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i looooove this convo!!

more more more ...

i heard once that this guy in my school used a swimmy with lube...

What is a swimmy?

Have you ever caught a guy doing it? Or did girls in your school? I once spied on my neighbor when I was in high school, hoping he would masturbate, but all the guy did was watch tv. I hid in these itchy bushes for hours.

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oooohhh, very interesting. I've always wanted to watch a man masturbate!!!!!!!!!

meeee too!! ...my bf is too shy, he started once but then stopped cause he said he thought he looked odd (ie:the look on his face) but I do it in front of him, which is awesome, and yeah at first I felt weird but now knowing hes watching and when he touches me, I get even more excited....

do any other guys have this phobia??

oh and I wasnt sure if this was just for the guys but I once use a pretty thick brush (well the handle) to add a lil bit extra stimulation, thats a once in a blue moon type thing.

also, the comment about how a guys dick shouldnt fit in a toilet paper tube, umm Im not sure what toilet paper youre using but the toilet paper tubes I have are pretty damn wide.... but who knows....

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i had an ex girlfriend who was into masturbating with strange things. she once suggested that I wrap a sausage bun with saran wrap and lube it with astro glide. we tried it together, and it was really quite...good/interesting...i guess. she jerked me off with the bun wrapped around my member and low and behold, i did get off. have never tried it on my own, don't know why. it was actually quite good. i'm sure it would make a great vid to pass around to co-workers..."check out this guy taking the whole sausage and cock comparison too far!"

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most people that are shy about masturbating in front of their partner were brought up to be ashamed, at least to some extent, of their bodies and of sex in general.

i dont really have that problem, as my parents were enlightened enough not to cram religion/outdated beliefs down my throat, but some people are just embarassed. (i wouldnt typically volunteer, but if a girl asked, i wouldnt mind, so long as she did the same :P)

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amy a swimmy is the lil air filled thing that lil kids use to swim so they dont sink...

and as for if girls can say it toooo... i once used a brush handle too and my massage head on the shower..and of course lil vibrating toys

I used a hairbrush handle all through high school... hmmm, I wonder if I can find that same brush in the store still.

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....i'll share........i never used anything but my hand w/ or w/o lotion, vas, etc.....no vicks btw.......but there was this one time when i had a female roomie.......she used to order some porn, toys, etc from this one place......well one time she got this toy as a bonus but it was for men......it was like a silicon sleeve or something for masterbating......it was gelatonous and a few inches long.....the inside was smooth and this thing was tighter than tight but it stretched as you put it on......the one time i actually used it, it was almost too good.....i came in a heartbeat and shot clear across the room.......but idk......between feeling really weird standing there with this thing in my hand and wanting to at least have a longer experience (that coulda just been one of those instacum moments, who knows), i set that puppy aside....i had forgotten about it until i moved - little bitch was in my dresser draw.....almost got exposed during the move but i slipped it into my pocket and ultimately the garbage can....it was fun to explore but i'll stick to old reliable righty.......

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