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Dry spell


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thats not so bad, i got this murder threats from soneone called kaydup

mystic said it was a lot of immaturity going on here, but some of those messages is really psycotich

I got those too when I first joined, and a few times since. There has been a lot of that fake shit with other people's names signed on reps, but I don't think that Kaydup wrote them. It is childish schoolboy pranks and I think I know who wrote all of them, the ones signed as Kaydup and one or two signed under a different name, but I'm not bothering to concern myself with that crap. You shouldn't let it get to you either.

Mystik Rain got a harsh neg rep singed with my name once, the day after I actually sent her a nice positive one. Everybody gets them at one time or another. Maybe it was eunich who sent me the shitty ones, he/she seems to have an axe to grind. Oh well, fuck 'em if he can't drop his pants and slide on the ice. :flush:

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No sweat. I know your pain. Been there. And isn't this the truth; when you're single, no one wants you. When you're dating someone they line up around the block, lol. Just go out, have fun, don't think about it, and you'll find someone. :beer::comit:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MysticRain again.

I never get tired of reading you. :love:

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mystic is right. When you are chillin with a girl, other girls want you.

I can remember (its posted somewhere here) a few weeks back I was at this club with two latinas as my date. Freakin both of em. Sure enough, another girl sees me and asks the girls point black if she can have a dance with me. (She didnt ask me, she asked them lol). When they said sure, she grabed me and yanked me into the other room (still not asking if I was interested lol).

I gave her 3 ... well, very ... sensual ... dances ... after that she basically offered me the world that night :devil: (which I didnt take).

When you are chillin with a girl, other girls want you. Its as simple as that.

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dont know - just not getting that far into it for some reason.

Hell i have even been stood up more times then i care to discuss but i dont let that burn me

(pats himself on the back)

but there is one thing that some of the women (who end up being in my "friends"click say about me

...they thought i was either gay or bi

(most of the time because of spinning mostly in NY)

other reasons -------> Because i understand them so well

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  • 2 weeks later...

so i came to realize something since this past weekend

the issue that got me to post this was mainly because here it is again

All these wonderful holidays passing through where you spend it romantically or in some similar fashion but as the year comes once again i do not have that option....but what i realized since the weekend is that i have some


a couple asked me out to dinner lastnight for no apparent reason other then they knew id like to go

and to be honest - for the past many many years since i bought this house and moved up here , that has never happened. i was usualy the one to set plans and make my way down to meet everyone an hour+ away.

so lifts the slight depression, and i move forward with a new project

Ahh great, something else to distract me right? hahaha

Tonight i have to create a new commercail for Z100 and Max1063 to air tomorrow morning show (if possable) and on MAX in the evening

If everyone likes it - i will be the goto man for commercial beds and strong produciton work for them both

(Mainly for MAX but z100 plays both their things)

Eric Robinson (aka) Dj Liqid Touch

Welcome to 2005

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