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Pedro Martinez... 10/14/04


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Ummm...how many come from behind wins did the Yankees have this year?

Try something else partna...

Bullshit stat...

If the Yanks / Sox are playing and the Sox score 1 run in the 1st, yet the Yanks go on to win the game that counts as a come from behind win...

Keep reaching....

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wrong again, he said he thought he was done. But because he is a HOF'er when asked to go he went. Only pansy pitchers would say no, i can not go. Just look what happened to clemens in 86, he had a cold and said he could not go in, and got ridiculed for years. Managers fault, they should know.

excuses excuses...sounds like a broken record now

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nope all pedros fault. he choked.

SO if torre did not pull leiber last night and let him go to the 8th where he probably given up the lead, would you say he choked or torre choked for not getting him out od the game?

Probably? If? That's all moot now...I'm talking about the FACT that Pedro didn't hold them in check. "Ifs" and "Probably" doesn't matter.

"If" Benitez didn't choke against the Yankees in game 1, the Mets "probably" would have won the Series...who the hell knows? The same with your statement...so come at me with facts

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Pedro did not choke last night. His stuff was pretty good. And for the majority of the game it was only a 1 run lead. So he definitely gave the Sox a chance to win. If anything, the the Sox' lineup choked. Damon choked. Millar choked. Ortiz choked..... They just looked lost at the plate. But dont say Pedro choked, that's just absurd.

btw, I've never seen Damon look more lost at the plate. (except for that 15 pitch AB)

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yeah and i do not think bellhorne in the 2 spot is a great move at this point. Mueller would be better, shit pokey would be better. Bellhorne is a classic good against bad pitching during the year but gets way over his head in the playoffs.Torre showed last year how good he was by moving soriano and giambi down.

LIke i said if pedro was on the yanks instead of Boston he would be the yanks best pitcher ever, better then ford better the guidry, he would of been the head of the rotation just about from the get go and his WL record would even be more rediculas then it is now. To say he always chokes is demonstrating a lack of knowledge towards baseball.

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LIke i said if pedro was on the yanks instead of Boston he would be the yanks best pitcher ever, better then ford better the guidry, he would of been the head of the rotation just about from the get go and his WL record would even be more rediculas then it is now. To say he always chokes is demonstrating a lack of knowledge towards baseball.

He can't beat the Yankees, plain and simple. Whether calling it choking last night is drastic (I agree).

Edit * "Can't beat the Yankees in the PS"

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He can't beat the Yankees, plain and simple. Whether calling it choking last night is drastic (I agree).

Edit * "Can't beat the Yankees in the PS"

He is 11-12 with a 3 something era lifetime.

He did win once i think back in 99 but he has not really been shelled in the PS its just that the yanks have been better. I will be the first to admit the yanks have been pretty good for the past 6-7 years, its not like he is losing to the devil rays or detroit. Its like saying the knicks choked against the bulls every year.

Payton manning against the pats that is a choke, they are his daddy.

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Do you guys think that that whole "they are my daddy" quote was a pshychological ploy?

I wish it "ployed" the bats into hitting.

Caleb are you on meds because sometimes you act normal and sometimes you.... well use words like dickweed and gaylord. Just wondering?

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I wish it "ployed" the bats into hitting.

Caleb are you on meds because sometimes you act normal and sometimes you.... well use words like dickweed and gaylord. Just wondering?

FULL THROTTLE LAUGH OUT LOUD. Actually I am on meds. But even when on meds I still act like a dick. I'm just trying to get under people's skin, bro. I'm actually one of the nicest guys you'd probably ever meet.

You guys better win game 3, man, or else I'd say its over.

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we really need to win all three and take it back to the "toilet"

Larry bird said the series does not mean anything until the home team loses. If you take care at home anything can happen in a game seven. Hopefully we can make it atleast interesting a sweep and I don't know if I could take it.

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FULL THROTTLE LAUGH OUT LOUD. Actually I am on meds. But even when on meds I still act like a dick. I'm just trying to get under people's skin, bro. I'm actually one of the nicest guys you'd probably ever meet.

You guys better win game 3, man, or else I'd say its over.

yeah, I like to prod and get under people's skin too for the entertainment so I dont fault you there....but coming out with racist comments just aint the way to go

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...when you say you're a HOF pitcher and don't win when it's on the line time after time...yeah he's overrated

get off it.....he single handedly put the Red Sox into the LCS when they played Cleveland way back when

not to mention...he has made Oakland look foolish in every game he has pitched and he hasnt exactly pitched bad against the Yanks in the postseason. He just has fallen a little short each time against what has proven to be the best lineup in baseball the past ten years.....

Saying Pedro is overrated is like saying Marino is overrated for the same reason

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