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Screen plays / script writing


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Anyone have any good resources? I think I am going to take a stab at writing a scary movie unlike any other to date and with the umpphh from the old horror movies... anyway - help is appreciated.

Captain, I'm a writer in a stalled writing career. I can't help you with your story because I am having trouble focusing on my own, but these links may be of help to you. There are almost all of the writing and publishing links that I have bookmarked, including info on writing workshops, literary agents, manuscript preparation, and copyright laws. I hope and know that these will help you. Good luck and fulfillment to you.
















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i am not a writer but if i had to... i would look up schools that offer creative writting... nyu maybe a good start...juliard (spelling?)....then go to the course selections...some prof. make online sites for their students with tons of resources.

Anyone have any good resources? I think I am going to take a stab at writing a scary movie unlike any other to date and with the umpphh from the old horror movies... anyway - help is appreciated.
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Slick - thanks for the resources! I'll check 'em out when I get home later.

Crowina - I am not looking at this for a career path. Far stretch from what I really do... auditor for 4 years, fin analyst past two... going for my mba next year. This is more of some interest to take on the side for 2-4 years since 1. I love horror/scary movies, 2. have what I think is a real good idea and 3. am sick of all the crap that has been coming out lately. I would take your suggestion though if I had the time :)

Oh well - this will probably amount to nothing, but it's worth a shot.

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