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MTV once again is showing everything that is wrong in the clubworld

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i only saw the last like 20 minutes or so but it had nothing to do with clubland and clubbers... this show was about 2 girls and their summer down at the shore... it just so happened that they went to bars with house music... the people who complain about shit like this ruining the scene need to grow the fuck up... also.. the closing party at one of the bars down there "tempts" was fucking ridiculous.. the vibe in there was one of the better ones i've experienced in years... aside from the grammy party at crobar..

also... if ecstasy wasn't fueling the scene between 98-00 then maybe little 14 year olds wouldnt be asking us where to score... we can only blame ourselves for that one.. and if you don't think drugs werent a big part of the scene you need to come back to reality..

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I didn't watch the show, but do people really consider those seaside clubs real clubs? They're kinda just like big bars, with shitty music, no? I went about 4-5 years ago to them... me and my friends took some E, and by the time it kicked in, the lights came on and they closed. wtf kind of club closes at 2am? One of the worst nights of my life. God I hate Jersey

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ok dude you need to relax with the jersey bashing. cause you shouldn't even be saying shit when between brooklyn, queens, and LI you'd have us beat by a landslide in the sideways hat wearing dept.

and who are you to say that these people shouldn't be going out to "your" clubs. this is exactly the type of shit that is wrong with the scene, you perpetuate it, and then come here and bitch more about it. if that's your and other people's attitude to going out it's never gonna change. so stfu for once and just go out, you're at a club to enjoy the music not stare at people's a/x logos all night.

thank u MTV for once again proving my point on how pop culture is such a joke and for the 2nd year in a row u brought to light the NJ trash out there...unfortunately these are the people who fill my city on weekends and ruin club scenes with their von-dutch hats, armani shirts and bottle service...Jersey is a god damn sewer...by the way that dick from last years True Life I Have a Jersey Shore share or whatever its called was at Crobar on Saturday with his whole enterage when Deep Dish was tearing that place a new asshole
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hmmmm drugs have been around since the the begiining of dance music indeed. But they have gotten worse over the decades and in some cases have become the reasons to go to parties.As for 98-2000 the music and dj i listen to go wayyyyyyyyyy b4 those yrs.

gotten worse over the decades??? bro what about the hippie movement... same type of shit... a lot of people were in it for the music, but drugs were a big factor...

and coke in the 80's... c'mon now, that shit was HUGE!!!

as lame as i think drugs are and the people that do them, i accept it as part of the scene.. drugs are always gonna ruin things... i mean c'mon now, they're drugs afterall... they dont carry that stigma for having a positive impact on society..

and for the 98-2000 time period... i used that time period as an example because it had an impact on the 13-14 year olds today... they grew up seeing that shit on the news.. if i went any further back in time it wouldnt really be influential to the 13 year olds today now would it.. if i mentioned the drug usage in 1986 it wouldnt really have had that much of an impact on a 14 year old because they were still a twinkle in someone's eye..

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I love all things house. I go to Shelter, I go to the 718 sessions, I go to Disco afterhours. I listen to my Body and Soul NYC collection. I love the NYC underground but I also love the Jersey shore. I like going to DJais, Surfclub, Bamboo and Bar A. Does this make me an inferiour house head?

Why yes it does :)

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