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Total lunar eclipse tonight...


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Earth to See Total Eclipse of the Moon

Wed Oct 27,10:27 AM ET Science - AP

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Earthlings are about to be treated to a total lunar eclipse, just in time for Halloween. For more than an hour Wednesday night, the moon will be covered entirely by Earth's shadow and resemble a glowing pumpkin.

With the Earth passing directly between the sun and the moon, the only light hitting the full moon will be from the home planet's sunrises and sunsets, thus the orange and red hue.

It will be a late-night show for people in North and South America and a pre-dawn display early Thursday for those in Europe and western Africa.

Aside from their entertainment value, total lunar eclipses give scientists a chance to assess the quality of Earth's atmosphere. Ash from volcanic eruptions, for example, can make an eclipsed moon look much darker. The recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens in Washington have consisted of far more steam than ash, and therefore the moon should appear bright and coppery red on Wednesday night, NASA (news - web sites) said.

The next total eclipse of the moon will not be until March 2007.


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The eclipse begins at shortly after 8 p.m. EST, but the first hour or so won't be noticeable as the moon becomes lightly shaded by Earth's outer shadow, called the penumbra.

Things get real interesting at 9:14 p.m. EST, when the moon begins sliding into Earth's full shadow, or umbra.

A dark and growing scallop then gradually will envelop Earth's only natural satellite. Once in total shadow at 10:23 p.m. EST, the moon might turn a shade of deep red that frightened the ancients. No two eclipses are alike, however, and astronomers can't say for sure what color to expect, if any.


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It was wonderful!!! The moon got a very dark red color!!!

But I'm still waiting to read Bling's concise and elaborate review (you know where he acknowledges all the constellations he saw, clouds floating by, etc., etc...) :D

only constellation i care about is gemini cuz thats what i be :)

twinssssssss babyyyyyyyyy

and i dont mean the baseball team

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