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Medical Marijuana


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A story on the fight for medical marijuana. The fight rages on today in Supreme Court...

Its so funny how there are hundreds of people all over the country who use marijuana everyday to battle the painful effects of many deadly, horrible diseases - from cancer and glaucoma to aids. Yet " The Bush administration argues that Congress has found no accepted medical use of marijuana and needs to be able to eradicate drug trafficking and its social harms." Now if several States have already passed legislation for medical Marijauna and there are hundreds if not thousands of people that can attest to its helpful benefits then how is that possible??? Many of these people have tried dozens of prescription drugs to no avail and the only thing that helped is good ol' ganja...

It boggles me that Congress cant find an accepted use but a flip through a report buy the institute of medicine says this:

"Marijuana has long been recognized as having medical properties. Indeed its medical use predates recorded history. The earliest written reference is to be found in the fifteenth century B.C., Chinese Pharmacopeia, the Ry-Ya.(7) Between 1840 and 1900, more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of cannabis were published in medical journals.(Cool The federal government in its 1974 report Marihuana and Health states:

The modern phase of therapeutic use of cannabis began about 140 years ago when O'Shaughnessy reported on its effectiveness as an analgesic and anticonvulsant. At about the same time Moreau de Tours described its use in melancholia and other psychiatric illnesses. Those who saw favorable results observed that cannabis produced sleep, enhanced appetite and did not cause physical addiction.(9)

The 1975 report of the federal government began its discussion of medical marijuana by stating Cannabis is one of the most ancient healing drugs." The report further noted: One should not, however, summarily dismiss the possibility of therapeutic usefulness simply because the plant is the subject of current sociopolitical controversy."(10)

The list of medical uses of cannabis from historical references includes:(11)

Anorexia, Asthma, Nausea,

Pain, Peptic Ulcer, Alcoholism

Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Depression

Migraine, Anxiety, Inflammation

Hypertension, Insomnia, Cancer

Interestingly, relief of many of the symptoms marijuana was used for in these illnesses are many of the same symptoms that have been proven in modern research. This should not be surprising unless we want to assume that all of the experience of thousands of years did not have some factual basis."

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You'll see more people getting addict. And the people able to buy them will start selling to make profit to those who can't. You'll see a lot of old school drug dealers looking for real jobs and putting their escalades with 20 in spin rims for sale. If legalize, where and who would grow the weed. I'd apply for a job like that. what would be the name of the position?

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You'll see a lot of old school drug dealers looking for real jobs and putting their escalades with 20 in spin rims for sale.
I dont think Drug dealers having to get real jobs is a bad thing.. But its not about legalizing it, but making it a controlled substance available to those who could use it to better deal with the pain and suffering of disease. Its a natural crop that can help people feel better and I think there should be some type of reform for Those people... If it helps someone with Glaucoma or Aids, Anorexia etc... when nothing else does those people shouldnt be criminalized for using it. If the medications doctors are prescribing arent providing the releif that a natural plant does then I think they should be able to have it and use it under a doctors supervision.
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