts.

the difference lies between hitting, and beating, get the idea?

same thing goes with children. hitting your child for doing something wrong is ok. beating your child is not.


I agree with everything you said except the hitting your spouse/significant other/child. Spanking a child is one thing, punching your wife in the mouth is another. There is no need for anyone to be punched. I think this "tax" should go towards ALL violence. Bar fights, playground scuffles, cheerleader tryouts, wherever there is violence there chould be fines imposed. No violence is acceptable, no matter who you are, where you come from, or how much money you have. This violence does not count towards wars; we need wars. Without wars we would have no movies, and I like movies. :tank:

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I agree with everything you said except the hitting your spouse/significant other/child. Spanking a child is one thing, punching your wife in the mouth is another. There is no need for anyone to be punched.

lol i dont mean like givin someone a pop in the mouth, i mean more like a smack to the back of the head, or a slap on the cheek, cuz there are times when you need somethin like that to bring people back to the real world.

just for an example, my family had just moved (my dad was airforce, that happened a lot) and since we didnt have a house yet we lived in PMQs

a PMQ isnt very big. in fact they're downright cramped. living there wound up being very stressful, even more so because we didnt know anyone at all.

my mom (already a stressful person on her own, getting herself wound up over sweet fuck all) got it in her head that dad was cheating, just cuz he had to work late now and then (turned out he had a gambling problem at that point) but one night mom was getting downright hysterical, insulting him, cursing at him, threatening murder and suicide (not in that order, that's how hysterical she was... and blonde, go figure)

dad gave her a quick lil slap, and it shocked her enough to bring her back to reality. he didnt hit her hard, didnt even leave a mark, but it calmed her down, and she doesnt hold a grudge over it. she knows that she was acting very badly, and if he didnt end it quick, she only would have worked herself up more, and something worse would have happened. that night, all the tension in the house disappeared, and things went back to the way they should have been.


there ARE times when it's necessary, but within reason.

that's the problem that most people have with it, is that the majority of the people who do hit their woman dont restrain themselves.

understand what i'm saying now? i'm not sayin its a solution to every problem, i'm sayin when things get right fucked up, it can stop the situation dead in its tracks and end it right there. we're talking when things go completely fubar. that doesnt mean haul back and drive her through a wall, it means use just enough to get her attention. a slap on the cheek, a smack upside the head, not 5 fingers curled in.

like i always say... when you want to be nice, talk things out, when you want results, an appropriately measured dose of violence does the job much faster. (and even shaking a chick is a form of violence, really)

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there ARE times when it's necessary, but within reason.

that's the problem that most people have with it, is that the majority of the people who do hit their woman dont restrain themselves.

understand what i'm saying now? i'm not sayin its a solution to every problem, i'm sayin when things get right fucked up, it can stop the situation dead in its tracks and end it right there. we're talking when things go completely fubar. that doesnt mean haul back and drive her through a wall, it means use just enough to get her attention. a slap on the cheek, a smack upside the head, not 5 fingers curled in.

like i always say... when you want to be nice, talk things out, when you want results, an appropriately measured dose of violence does the job much faster. (and even shaking a chick is a form of violence, really)

I like the summarized version. You should'nt of even wasted your time with the previous paragraphs.

Anyway, smacking a woman is wrong. I don't agree with hitting your significant other. If things are getting that bad that you feel like hitting them, you need to adjust yourself; find some counseling and get out of the relationship. This goes for male on female, female on male, male on male, female on female.

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i agree that it shouldnt reach that point, but the simple fact is that it did reach that point with my parents, and it worked out fine. and before anyone says it, my mom is not the submissive type, she doesnt take shit from anyone. the shock was enough to make her stop and think, and she realized what an ass she was being.

and it's not "that bad that you feel like hitting them" it's that they're being stupid and need to be calmed down NOW

but then, i think that in the right circumstances almost anything can be justified

for example, killing... it's wrong right? never the proper solution? what about a rapist? is it ok to kill them? or mass murderers?

abortion... one of the things i very strongly disagree with. but what if giving birth will kill mother and child, then it's alright, isnt it?

and, striking a woman... if she's attacking you, sure it's ok. if she's getting hysterical and basically working herself up to that point where she might attack you, yes. if she's just nagging or wont let you go drinking with your buddies, then of course not.

there is no black and white of right and wrong in this world. everything is shades of grey and exceptions to rules.

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i agree that it shouldnt reach that point, but the simple fact is that it did reach that point with my parents, and it worked out fine. and before anyone says it, my mom is not the submissive type, she doesnt take shit from anyone. the shock was enough to make her stop and think, and she realized what an ass she was being.

and it's not "that bad that you feel like hitting them" it's that they're being stupid and need to be calmed down NOW

but then, i think that in the right circumstances almost anything can be justified

for example, killing... it's wrong right? never the proper solution? what about a rapist? is it ok to kill them? or mass murderers?

abortion... one of the things i very strongly disagree with. but what if giving birth will kill mother and child, then it's alright, isnt it?

and, striking a woman... if she's attacking you, sure it's ok. if she's getting hysterical and basically working herself up to that point where she might attack you, yes. if she's just nagging or wont let you go drinking with your buddies, then of course not.

there is no black and white of right and wrong in this world. everything is shades of grey and exceptions to rules.

The son of an abusive parent that believes it is ok. It's comprehensable because that was how you were rasied. I was raised the same way. Finally, after counseling, therapy, meds, and talking to "normal" people; I found out that the way I was raised might not have been the best means. I think my father did a good job, hell it's how he was raised. However, My children will not be raised the same way and thank god my brothers children are not being raised that way either.

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ummm no, not abusive parents, that was the only time my dad ever raised a hand to my mom. and i do mean EVER.

it's not normal to hit your sig other, but that situation wasnt normal either.

was there a better way to deal with the problem? yes, there was

was there another way to end the problem quick? no

if it didnt happen the way it did, i would probably be short one parent, or my parents would be divorced.

and so you know, if one of my parents was to start beating the other, my money would be on my mom cuz she's the one with problems controlling her temper. my dad was always calm and used his head (though he's getting better at the whole showing emotion thing)

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you wanna know why certain things are comprehensible to me? because i know the difference between an ideal world with an ideal society and ideal people, and the real world, where things are never the way we think they should be.

I think violence is wrong, period. but i accept that it gets results that just talking could never get, and it gets them faster.

it's never the best solution, but sometimes it's the only solution, understand?

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you wanna know why certain things are comprehensible to me? because i know the difference between an ideal world with an ideal society and ideal people, and the real world, where things are never the way we think they should be.

I think violence is wrong, period. but i accept that it gets results that just talking could never get, and it gets them faster.

it's never the best solution, but sometimes it's the only solution, understand?

Violence is the only solution? Are you fucking retarded or do you just play that way on internet message boards?

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