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Who loves foreskin?


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Okay ladies (and gents if you're so inclined!)...what are your thoughts on foreskin?

I'm uncut and am perfectly happy with my dick! I keep it very clean, trim my hair, shave my sack and have had many happy ladies come back for additional helpings.

I recently had the pleasure of being offered a blow job at a club I was spinning at, but when the generous lady saw my foreskin, her reaction was, "oh, yours has extra skin. that's certainly different." she then gave said blow job, and i didn't think anything about the comment at the time (alcohol turns off the brain filter).

now that i've had time to think about this, it has made me wonder what women think of foreskin. do you like it, love it, hate it, are indifferent, etc. any comments are welcome!

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I'm uncut too. When I first had sex it was extremely painful because my dick head was very sensitive. Also the skin was tight and would not pull all the way back, so I felt like the skin was being torn off. I'm still sensitive now, but I think that extra sensitivity makes sex better than if I was de-sensitized from circumcision.

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i have been with a fore skinned man and i liked it.. i honestly didnt know what it was at first but when i really looked like it was kinda like an eggroll... and after being with the kid for a while i liked it.. it was cute! and it didnt have that wierd line (scar from being cut)...

I have no objections.. i mean i did like it .. but i will not chose if i like a guy due to his foreskin or not

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Yup. The first time did hurt a little, but a good kind of hurt (hell, it was my first time!). I wouldn't trade my foreskin for anything! All the extra nerve endings in the skin are probably a good thing too. Still though, would like to know what the ladies think...

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sitting around one night, with a mixed crowd (gay, straight, male, female) having a sexual discussion at a bar...circumsision came up and so all the guys told if they were cut or not, and a couple stories were told about the first time someone had seen an uncut cock, and this one girl chimes in and says "hmmmm, i'm not sure if i've been with an uncut guy" and everyone else burst out laughing, and it was like no, honey you'd definitely know it if you saw it. hahaha...but anyway, i like my cut cock, not that i know what it's like ot have a foreskin, but i like it better aesthetically.

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i like my man circumsized with a nice mushroom head.......i never really like how the foreskin looks...it just looks weird to me.


I have foreskin, when I get sprung it all just gets pulled back and looks like any other circumsized peice. Figures that happens with all guys who have foreskin so didn't see the big deal in gettin it hacked off, scurry.

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So she told me to come over and I took that trip

And then then she pulled out my mushroom tip

And when it came out, it went drip drip drip

I didnt know she had the g.i. joe, kung foo grip

Sublime ROcks :cool:

and i got a nice mushroom tip, am glad i do, and my son will have 1 too ~!

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cut, not that i care much one way or the other.

when i was born, they still did it for "medical reasons" even though there werent any, it was just tradition, pretty much.

the only reason i have found anywhere to get it cut is AIDS... some study they did in Africa... aids is a lot more common in uncircumsized men, something about these special lil glands in the skin or something that pull bacteria/viruses in to be killed, but they cant kill AIDS, so it just increases chance of infection.

that said, I've been complimented on many things in my sex-life... size, stamina, skill, etc... but the funniest compliment i EVER got... was that i had a nice looking cock

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