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Mad Mike Matarazzo undergoes triple-bypass surgery


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WTF man, he was just on the Olympia stage like 2 or 3 years ago.


Bodybuilding great, Mike Matarazzo underwent triple bypass heart surgery on Wednesday, December 8 and is now recovering in his Modesto (Northern California) home.

Mike, 39, was admitted to his local Modesto hospital on Sunday, Dec 5, after suffering from shortness of breath for a couple of weeks. "I thought I had a virus" Mike told me from his hospital bed.

It was much more serious than that: Tests showed two of his arteries were completely blocked and one was 90 per cent blocked. The diagnosis was conjunctive heart failure and triple bypass surgery was scheduled for Wednesday, December 8. Mike came through the three-hour operation with no problems. His surgeon said the procedure went as well as it possibly could.

Mike was in the Intensive Care Unit for two days, and was out of bed and walking 24 hours after the op. On Friday, December 10 he was placed on a normal ward and two days ago (Monday December 13) he went home.

Mike told me, "At the moment I have a ton of stitches and about 50 staples down the front of my chest." He was in very good spirits, but said, "No jokes please, it hurts most when I laugh." (Please note: Mike only laughs at me when I'm trying to be serious). The staples will be taken out in about four weeks and currently Mike is undergoing a rehabilitation program calling for light exercise.

Mike is one of the most popular and likeable pros of the last decade and a half, with a reputation of being a warrior in the gym and on the stage. As he takes on the biggest challenge of his life, I'm sure the whole bodybuilding community wishes him a speedy and full recovery. FLEX magazine and flexonline.com will keep you updated on Mike's progress.

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I don't buy into that story...

Seems like he had some heart trouble from steroid abuse. No way in hell this guy is that young and has that much plaque build up in his arteries after such a healthy lifestyle. 39 years old? Oh how time flies... I feel like it was just yesterday seeing him for the first time in the muscle mags.

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I don't buy into that story...

Seems like he had some heart trouble from steroid abuse. No way in hell this guy is that young and has that much plaque build up in his arteries after such a healthy lifestyle. 39 years old? Oh how time flies... I feel like it was just yesterday seeing him for the first time in the muscle mags.

Healthy life style??? Since when has bodybuilding became a healthly lifestyle. When was the last time you sat down and looked at a bulking diet. Not, to mention the juice (which you already did) and the diuretics.

Professional bodybuilding has gotten entirely out of hand and is probably the absolute worst professional sport in the world, in regards to personal health. I would rate it as high as sumo wrestling.

Like I have mentioned a 1000 x's BB will never be mainstream unless some serious changes are made.


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Healthy life style??? Since when has bodybuilding became a healthly lifestyle. When was the last time you sat down and looked at a bulking diet. Not, to mention the juice (which you already did) and the diuretics.

Professional bodybuilding has gotten entirely out of hand and is probably the absolute worst professional sport in the world, in regards to personal health. I would rate it as high as sumo wrestling.

Like I have mentioned a 1000 x's BB will never be mainstream unless some serious changes are made.


Looked at a bulking diet?... for once in your life must you not try and pick apart everyone's post? Stop being such an ass, which you have been doing such a great job lately. Last time I checked a message board was for chatting. Stop trying to show off the limited knowledge that you have already... it's not impressing many here.

Bulking diets do not mean that they are high in fat. I have seen many bodybuilders' articles what they consume during the "offseason" and they are not at necessarily high on fat... but the large portion is high in calories for sure. Please don't try to sit at your computer and act like they eat fast food everyday in order to bulk up and if so... and as you so fondly claim to question all that post here... POST YOUR CASE STUDY!

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Yes, my knowlegde is limited. Extremely limited. And, I would hope that nobody is even slightly impressed.

As far as your Case study: Mike Matarazzo would be a good initial subject, that way would could objectively speak about the benefits and/or dangers of being a professional body builder.

