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NYC - everyone's a critic

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All you ever read on nyc posts are:

"this dj was off"

"this club sucked"

"the crowd sucks"

"music selection was bad"

honestly..ONLY in NYC you hear this shit. Eveyrwhere else, people dont look soo deep into everything. They go out and enjoy themselves. But here i feel that 99% of the people are "DJS" and they simply bitch - just so they can sound like they know EVERYTTTHINGGG. does anybody else agree with me? I know overdose does. I've read alot of his posts..and it seems that he is all about going out and having fun. When others bitch he is like WHO CARES IT WAS FUNNNN. I just moved to NYC and the scene here wasnt exactly what i expected. the talent is here.BUT EVERYONE IS A CRITIC.

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not hating, just making an observation. I think that getting TOO opiniated isnt a good thing. After a while it loses its essence. How can a dj go out and play, when the whole crowd is listening to every little note, waiting for him to "fuck up" , just so they can go back to the computer and post every little detail. Its like they talk about EVERYTHING, except the good time they had. its NEVER good enough. But yet, i feel that if the same people that bitched about(for example- armin @ spirit)caught him live in IBIZA playing the SAME set, they would talk about HOW AMAZING IT WASSS.blah blah..just beacuse it went down overseas. I can honestly admit, maybe im wrong and im just looking at the downside of things instead of the upside, but sometimes it definitly feels the way i described it. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

i just realized that im not helping..because im being a hypocrite. I'M BITCHING!..ahhh its rubbing off. hehe so i'm going to turn this post around..


I LOVEDDD ARMIN @ CROBAR. That MADE event kicked serious ass.

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Some people are critical just so they have something intelligent to say-and that sux. But when you have a crowd of people that will give a dj shit for being off-it puts pressure on the club and dj to do an extra special job when they do a set in nyc-this provides for ridiculous scene most night of the week.

Its like the yankees, we feel like losers every time we don't win the series, and that puts pressure on the team & organization to win-more so than any other team. At the end of the day nyc bitching pushes the city into a new relm of excellence and that makes it all worth it. :drunk:

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All you ever read on nyc posts are:

"this dj was off"

"this club sucked"

"the crowd sucks"

"music selection was bad"

honestly..ONLY in NYC you hear this shit. Eveyrwhere else, people dont look soo deep into everything. They go out and enjoy themselves. But here i feel that 99% of the people are "DJS" and they simply bitch - just so they can sound like they know EVERYTTTHINGGG. does anybody else agree with me? I know overdose does. I've read alot of his posts..and it seems that he is all about going out and having fun. When others bitch he is like WHO CARES IT WAS FUNNNN. I just moved to NYC and the scene here wasnt exactly what i expected. the talent is here.BUT EVERYONE IS A CRITIC.

good now tell us how you really feel...

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the reason us New Yorkers seem soo critical is because we are.Dont hate just cuz were very opinionated...... :bounce:

We are critical, but we are also use to better parties. Only in thea last couple of years have politics gotten involved with nightlife

Which has brought a damper on thngs

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the NYC dance/music scene really isn't that great. It used to be all about the drugs and thats what made it seem great, the debauchery. Now it's all about whats the next big club with big name dj blah blah with bottle service.

Weeklies are where it's at, it's the smaller venues playing to true music and dance lovers.

Clubs in NYC, just plainly suck.

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haha great post, couldn't have said it better myself.

people focus too much on the negative side of things instead of going out there and having fun. it's like you don't know what you have until it's gone, say what you want but nyc is still one of the best cities in the country and the world to party in. so the next time you say, oh i wish that club closed down, or that club closed down, be careful what you wish for, it'll affect us all and it won't be good.

rock on people :hat:

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I agree, I see and hear many people complaining about one thing or another in NYC nightlife! But, it is my opinion that this expresses a great dissatisfaction with the current scene! If it were a small portion of complainers, against a vast majority of satisfied people I would dismiss the compaints and criticisms as just a few wretched peeps! But these days the majority says things suck, while its the minority saying its good, and OK!

I believe it has so much more to do with the city itself, than ANYTHING else! Yes the city has allowed clubs to open, unlike the Giaulliani era, where they closed em, but the codes, laws, and enforcement are so much tougher these days! Everywhere we go, we are being watched, told what to do, and when to stop!

No club in NYC is running full throttle, they cant! You have to watch out for noise complaints, smokers cant smoke, narcs are everywhere and make us feel uncomfortable ( even those of US who arent doing drugs, WE get so tired and offended of being asked what we have or do we know who has!! ), too many clubs are just TOO EXPENSIVE, sound systems that HURT your ears rather than allowing one to get swept up in the music, TOO MANY out of town DJ,s not enough NY talent building a weekly event that becomes a ritual gathering of people that turn into a happy CLUB family!

NYC has changed so much in the last ten years, how could anyone expect nightlife to have remained unaffected?

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the NYC dance/music scene really isn't that great. It used to be all about the drugs and thats what made it seem great, the debauchery. Now it's all about whats the next big club with big name dj blah blah with bottle service.

Weeklies are where it's at, it's the smaller venues playing to true music and dance lovers.

Clubs in NYC, just plainly suck.


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Well theres a difference in people who go to parties. To some its a social thing then theres the casual fan then theirs the people who like it alot. And then theres the ones who are passionate about the scene whos lifestyle revolves around the house scene. And sadly the lack of the last one is where the problem lays in.

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All the NYC clubs are not what they were 7 years ago ???? Main reason is like the kid said before the drugs... remember in 1998 everyone was on E in the clubs, People went into the city clubs to do it for the first time cause they did not want people they went to school with or work with know they were doing the drug...I remember going to the tunnle and running into cops and teachers from my home town in nj.....Now 7 years later most people moved on with there lives....Its sad i love the NYC clubs and miss the vibe they once had...Im not saying drugs are good but I would take a club full of E heads over a half empty club full of that new shit there doing now (you know what i mean) :ghey:

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I would say about 90% of the bitching on these boards are from young kids who promote....

Or people who are jaded and no matter what, things will never be like they were at... (Insert: club/years). So there for they can't have a good time anymore bc the club(s) they used to go to were so much better.

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I totally agree...sure there are off nights here and there, but I always have a great time when I go out in NYC (of course the people who bitch all the time would probably figure that's because I'm a "JP crackhead".) I think all of the complainers should be exiled to Philly for a year. After listening to non-stop hip-hop and KTU house, and people in the crowd screaming, "I need music with words!!!" they might appreciate NY a little more.

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