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The REAL reason why shock and outrage ensued after Monday Night Football


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actually that game would be on at 6:00 on the left coast, so yes it was in bad taste.

I still do not think it was all that bad to be honest with you, not more then any other ad or movie or tv show or video game (gta san andreas is bad ass by the way) that is out there.

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I think we're all missing the point that this was shown during a time when children were up an were probably watching that's not something the majority of parents want thier kids to see.

But what time is Desperate Housewives on? 9pm, same time Monday Night Football is on in the east coast. So try again.

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actually that game would be on at 6:00 on the left coast, so yes it was in bad taste.

this is the only reason that anyone could have a problem with this commercial...on the east coast we saw it at 9pm which is the time desperate housewives is on...this is perfectly ok...but on the west coast they see MNF, which is a live event, @ 6pm which is too early for such a provacative commercial to be on...this is the only thing wrong with the commercial...now if they aired it during desperate housewives both coasts would have seen it at a respectable time and we would not be discussing this...

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But what time is Desperate Housewives on? 9pm, same time Monday Night Football is on in the east coast. So try again.

One little thing you are forgetting Lib............Desperate Housewives being on at 9:00 is a CHOICE..............Watching MNF with your kid, and getting ambushed with a Desperate Housewife ad is not a choice..........


And what is acceptable/unacceptable to be viewed by children is not up to East Coast/West Coast libs, but the individual parent.....Nor what is deemed unacceptable/acceptable to be viewed by individuals for their children should be judged, mocked or ridiculed by Libs (hmmm, I wonder where that same theme was applied?).....


Also, I heard the point that some made about worse ads on TV, or worse things on computers that kids can find, or this is just over-reacting conservatism...........all are fair in debate, but all are divergent from the main point and issue....

This spot, which was part of the MNF broadcast as opposed to a traditional commercial, was inappropriate material at an inappropriate time that ambushed the viewing crowd using a football star extremely popular with kids (ironically more so for his antics than his ability). Inappropriate because of the ambush, and inappropriate because it is completely understandable why some would find it offensive.

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This spot, which was part of the MNF broadcast as opposed to a traditional commercial, was inappropriate material at an inappropriate time that ambushed the viewing crowd using a football star extremely popular with kids (ironically more so for his antics than his ability). Inappropriate because of the ambush, and inappropriate because it is completely understandable why some would find it offensive.

Exactly, but i find it funny that the NFL approved this spot in the first place. Especially after the Janet Jackson debacle?

What is the NFL thinking

I also think people who are truley outraged just need to get laid a bit more

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I can understand why some people would find this offensive but not the this extreme. There was not nudity shown only a bear back. There are racier thing on coors lite comercials.

Like i said this is only a problem in this country every other country in the world would not see this as anything wrong.That makes us freaks.

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Personally when I have kids I'd have no problem whatsoever with them watching a stunt like this.

There are mothers out there who watch daytime soap operas with their kids, and there's plenty of those towel scenes going on there.

What about some of the current shows on Fox and the WB, like One Tree Hill, The OC, North Shore? You think there are aren't any suggestive scenes there?

Even CBS and NBC shows like CSI and Law & Order are very graphic at times. It may not be about sex...instead it's about murder and blood. Umm yeah, that's way safer for a kid to watch then some naked chick's back right? LOL

And those afternoon talk shows with white trash America? Oh, that's real educational for kids. Now those are the real shows that should be moved to late night, not a clever tongue in cheek promo during a Sports game.

Some of you conservatives on this board are such super hypocrites who shouldn't be watching television at all. Either deal with the fact that we're in the 21st Century, not the 50s, or don't watch TV at all. You guys might want to move to Iran or Afghanistan with your views.

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Personally when I have kids I'd have no problem whatsoever with them watching a stunt like this.

There are mothers out there who watch daytime soap operas with their kids, and there's plenty of those towel scenes going on there.

What about some of the current shows on Fox and the WB, like One Tree Hill, The OC, North Shore? You think there are aren't any suggestive scenes there?

Even CBS and NBC shows like CSI and Law & Order are very graphic at times. It may not be about sex...instead it's about murder and blood. Umm yeah, that's way safer for a kid to watch then some naked chick's back right? LOL

And those afternoon talk shows with white trash America? Oh, that's real educational for kids. Now those are the real shows that should be moved to late night, not a clever tongue in cheek promo during a Sports game.

Some of you conservatives on this board are such super hypocrites who shouldn't be watching television at all. Either deal with the fact that we're in the 21st Century, not the 50s, or don't watch TV at all. You guys might want to move to Iran or Afghanistan with your views.