One other thing. a well known side of AAS is elevated triglicerides and chorlesterol levels in the blood. This on top of any diet, which is extremely high in calories (be it fast food or not) will have and most likely in Mike's case did have a detrimental effect on his health.

And the main reason I jumped on this post so quickly is of your irrational thoughts of a conspiracty theory. They stated his arteries were 90% blocked. What is so hard to believe about that. Years of juice, bulking diet, and a propensity toward this condition final took its toll. Nobody, was hiding anything, they just stated the facts: He had 90% blockage. They did not mention what led to it, nor should they have.

Now, I guess it is left to the great minds of captainpec and nautica to fight it out. And, besides how can a discussion board be exciting without a heated discussion. Don't take everything so personal, b/c I can assure you I don't. If it makes you feel any better, I respect your opinion. It is just very seldom that I find myself agreeing with it.


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Bulking diets do not mean that they are high in fat. I have seen many bodybuilders' articles what they consume during the "offseason" and they are not at necessarily high on fat... but the large portion is high in calories for sure. Please don't try to sit at your computer and act like they eat fast food everyday in order to bulk up and if so... and as you so fondly claim to question all that post here... POST YOUR CASE STUDY!

Yeah but think about it, have you seen most pictures of pros in the off season during their "bulking" phase? They look like completely different people. And most of them pretty much openly admit to eating like pigs during the off season because they don't care. I read that Ronnie would make frequent late night trips to Jack in the Box all the time and that Lee Priest would down boxes of Krispy Kremes in one sitting. Lee Priest and King Kamali for example, could be poster boys for the Michelin Man in the offseason they are so extremely bloated. Then trying to burn 60-70 pounds worth of shit off your body in a 8-12 week period??? You wonder why Lee's face is beet red all the time when he's cutting, maybe because his blood pressure is through the roof from all the shit he's taking to make weight.

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I think to say that its from steroids and dieting is going out on a limb. If thats the case like you where saying that the bb world is as dangerous as you are making it out to be, people would be dropping dead all the time. Thats just not the case. I DO believe that it does have bad effects on some people....but genetics plays a great deal more then the roids or diet. You dont see BB dropping over dead then more than any other sport. If you where to look at sports...football and basketball probably have a higher death rate than BB.

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I think to say that its from steroids and dieting is going out on a limb. If thats the case like you where saying that the bb world is as dangerous as you are making it out to be, people would be dropping dead all the time. Thats just not the case. I DO believe that it does have bad effects on some people....but genetics plays a great deal more then the roids or diet. You dont see BB dropping over dead then more than any other sport. If you where to look at sports...football and basketball probably have a higher death rate than BB.

People are dropping dead left and right. The Mentzer brothers, Don Long, Mohamed Benaziza, Andreas Munzer. (the list does keep going, I just can't think of it right now)

And beyond that, look at all the people that have experienced serious health risks too. Lee Priest had a big scare with his heart 2 years ago. Tom Prince has had to stop because of his liver I believe. Arnold had heart surgery which I'm quite sure was somehow linked to drug use. Flex Wheeler sidelined with colitis which they said was linked to his extreme diet and I'm sure drug use. Milos Sarcev almost killed himself when inadvertenty mainlining some Synthol that caused him to have congestive heart failure.

Shall I keep going?

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I think to say that its from steroids and dieting is going out on a limb. If thats the case like you where saying that the bb world is as dangerous as you are making it out to be, people would be dropping dead all the time. Thats just not the case. I DO believe that it does have bad effects on some people....but genetics plays a great deal more then the roids or diet. You dont see BB dropping over dead then more than any other sport. If you where to look at sports...football and basketball probably have a higher death rate than BB.

If you will take a moment to reread my original post you will see that genetics was factored in. But, the life style does increase the risk as mentioned in the previous post. Here is a quote from my earlier post:

"Years of juice, bulking diet, and a propensity toward this condition final took its toll"

In case it doesnt jump out at you. The "propensity toward" is the genetic factor.


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