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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

The "Oh Fuck!" Thread

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Oh fuck! I went dancin` th` other night an` mixed it up wi` th` ladies. We were` doin` th` Peg Stomp Boogie, an` I set out in me goal t` land me some hot juicy beaver. But by th` end o` th` night th` only beaver I found was th` damn rodent chewin` on me wooden leg. It wasn`t th' kind o' beaver I was seekin' but it had t' do fer th' moment. So I had sex wi' it. Nay as good as th' kind o' beaver I normally sack up wi', a proud buccanneer will be havin' t' admit that t' ya`s.

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if someone does not turn off their f'n car alarm down this f'n street...i'm taking a bat and turning the f'n thing off myself!!!

(for the past four or five hours... boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum!)

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if someone does not turn off their f'n car alarm down this f'n street...i'm taking a bat and turning the f'n thing off myself!!!

(for the past four or five hours... boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum! boouum!)

That sucks big time. Swing away, Crow.

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What in the fucking fuck is this fucking thread fucking about anyfuckingway?

What it's the fuck about, I'll fucking tell you, is about shit we deal with every day that make us go oh fuck. It was meant to be a vent thread where someone could say, Oh fuck, my car broke down today and it's going to cost more than I have, or oh fuck, I had a bad day today because my boss cut my hours, or oh fuck, why did I have to explain this to anybody at all? This whole board needs to be on better drugs.

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I met this fucking girl today that I haven't fucking seen in the longest fucking time so we do the "oh it's been a long fucking time since I fucking saw you last fucking hug." this fucking girl is fucking wearing that fucking patchouli shit and now my fucking shoulder fucking smells like a fucking free lovin' hippie!! FUCK!!

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You need to post on the rant section of this site I frequent at cherrybomb.com, they have crazy post about people ranting about everything fronm mot cumming to lousy blow-jobs. You should check it out.

You should fucking stop fucking trying to fucking jack this thread fucker!! ANd fucking keep your fucked up post to yourself.

Back on fucking topic fuckers!!

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