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Squirt anyone?


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"oh baby"...oh wait your not a baby..."little boy"... you wouldn’t know the first thing to do to me. i couldn’t teach you, cause i know you would'nt know how to handle me. few people do.

yeah right :rolleyes: that's certainly not what it seemed like last night with all the hair pulling and screaming and moaning...i still have those scratch marks on my back thanks to your long nails :mad: and damn my head still hurts you pulled my hair so hard when you came!! btw, did you ever manage to get all that cum out of your sheets???

i don't understand why you wanna abnegate our passionate encounters on this board...are you afraid some of the other CP bitches will find out and steal me from you? don't worry sweetie...you know that my cock has your name written on it, at least till this coming wednesday...after that it's back to linabina of course

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that seems like a silly question...

girls are not "supposed" to ejaculate; it's not an everyday thing. most people (including me, for a very long time) don't know anything about it, and scientists and the medical community are still unsure about it. a former gynecologist told me i was losing control of my bladder, and i believed her, and the thought of me peeing during sex scared the shit out of me; it's a good thing i learned all about the subject (and more about my body) and found that she had no idea what she was talking about.

anyway, i've been very fortunate to never do it while with a guy; only while masturbating. i'd be incredibly embarrassed if it did ever happen when i was with a guy - partly because most people are uneducated and whoever it is would probably think i was peeing on him, and partly because it's messy and terribly unsexy :( .

Ok.... um... so you would rather oppress your own physical "gifts", so that others won't think of you badly?? :rolleyes:

Look, I think you need to continue your research on the subject. As well, you need to work more on informing others so they may "accept you", if that's what you really want, as opposed to conforming so that you're not "embarrassed" or "singled out".

Can it be shocking to the uninformed, especially at such an intimate moment? Yes. I've been there. And with a girl that was borderline the same thinking as you. But, after the initial surprise, I was the one encouraging her to "let go" and enjoy it... let the river run, as it were. And since then, she has become less self-conscious about it, and is enjoying sex the way she SHOULD be enjoying it... WITHOUT abandon!

As you said you've learned, you're NOT peeing. And TRUST ME ON THIS... I've gulped down much of my former lover's cum, and it CERTAINLY ain't pee. So put to rest that worry. As far as your lovers go? Yes, it can and will need some pre-explaining. But you know what? There's NOTHING wrong with that. As a matter of fact, you should already be having SOME sort of sexy/personal talk before you're actually fucking, anyway. And if you ask me, if a girl said to me that she cums like a river, I'd be more eager than ever to finally get in her pants and BE the dam operator. Seriously... what's hotter to a guy than imagining a girl cumming?? Especially a girl who is one of the "elite" few that DO cum like this?

Yes... I said "elite" few. That's where you are again confused. When you say, "girls are not "supposed" to ejaculate; it's not an everyday thing."... this shows how much you are viewing life from the wrong side. Is it your goal to be Mrs. Vanilla? Miss Boring? Ms. Blend-in-with-the-rest-of-the-mannequins?? I would certainly hope not. But even if you're not Mrs. Outgoing/Look-at-me/etc, you should realize that there ARE a small percentage of women who can do this, and MOST of those women cherish that fact. I mean, there are books written on the subject, documentaries filmed on it, hell there's a whole genre of porn devoted to it! Why? Because MOST people (those who are not ignorant about it), enjoy seeing it, feeling it, and experiencing it. I dare say that the majority of women out there would kill for the ability... and here you are trying to push it so far down inside you, mentally AND physically, that you're basically trying to kill off a part of you. Trying to deaden a perfectly GREAT aspect of who you are.

So, yes... you may find some that are "virgins" to female ejaculation, and they will need to be educated on the subject. I mean, you certainly shouldn't keep it a secret and then WHAM!, gush all over his face or chest or whatever. Putting someone in that position will do as much harm to them as it will to your relationship... which, in turn, will fuck up your whole personal view of who and what you are. (Frankly, it's quite obvious that you are already at THIS point.)

Bottom line is that you should be embracing this... not oppressing that side of who you are. There is NOTHING more unhealthy than doing that. As I said... go out and do more research. Start looking for the positives instead of only the negatives. Find the beauty in this, as opposed to thinking you're some kind of circus freak. Hell... I'd even be more than happy to pass along any questions you may have to my roommate (she's the one I spoke of earlier). I'm sure she'd be more than happy to give advice, encouragement, info, etc. She's already to the point of wearing cute baby T's now and then that will have sayings or product slogans that refer to the ability to gush. If people are doing THAT... how can you possibly think that its something "wrong" with you?


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i would'nt be able to fit my name on that... i don't even think those guys that can write on a grain of rice could fit my name on that...

on mine it has a tatoo of the word "ant"

but when im in the mood it says

Giant Wharehouse Carpet sale

Corner of fourty-fifth and bleeker

next to the old midas building

must have redeemable coupon in hand

at point of entry or all transaction

will be invalid

then again - i am just half black so...............hahahaahahh

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Ok.... um... so you would rather oppress your own physical "gifts", so that others won't think of you badly?? :rolleyes:

Look, I think you need to continue your research on the subject. As well, you need to work more on informing others so they may "accept you", if that's what you really want, as opposed to conforming so that you're not "embarrassed" or "singled out".