Thanks for the diatribe, but perhaps if you talke a breath, you may realize you are MISSING THE POINT......it does not matter what is on CSI or Law & Order, O.C., or afternoon shows, or any other show for that matter........it is the point that the promo was thrust into your living room WITHOUT A CHOICE or KNOWLEDGE ......WITHOUT A CHOICE or KNOWLEDGE.......let's repeat one more in case you still do not understand....WITHOUT A CHOICE or KNOWLEDGE.............Understand?...get the difference from what you rambled on about?

And it is not a matter of being a conservative, as you lamely pointed out..... it is simply a matter of common sense and deceny.......it is a matter of respect and tolerance of what individuals deem appropriate for their children to see, and not have something thrust upon them.........if you can't deal with that fact, I suggest YOU move to another country......

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Oh please! Without prior knowledge, whatever. Like you know exactly what;s going to air on all the shows I've mentioned? Or do you know about every topic that's going to be brought up on the news? What about BREAKING NEWS?

Son, you are now making yourself look real foolish. Think about what you just said.

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I think you're making yourself looking even more foolish if you don't think you're conservative.

Kids seem to turn out just fine in Europe even though there's nudity on the beach, or on TV commercials.

This is soooo fuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnn ridiculous. A blonde takes off her towel in front of a black athlete. Big whoopeefuckindoo.

I think the unpredictable nature of Fear Factor, and what contestants are forced to do to win is more brain damaging then a silly TV promo.

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i'm going to have to turn off the TV during commercials when i'm watching TV. w/ all those racey beer, cialis, viagra, prostate and breast cancer commercials i just cant be sure if there will be anything in there that is not appropriate for any of my neices and nephews to watch.

w/o prior knwoledge i just cant be sure. i'll also do the same when i listen to the radio and i'll put horse blinders on them when we're in the car since i just cant be sure if there will be a billboard that is innapropriate. :ghey:

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Yeah Vicman, I hear you. I'm also scared of what I might find on this very message board with some of the gay porn pics you all post LOL. Maybe we should get the FCC involved so that Clubplanet will have to come out with an apology statement as well. :boohoo:

Hey, conservative America, do you find this smiley offensive? :vomit2:

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yeah what freaks me out the most is the fact that topics such as sex ed. and other health issues can not be talked about at many schools because they are seen as being to offensive. in the meantime the same kids that are being denied this education are the same ones smoking, drinking, becoming alcoholics, getting pregnant, getting STDs, getting AIDS because these issues are not supposed to be talked about anywhere.

i bet most of us on here probably learned about sex and all these "stuff" from the street, watching porn, friends etc. and we pretty much ended up OK.

some one tell me how to talk about absitence to kids w/o discussing sex? igloo, siceone, anyone? how to talk about not doing drugs w/o mentioning what drugs can do to you?

you either prepare your kids and teach them to be ready for what life will throw at them or you yourself have failed as a parent. sooner or later these same kids will have a bf, gf,and want to have sex, you are either part of that process and help them be safe, or sit in the sidelines and hope they make the right decisions with the ignorance you bestowed on them. if they don't I hope they are ready to deal with STDs, HIV, pregnancy or an abortion.

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Syphilis Rate

Gonorrhea Rate

Chlamydia Rate

Smoking Rate

Teen Death Rate-All causes

Women's mamogram rate

% of women w/ pap smears

tell me what states are at the top and at the bottom of these numbers? i wished decisions to fund programs addressing these issues were based on science and not ideology. science has no ideology, its just facts. and these are the facts.

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One little thing you are forgetting Lib............Desperate Housewives being on at 9:00 is a CHOICE..............Watching MNF with your kid, and getting ambushed with a Desperate Housewife ad is not a choice..........

Monday night football is not by choice? What about Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders? Which show a loooot more skin and provacative poses then was shown in that little piece in the beginning of the program.

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its not the skin. it is what was implied.

but anyway this is silly, it is blown way out of proportion. Like everyone said there have been comercials worse then this, and you get no warning with that either.

vic those numbers are misleading because those are also the poorest areas so that shit goes hand and hand with poverty.

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its not the skin. it is what was implied.

but anyway this is silly, it is blown way out of proportion. Like everyone said there have been comercials worse then this, and you get no warning with that either.

vic those numbers are misleading because those are also the poorest areas so that shit goes hand and hand with poverty.

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right, these are the poorest areas in the country, and they are also the places with lower level of education, and local political leaders are denying them the information they need to make educated choices. you might also argue that large urban areas have the highest rates of HIV and AIDS because services are generally concentrated in these areas or that people are more priscuos in these areas, but one figure I also found out quite recently was that the divorce rate was higher in rural areas compared to urban areas-so much for the sanctity of marriage.

there are a lot of variables that affect these rates, SES, education, religiosity, employment.

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