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Moving On


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I'm not sure how you are....but I'm a pretty sensitive person and my feelings can get hurt very easily. But I just surround myself with my closest friends and snap out of things pretty quickly. Takes a few weeks but its different for everyone. feelings are always there. Little things you hear or see about the person will definitely get to you. The most important thing is to just be there for yourself. Bullseye is right....time definitely heals all wounds.

best thing any1s said to me in a while

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bitches are like trains...if you lose one you can always catch another

that's my philosophy anyway and it helps me forget abt women really fast...

but you're prolly talking abt getting over guys...so i dunno

The bad thing about that philosophy is that whenever a train wrecks, there is always an investigation, people die, HAZMAT gets spilled and towns are closed off for weeks.

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after a SERIOUS relationship, i honestly would say a good year...you need to let time heal the wound. don't go around picking your scabs either or it will leave a scar. go out have fun, but i don't think it's healthy to fall into another serious relationship too fast...don't go psycho either and allow thoughts of your ex to stop you from living your life....you can still see people... you will know when your thoughts of the new person out weigh the old person that you can move on.

How long do most of you feel it takes to move on and get over someone after a serious break up? Weeks, months, years?

Is it a good thing if you move on quickly?

How long do you wait to start seeing someone else, either on a playful, or semi-serious level, is it a good thing?


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5 years and counting.

hasnt stopped me from having other relationships, and hasnt really interfered with any of the more recent relationships, but it's always there. If you really love someone it always stays with you. It's kind of like having an itch, like if a mosquito bites your arm. At first it itches real bad and you cant focus on anything else, but after a while you get used to it and you can focus on something else, even though the itch is still there... know what i mean?

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  • 2 weeks later...

..Not that he didnt mean a lot to me at the time..I just feel bad that i guess i got over him quickly and am seeing someone else now who makes me smile again too. i guess im just not used to showing another guy a little bit of attention. i know its not wrong of me, just getting adjusted :half:


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..Not that he didnt mean a lot to me at the time..I just feel bad that i guess i got over him quickly and am seeing someone else now who makes me smile again too. i guess im just not used to showing another guy a little bit of attention. i know its not wrong of me, just getting adjusted :half:


why should you feel bad?? It's not like you forced him to make you smile, it just happened. You can't control how you feel, if you want to take a chance with a new person, then so be it. If you feel that you need to take time for yourself, then do that also. You're not stuck to one option...life is there so you can enjoy it, not so you can feel bad and restrain yourself from what you truly want and feel.

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How long do most of you feel it takes to move on and get over someone after a serious break up? Weeks, months, years?

Is it a good thing if you move on quickly?

How long do you wait to start seeing someone else, either on a playful, or semi-serious level, is it a good thing?


There is no given time.

The thing is dating right after being with someone for a while is hard. Cause in the back of your mind you wonder if that really was the end for the 2 of you. And it would just be wierd to sleep with someone else. Or have any intimacy with anyone else with thoughts like that in the back of the head. And the what if you get back together. How do you tell her/him that you were with someone else right after you broke up.

Sometimes without any intention you meet someone right after a break up and everything feels right. But in the long run you see it wasnt really right it is just that your head was in the wrong place and someone was giving you attention that you needed at the time. And when the dust clears you realize this is not the person you were looking for.

My whole thing is take my time. If I am dating someone for a long period of time and we break up. I do not look at all. If someone comes along I do not completely blow it off. I will explain that I had just gotten out of something and not ready to jump right back in. Hang as "friends" and as time goes on usually that friends becomes more and it makes the transition from past to present that much easier.

A problem I had was that one of my Ex's that I had dated for 4 years was my perfect personality match. She had the looks and all as well. And after her and I didn't work out I always looked for that in someone. I didnt necesarily look for her in someone else. But I did look for that type of personality. And I was never able to find someone like that. I know it sounds like I am trying to keep a part of my past with someone who will be with me in the future. But that isnt it. I know the personality that I like. I know the personality that I get along with. I have dated psychos. I have dated people who were too much. I have dated people who were too self centered. The dating game sucks in general. I never understood dating. 90% of the people you meet come into a new relationship full force raise your expectations of them and as time goes on you see the real them. And you are back at square one. Anyway it took me 3 years to finally find someone I really think I am compatible with since my longest relationship. I have had relationships between that time. But all of them I know didnt have a future. There was caring. But I knew none of them were forever. But finally after 3 years I think I met her.

So after all that blabbering... Yeah there is no time issue. It is when you feel right about what you are doing. Just go for what you feel is right. Dont feel you have to wait, and dont feel you have to rush.

As far as getting over them. If you are truly in love. A piece of you will always be with them. And the same of them with you. At that point it becomes a different kind of love. You realize you cant be with one another. But you do care how things go in there lives. You do care if something bad happens to them. And all that other wonderful stuff.

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