Can it be shocking to the uninformed, especially at such an intimate moment? Yes. I've been there. And with a girl that was borderline the same thinking as you. But, after the initial surprise, I was the one encouraging her to "let go" and enjoy it... let the river run, as it were. And since then, she has become less self-conscious about it, and is enjoying sex the way she SHOULD be enjoying it... WITHOUT abandon!

As you said you've learned, you're NOT peeing. And TRUST ME ON THIS... I've gulped down much of my former lover's cum, and it CERTAINLY ain't pee. So put to rest that worry. As far as your lovers go? Yes, it can and will need some pre-explaining. But you know what? There's NOTHING wrong with that. As a matter of fact, you should already be having SOME sort of sexy/personal talk before you're actually fucking, anyway. And if you ask me, if a girl said to me that she cums like a river, I'd be more eager than ever to finally get in her pants and BE the dam operator. Seriously... what's hotter to a guy than imagining a girl cumming?? Especially a girl who is one of the "elite" few that DO cum like this?

Yes... I said "elite" few. That's where you are again confused. When you say, "girls are not "supposed" to ejaculate; it's not an everyday thing."... this shows how much you are viewing life from the wrong side. Is it your goal to be Mrs. Vanilla? Miss Boring? Ms. Blend-in-with-the-rest-of-the-mannequins?? I would certainly hope not. But even if you're not Mrs. Outgoing/Look-at-me/etc, you should realize that there ARE a small percentage of women who can do this, and MOST of those women cherish that fact. I mean, there are books written on the subject, documentaries filmed on it, hell there's a whole genre of porn devoted to it! Why? Because MOST people (those who are not ignorant about it), enjoy seeing it, feeling it, and experiencing it. I dare say that the majority of women out there would kill for the ability... and here you are trying to push it so far down inside you, mentally AND physically, that you're basically trying to kill off a part of you. Trying to deaden a perfectly GREAT aspect of who you are.

So, yes... you may find some that are "virgins" to female ejaculation, and they will need to be educated on the subject. I mean, you certainly shouldn't keep it a secret and then WHAM!, gush all over his face or chest or whatever. Putting someone in that position will do as much harm to them as it will to your relationship... which, in turn, will fuck up your whole personal view of who and what you are. (Frankly, it's quite obvious that you are already at THIS point.)

Bottom line is that you should be embracing this... not oppressing that side of who you are. There is NOTHING more unhealthy than doing that. As I said... go out and do more research. Start looking for the positives instead of only the negatives. Find the beauty in this, as opposed to thinking you're some kind of circus freak. Hell... I'd even be more than happy to pass along any questions you may have to my roommate (she's the one I spoke of earlier). I'm sure she'd be more than happy to give advice, encouragement, info, etc. She's already to the point of wearing cute baby T's now and then that will have sayings or product slogans that refer to the ability to gush. If people are doing THAT... how can you possibly think that its something "wrong" with you?


you certainly have quite a lot to say for someone who has no authority to speak on the subject. you are not a woman, you have not done this. you cannot possibly understand.

as i said, i'm not sure how i have come to master NOT ejaculating; i have just been what i still call fortunate to not do it anymore. i, by no means, devoted all my time to learning how to "hold back." believe me, i am plenty uninhibited. and even if i were into more laid-back sex (which i'm not), that wouldn't mean that i wasn't enjoying it.

that brings up another point, though, that i think is rather important: you are entirely forgetting that there is a great deal of "diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks" in the world of sex. my best friend is into really mellow sex; he does it to slow music in a more tender sort of fashion. i prefer it in a harder, more animal way. there is nothing wrong with EITHER way, and nothing wrong with us having our preferences. if you don't like to do things that i do or vice versa, that's fine. you're not me. if you don't approve of the things i do, that's fine. you don't have to do them.

your feeling that more men than not would love this is something with which i highly disagree. the fact that a lot of people on this board think it's hot also proves nothing. as you should know, the cp sex forum isn't full of "everyday people ;) ." saying that there is a genre of porn dedicated to it doesn't prove that it's hot; there's also a lot of midget porn and scatological (dealing with shit) porn, and i highly doubt you enjoy either.

my problem was not just that i was embarrassed about this; i did not enjoy the feeling. it did not make me feel "free," it did not make me feel "uninhibited, special, unique," it did not make my orgasms better, and it did not make my sexual experiences better on the whole. if it did, perhaps i would be dedicated to making my lovers accept/learn about/like it. but, seeing as i found it an unpleasant experience, i found no reason to rejoice in it if i had a choice.

don't have the GALL to feel sorry for me :nono: . i am much happier now.

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you certainly have quite a lot to say for someone who has no authority to speak on the subject. you are not a woman, you have not done this. you cannot possibly understand.

