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How Can I Gain Chest Size


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yo i been working out for 5 years now and im pretty happy with my results but i want a bigger chest. it seems my arms grow fast but my chest is lagging behind the last time i saw real results was when i was on 1ad that shit was awsome please let me know any other methods (weight training or supplements ) undefined

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do a 100 pushups atleast everyday...you will see the difference...

yo i been working out for 5 years now and im pretty happy with my results but i want a bigger chest. it seems my arms grow fast but my chest is lagging behind the last time i saw real results was when i was on 1ad that shit was awsome please let me know any other methods (weight training or supplements ) undefined
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Negative sets...

Pyramid Sets...

Variation in width of grip during bench with each set. Got in for a set. Move out an inch or 2 on the second set, move out 1 or 2 inches on the 3rd set. So on and so forth...

Or instead of doing this all in one routine... Spread it out. Do 2 weeks on a wide grip. 2 weeks on a closer grip. And 2 weeks on a very close grip.

Just keep changing it up...

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I always wonder about grip on sets. I dont think it matters. I believe if you use a muscle lets say chest to failure like you should be doing for growth to begin with. You should be hittin all the muscle fibers to exhaustion right? So whats the point of changing your grip. I know the old way of the arnold days believed that you could hit different angles of your muscle with different grips and movement. I think I'm with the more arthur jones style of muscle hitting. Where you hit it and hit it hard and go home.


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I always wonder about grip on sets. I dont think it matters. I believe if you use a muscle lets say chest to failure like you should be doing for growth to begin with. You should be hittin all the muscle fibers to exhaustion right? So whats the point of changing your grip. I know the old way of the arnold days believed that you could hit different angles of your muscle with different grips and movement. I think I'm with the more arthur jones style of muscle hitting. Where you hit it and hit it hard and go home.


If you choose a very wide grip you are using more chest and very little tris. And you are using the outer parts of your chest. Hense giving you a wider look.

If you choose a very close grip you are hitting both Tris and Chest and more the inner part of your chest building your chest more inside giving you less of a cleavage look.

If you choose the standard grip you are getting the all around work out on the chest with tris as the secondary muscle.

Same as if you did Incline, Decline, and Flat Bench. Each exercise hits different tissues...

Varying your grip does make a difference.

And how can you not listen to Arnold... His chest was huge and wide as a mother fucker.

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And how can you not listen to Arnold... His chest was huge and wide as a mother fucker.

im a dick i wrote this and went out and was LIke :doh: your an ass

yeh his chest was no doubt gigantic (its my desktop)

but around was a ginetic monster and slammed this shit out of his chest and every other body part...he also suggests near 20 sets for chest everytime hes a great bodybuilder and has great workouts just not for everybody to follow.

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If you are plateuing - try: 1. negative reps, 2. weighted dips, and 3. Benching with a wider grip and bring the bar to your collar bone. Definitely got me results in less than a month. My "lady friend" told me just last week that my chest looked bigger and she had seen me last only two weeks earlier.

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If you are plateuing - try: 1. negative reps, 2. weighted dips, and 3. Benching with a wider grip and bring the bar to your collar bone. Definitely got me results in less than a month. My "lady friend" told me just last week that my chest looked bigger and she had seen me last only two weeks earlier.
with a name like Captain Pec how can anyone not take your advice regarding chest exercises..lol
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