Whether I'm a woman or not, the fact that I have dealt with this first-hand, NUMEROUS times, means I have experience with it... albeit from the male side of things. So... "no authority"?? I "cannot possibly understand"?? Get over yourself. I also have spent several hours in conversation with my ex on the subject... and was trying to convey any and all info I got from her on how she felt about it. I was merely sharing my experiences in an attempt to give you more info, and help you feel better about your situation, no matter which direction you choose to follow. Excuse the fuck outta me for trying to offer help or advice to someone.

if you don't like to do things that i do or vice versa, that's fine. you're not me. if you don't approve of the things i do, that's fine. you don't have to do them.

Again... get over yourself. No one was chastising you. I don't even know where you got such a negative version of what I wrote. I was trying to be helpful. But don't worry... THAT'll never happen again. :rolleyes:

your feeling that more men than not would love this is something with which i highly disagree. the fact that a lot of people on this board think it's hot also proves nothing. as you should know, the cp sex forum isn't full of "everyday people

Yeah... 'cause THAT'S what I was basing my opinion on. The "CP consensus". DOUBLE :rolleyes:

don't have the GALL to feel sorry for me :nono: . i am much happier now.

You know what? Fuck you. "Have the GALL..."?????? Pffftt! I guess I never noticed it before... but this whole response by you gives me the impression that you very well may be the most stuck up cunt I've ever "met". And "feel sorry for you"???? I could give two shits whether you stumble drunk in front of an oncoming subway train. Even if you just got nailed in the subway bathroom and it was the excess ejaculate that you slipped on. At least THEN we could pinpoint something "bad" about squirting.

Wtf, man.... why do I waste my time.



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dgtlfnk i can understand her emotion and take on what you said because as i read it, i think it was just all in your delivery.

Im just saying that sometimes even when we do know alot about something effecting someone else, sometimes its just better to say nothing and observe ya know?

weyes if you want to smack him in the wrists... i have a yard stick you can use lol

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dgtlfnk i can understand her emotion and take on what you said because as i read it, i think it was just all in your delivery.

Im just saying that sometimes even when we do know alot about something effecting someone else, sometimes its just better to say nothing and observe ya know?

weyes if you want to smack him in the wrists... i have a yard stick you can use lol

Um... I guess so. I re-read it and, I mean, it wasn't all puppies and flowers... but in no way was I berating her or slamming her in any way. Matter of fact, there were offers of finding more info, hooking her up with my ex for discussion, and also pointing to the positives, etc. I DID think it was pretty stupid for her to say, "girls are not "supposed" to ejaculate". She knows nothing more than anyone else in this world as to whether girls should or shouldn't ejaculate. Stating her opinions as fact is what probably gets me pissed most. That and the fact that her post makes it seem as if she changes every little thing about her and her life out of fear of what others think. I hate that about people. And I guess I was just trying to lend a helping hand. I guess I forgot to take off my scissorhands glove when I extended it.

My bad.

Btw... yes I'm calm again. :shades:

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dgtlfunk...dude don't worry about weyes...i know she comes across as really stuck up on the boards, but i've met her and she's really a nice person...but yeah she comes across as pretty stuck up on here lol

i wouldn't say stuck up, i'd say she is a strong female who is not afraid to express her opinion

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It's cool. I don't have a beef with her...................... anymore. ;) I've even apologized to her personally.

But, michelle... nothing wrong with a strong woman. Nothing wrong with an outspoken woman. Hell, there's even nothing wrong with a woman that likes to talk some shit or whatever. But when I lend a helping hand, whether man or woman, I'm not gonna react too kindly to having my hand bitten off.

Hope people see the difference.

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Whether I'm a woman or not, the fact that I have dealt with this first-hand, NUMEROUS times, means I have experience with it... albeit from the male side of things. So... "no authority"?? I "cannot possibly understand"?? Get over yourself. I also have spent several hours in conversation with my ex on the subject... and was trying to convey any and all info I got from her on how she felt about it. I was merely sharing my experiences in an attempt to give you more info, and help you feel better about your situation, no matter which direction you choose to follow. Excuse the fuck outta me for trying to offer help or advice to someone.

Again... get over yourself. No one was chastising you. I don't even know where you got such a negative version of what I wrote. I was trying to be helpful. But don't worry... THAT'll never happen again. :rolleyes:

Yeah... 'cause THAT'S what I was basing my opinion on. The "CP consensus". DOUBLE :rolleyes:

You know what? Fuck you. "Have the GALL..."?????? Pffftt! I guess I never noticed it before... but this whole response by you gives me the impression that you very well may be the most stuck up cunt I've ever "met". And "feel sorry for you"???? I could give two shits whether you stumble drunk in front of an oncoming subway train. Even if you just got nailed in the subway bathroom and it was the excess ejaculate that you slipped on. At least THEN we could pinpoint something "bad" about squirting.

Wtf, man.... why do I waste my time.



have a nice day :) .
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